— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №12340
Nosr: Today is a weekend in the country – which means I walk from the TV to the computer all day. Not knowing peace.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №12339
And then come down with gentle kisses a little lower... a little more open it and gently kiss your beautiful chest from above... and then another...
222 and then the third.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №12338

34593 (saved 2008-11-05 at 19:44)
The Author
Interestingly, am I the only person in the world who has a third flaw? O_o"

Boy, you are not alone! We are many!

At least three already.)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №12337
Mystically :
Will you be able to live for a million dollars without sex, cigarettes and alcohol?
by Galka:
A million could.
by Galka:
I have been smoking and fucking all my life.
Mystically :

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №12336
The best place to prepare for the seminar is the metro.
Those who live further know more. For example the Lomonosov.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №12335
<killa> I hope everyone guesses why Sobchak does not smoke?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №12334
1st :
What is the name of an animal that pretends to be dead?
2nd :
and Lenin?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №12333
I stand in a row in the supermarket, look at the shelves and here I see a brilliant inscription on the billboard under the box of candy "vinny puh". We have one, the box is actually metal. But there is an inscription on it, on a large price note literally "Vinnie Pooh, the Blue Witch!" After such a statement even the sellers were roaring.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №12332
by citation
30039 (saved 2008-10-20 at 18:50)
Well...? Who else buries hamsters once a year without knowing that they fall asleep?

Domestic hamsters fall asleep only when the air temperature is below 4 degrees Celsius. Do you keep them by the window? What would not ruin? This is not a bad cryocamera. But be careful, their sleepiness can become eternal, they may not disappear from you in the spring.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №12331
Anesthesiologist is the person who can kill you before the surgeon.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №12330
They went like that with a girl on the bar, there was a lot of all kinds of hernia, they lay down on what, and there was a woman sitting in her chamber on a chair as she was so important and she traded fur products: collars, mantles, manches, etc. And her pride was a collar on a coat in the shape of a drop of nork fur on a separate trimpel in the shape of a drop.

approaches my girlfriend for a long time he considers meets him in his hands, says to me, "Try what soft" and turns to the saleswoman, who has already felt a good earnings and a big smile in all her golden mouth, declares to her loudly as follows:
"Why do you need to go to the bathroom?"

I'm not just laughing at fur products, fucking I'm proud of my girlfriend!! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №12329
Why is the pot empty on the bed?
Vivan755: the alarm
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! to
Vivan755: My Nokia killed doesn’t ring, it just vibrates, so I put it in the pot...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №12328
To the quote:

What grass did Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy cut before writing the next passage?

The telegram was from my wife. Her signature with a blue pencil, "Anna", came first into his eyes.
Peter, stop the car. I’m going to St. Petersburg,” he said to the lace."

Two points are drawn to attention here. First, it is unclear where the signature of the blue pencil on the _telegram_ came from. Second, the character asking to stop the car sits in the hotel room."

I explain to the fools:
1) The telegrams are called so because they were transmitted by telegraph, using the Morse alphabet. The device issued either a long strip with points-tyre to be deciphered, or, if it was a writing telegraph (in 1839 such appeared) - a twist recorded in blue color. Seismographs still paint in blue, you can see.
2) "Stop the car" is the order of the lackey to run out on the street and catch the pitcher.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №12327
Local Forum
Theme "friendship between a boy and a girl"

One of the answers...
“Smart words... scarcely intelligent people can read the last line at once.
I read somewhere in a clever chapter that male friendship originated in the old-fashioned times when our ancestors chased mammoths with spies.
The meaning of her was in the mutual benefit, support and trust of the men of the tribe unrelated to each other by relative ties. Without this, the hunt could not have been successful, accordingly, the entire collective tribe would not have survived... well and so on in the same spirit.
In our time, men do not chase mammoths with spies, but the principles laid down then are still alive.
The relationship between man and woman is based on other principles... the creation of a family, the continuation of the family...
A man cannot have with a girl the same relationship as with another man.
And if such a friendship exists, then it will eventually cease to exist or flow into a friendly relationship... which only proves the rule and does not refute it.

If you are friends with someone of the opposite sex (just friends) then this person has someone to fuck with without you.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №12326
Two days before the end of the call. I sit in the universe, I came to recover. In front of the cabinet in which the dean distributes diplomas stand two sergeants of the militia (for recruits they came to the army to take).
There is no one in the audience.
The mints get upset and start to go away, but they notice me:
How old are you, why not in the army?
I am a soldier (I served in the army)
A.A. What are you doing here?
I do, I will study.
You’ve been in the army, have you been in the army?? to

These people are protecting me.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №12325
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR What to do? I have to read 30 pages of documentation, I can’t concentrate because all thoughts are just obscene and corrupt.
What do you do in such cases?
D©t®: nothing )) to divide the thought process is necessary )) half-globe is 2!
Superalenka: What do you think, am I now thinking with my brain?
D©t® :D

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №12324
czc: today washed with wet wipes
G: And what then?
Czzz: Dad asked where I got the money on the notepad...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №12323
In the woods, there is a loc - the lower city.
I sit at night, my eyes cling, I run there and here the name goes out on the entire screen: Nizhny Novgorod
I think Russified.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №12322
The clouds are dissatisfied with the life of the cloud. c) Taraskian

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №12321
Nigeria in 2007. We, two Russian African scientists, are going to

United Nations Mission in Lagos, the country’s largest metropolis.

Before leaving the highway, a taxi driver begins to attach the belt.

At the time, this was rare in Russia.

I wonder why he does it. The answer is very Soviet.

"and otherwise the hoisters will be fined". We ask – "and what, here is

The police" The taxi driver replies – "Yes, they are at the crossroads".

At the crossroads stands a beautiful woman in an orange vest. We before

People in orange vests on local roads.

construction workers, now we look – we see, and indeed

It is written "Police". Daria photographs, we go on.

We drive 20 meters.

Suddenly, I hear a loud knock on the car. We are surrounded

A crowd of local haishnikovs, they crawl into the car with bits and scream something.

The front door (where Darya sits) with a threshold opens, in it

The glowing face of a beautiful haishnita, which stunned.

crying out: "Give back the camera!!!!!!!!!!". Thanks to God, Daria

He sticks into it with both hands and does not give up. A healthy hoodie.

He sits on the back seat to the right of me, the other to the left.

The main claim is why they photographed without asking for permission.

And now, they say, pay a fine. 12 thousand nairs. The amount is colossal.

Before yesterday, our colleagues bought off in close situation from local people.

copniks (without form, just from the spana) for 1000 najr. We begin

I would say, yes, of course, we will pay, but in the Russian Embassy and

After drawing up the protocol in full.

I start calling the phone of a familiar employee of the embassy. The Horsemen:

"Yes okay, let go, why these difficulties – as much as you want

Do you pay?"

We pretend that 1000 nairs may be enough for the hoppers, but

The price of haishnikovs is probably higher; therefore we offer 2000 nairs. Daria is

It also requires that the haishnica be photographed with her, because we

We are already friends. The hoisters do not break for a long time, then they agree. We pay

We get out of the car, we go to the side to take a picture.

Suddenly a man comes from behind and begins.

with a silent cry to tear off her orange vest from the haishnica.

Some more men run, between them and the haishniks begins.

The fight. We rushed back in a taxi – there was no taxi driver – he

He stayed and watched the fight with interest. They run away from all sides.

crowd of people. Darya says, not if the trial will start over us now

Lincha and shouldn't take the first hit the other taxi and hang it?

Where the eyes look.

There is a taxi driver. We tell him to leave here as much as possible.

rather than. We go. Do not follow us. Daria asks what it is.

The men attacked the Haishnikovs. He says – "the soldiers". He adds that those

They saw that the haishniks were taking money from us and like they decided for us.

Enter and get the money back. We do not believe our ears. I ask

with different words. But the taxi driver persistently gives answers with this.

of meaning.

This is the fight against corruption in Africa.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna