— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №13144
What are you afraid of, dear uncles, before the wedding?

Division of property and alimony. Plus, the girl is a caviar, and the wife traditionally disconnects the appearance control function and enables the pylorama mode and the money spending control function. and ;)

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13143
The President of Ukraine:
Mr the President,
In ancient Rome, the prosecutor was removed from his skin and made a chair, and the next prosecutor, sitting on that chair, knew that if he stole, the next chair would be from him. Please answer how many chairs and armor will come out with you and all of the Verkhovna Rada, Judges.? to

The Romans were wise. :)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13142
Comrade who cries out loudly about car owners who do not allow pedestrians, etc.
In our big country there are still places, besides Moscow, where your mosque will break out of surprise, namely in the Tyumen region. Once there in the guests, I approached the bustling road in the city and by habit began to wait for me to slip through to the other side. The cars stood up, on both sides. Three days before I got used to it.
P.S Tyumen is in Siberia, very decent from Novogireevo to the side of the area.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №13141
I came from the army.
I can’t do it anymore, but when I read these two missed years...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13140
Andrew Astha: Fuck my back
I guess you are a girl...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №13139
I lived a week as a normal person, not as an antisocial person. I got up until 12, did business, had fun communicating with friends, cooked, painted, cleaned up, laughed a lot.
How do you live in such stress?

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13138
and Foma:
This girl is very strange!
But her strange behavior tells you she wants you!! to

and also - for the sake of achieving her goals, she is quite deceptive, blackening little-known people before their friends.

Little friend :
She wants family and children, and if she plays it, she may give it to the ass.)))

and Foma:
How did you get what you want a family?? to

Little friend :
I got a little into her soul.)

I’m going to get in my ass too, my friend 😉

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №13137
X: Citizen, do you say, are you for the Red, Orange or Blue?
Y: And I’m a Batenka, I’m a daltonic. As for me, it’s all a gray shit!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №13136
There is no politics in Bashe, they arranged, they blatant, the Maidan!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13135
Swedish (19:20:04 17/12/2008)
here here?

Barsik (19:20:23 17/12/2008)
No is

Swedish (19:20:38 17/12/2008)
This shit was so crazy! A call to the home phone, I raise the phone yes, and I am in response to an eaten body, call back I have little money! Puppy LOL

Barsik (19:20:57 17/12/2008)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №13134
<111> He-he... The Apocalypse is over.
<111> The manager of the dining room came to me.
<111> and asks:
<111> - Are you a computer scientist?
<111> I am: - Yes
<111> - Listen, we have a microwave barrel...
<111> O_O

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №13133
I love the morning meetings :)
The hardly pronounced name of the secretary of the customer Gulfyrus at the meeting was first muted into Suholoz, and eventually into Huiprasyshi.

"Likewise, Mrs. Huiprasys should send a letter..."

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13132
Tanka, for 3 quotes on the top of the abyss promised to give! See also.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №13131
Status: I ride on a chair.
Yyy: Hi, can you ask... and ride on a chair is fun?
Wow, you don’t know how...
yyy : and I'm not funny... down the battery knocks... or do you have wheels?))

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №13130
Recently I went to a movie with a blonde, then got married to her, stayed for the night. You know... now I’m absolutely fooled by how stupid they are.

and twizt.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13129
A smile on the window of the kiosk: "Closed. Closed – not to knock!and "

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №13128
The ass comes to us.
The ass comes to us.
The ass comes to us.
Session soon...
Students are not sleeping! The fear of departure is always real.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №13127
Dilma: Children do not need a phone, but a subcutaneous chip
Gen : Ugo
Gen: with a charger on 220...
by Dilma : )
Gen : did not return at 9 home, pressed the button and came to pick up the body...

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №13126
Xxx: guys, help with the advice. I am afraid that any girl will offer me to sleep with her and I will not get up :(

zzz: I also have a problem, I am afraid that a boy will offer me to sleep and I will get up!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13125
About the Infostor.
Stone after article

And we are looking for ways to protect in the first place children and young people from low-profile pornographic products.

Give quality porn to children and young people!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna