— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11338
[20:40:58] <amelia> advice what to play?? to
[20:41:27] <FlatX007> by herself
[20:41:39] <amelia> and
[20:42:55] <FlatX007> in chess
[20:45:24] <FlatX007> chess is the most dangerous sport in the world.... the motto that you can fall asleep and scratch the eye.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №11337
and x:
Shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up!!!! to

and :

and x:
It was all... a spell.

and x:
All your hair will fall out of your ass.

and :
I almost said "and fuck with them"

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №11336
HGH extends life!
Say thank you...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №11335
Audience of the basha grows) Instead of quotes about the matan are quotes about balls in the basket and ter-ver)) the people of ud4enko so moved to the second course=)))

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №11334
I heard the story from an ambulance worker.
So, the call to the ambulance, the measured man orets "AAAAAAAAA, help me die"
They come, see a picture... a one-room apartment, empty, in the middle sits an absolutely naked man and he (Oh God) has the organ of fertilization nailed to the floor. Well, and accordingly oret a good mat.. well the guys ran for the rodent, and the gl. The doctor asks what happened.
The man’s answer...yes, life is shit, nothing pleases him, he wanted to kill himself with the help of a fire (the newspapers would be useful).
Gl. The doctor is astonishing... well, it’s clear, and why did you get that nailed penis?? to
A man...that is not to run away and not to extinguish yourself in the bathroom.
Gl. by Br. So why did you call us??? Would you burn yourself, what’s the problem?? to
The man forgot the spikes in the kitchen.
This is the loser.)

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11333
She is:
Yesterday I read a quote on the basement:

Go down to the car, open the door, find a towel and hug him – he’s your dad.
YYY: What is it?
XXX: Sorry I didn’t hold up.
Xxx: Sori Sori
YYY: Where is it?
What about Dad and the towel?
XX: Go and embrace, all in power

I didn’t understand a word...I wanted to ask you at home, but I forgot. I asked in a dream. I dreamed that I asked) answered me and I even laughed that I was so stupid and did not catch up immediately. I woke up in the morning with the feeling that I knew what the quotation was about... and now I forgot...
and :-(

It is O_O

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №11332
She: fuck you fuck me forever. Once again, no sex.
He: Yes...
She: If I misunderstand your compasses, it doesn’t mean I’m a fool!!!! to
He: Of course not...
She: and you should appreciate a girl like me... I’m good, smart, kind... and you don’t appreciate that.
Fuck it again?
She: What?? to
Turn off the caps.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11331
The book "enlargement of the size of the male penis" in the section "horrors and mystics"... O_o

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №11330
Tell me to shoot warm and loving

VikA (23:53:54 15/10/2008)
The Rabbit

shman2000 (23:54:25 15/10/2008)

VikA (23:54:49 15/10/2008)
Herd of rabbits

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №11329
>>>Do I not bother you to study there? So my conscience is getting sick.)
<<<I’m burning a little... :-) The paddle follows me straight...
>>> show him with all your back contempt for him
>>> and the right key
>>> disconfidently curl the spine
<<< *JOKINGLY* well downright so :-)
<<< She doesn’t like me.
>>> and then smile so that the hole on the pop appears

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №11328
The case was at the military. Since I was fucking on the trip with classmates, and I had to give the assignment, I was called separately.
Well, there’s a crowd of dudes like me, and they’re waiting for the turn.
to go to the office and get the case, for further passing doctors.
Vanity, the people of darkness, each of the entering murmur 15 minutes.
In short, a complete shit. And here in the depth of the corridor on the side of the central entrance, a lady with a wheelchair appears.
The grave silence hangs, and I start all, break up in front of the wheelchair.
The woman persistently advances to the office, where the affairs are handed out.
And having reached the goal, he enters there with the words, I literally for a moment, while the door, leaving open, enters. And there is the following dialogue between the employee of the military committee
(B) and the woman (D)

D: Here is the agenda we came...
Q: Who are we?
B: Me and my son.
Q: Where is my son?
Here he is in the wheelchair.
A: You are what? Are you embarrassed?
D: No shit, I’m serious, here’s the agenda.
What you, fools, did not know.
How old is my son and how old is he?
The child in the family is your problem.

He leaves the office with words.
D: The law must be observed, if you are called, go!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11327
Boppos [4 letters]: A living organism with the characteristics of both plants and animals?
and the mushroom.
You are a young man, kakhomizli! The correct answer is "black"
+abyrvalg_second) and which mushrooms are the signs of an animal?
(+abyrvalg_second) can he escape from the robber?
He cries on the mushroom.
(+veresk) they mock esi pudiko scratch

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №11326
Do you want an elixir of immortality?
I have a recipe!
I don’t want to))
Then the secret recipe will die with me.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №11325
DiniK: Preamble - in our inst the department moves from one building to another. Consequently, not all audiences are completed to the end. Well, in one of these auditories we should have a couple, and more than a month the teacher can not spend it, because of the absence of chairs in the auditorium (old parties with cooked chairs were, etc. You can’t get out of neighboring audiences.
DiniK: Ambulance: we ask "we will have a seminar today?" said, "the chairs were taken to that audience?"
DiniK: The response of the preacher killed...
DiniK: "No, fucking, there are no chairs, but some mudag [other paddock] put a motorcycle there".
DiniK: We think it’s a joke, in the break they went there – really, it’s a mole, right in the audience, it’s something, it stinks of gasoline.
DiniK: the most fucking that the department on the fourth floor =)
CTpemak: You have tough teachings :))))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №11324
My nephew was born yesterday. The parents said they would call the child when they saw him. After weighing, the father promptly sentenced to life sentence. On the pen of the child hangs a paper with the name and weight of the newborn "Rodion 3850".

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №11323
My younger brother (8 years old) is in second grade. A German teacher recently called her mother here and said, "Your son ignores me in class, does not answer questions and does not respond when I call him. Well, what’s the matter, he does homework, he knows all the words...In short, after a while, the teacher calls back and says – You know, I’ve just understood why the boy does this...even at the beginning of the year at the first lesson, he approached me and said “German is the language of the fascists, I won’t teach him!”
I am a patriot 😉

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11322
The question is simple: why do monsters try to kill a player in the games?
They protect themselves from him. He walks with Basuki and washes everyone.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №11321
We were at the zoo today.
Arrived at the monkey. Cage with a small family of monkeys. Mom, Dad, and numerous offspring.
Dac is here. Daddy, a male mother, accidentally hit the female on the head with a lap when jumping. But she spit on him, she showed him her teeth, and said "what is the offigel?""... And he took, bended her with cancer, and... forced her to fulfill her marital duty...
We just cried. After all, the monkeys also have goats - first they fuck on their buttocks, and then they will hit out with cancer! >:( (c) military_jane

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №11320
XXX(23:18:17 10/10/2008)
A friend told her, her brother, when he was small walked and walked.

XXX(23:20:11 10/10/2008)
I want to be a whore, I want to be a whore. No one could understand what it was. Then the little girl said, “Look, Uncle Seeza is drunk, he will come down to me, and he will take me with him, and he will take me with him.”

YYY(23:20:28 10/10/2008)
and lol:

YYY(23:20:41 10/10/2008)
The Fuck

XXX(23:20:53 10/10/2008)
He asked for the shrimp.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №11319
At work, they decided to give the guy a frame with his own photographs, but here all the photos remained on the deceased servaque.
The call in the network chat smiled:
Who has Egor in photos
anywhere and anytime.
Acceptable all points of view and positions... urgently

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna