— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №11178
My friend is studying at the “United Belarusian University of Transport” (in real). I like their abbreviation.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №11177
Overall, the chat knocked me and I decided to review all the parts of the betmen... by salp... well I jumped out of the net, I sit, I remember my youth. And I live in the most windy area of the city, so that behind the fortress niipazzo wind, I have the fortress closed, next to the battery....I sit....look.... at the very end of the part "Batman forever" a strong wind blow up the fortress....a dead fly falls on my key....and from the columns with a heroic voice to be communicated with "YA BATMAN!!!and "
the view was finally lost 8'(

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №11176
Conversation of two hairy metals:
<Johnny Rotten> good luck to you I describe the situation
<Johnny Rotten> watch
<Johnny Rotten> Let’s say we haven’t seen you for 100 years
<Johnny Rotten> well, at the meeting they hugged strongly
<Johnny Rotten> goes past grandmother "lesbian scuco"
<Johnny Rotten> and we are turning around with you
<Johnny Rotten> we make wild faces
<Johnny Rotten> and we say "no, grandmother, we are piddars"
<Hetfield> ^_^

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11175
You kiss me all the time, you don’t want to talk to me.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11174
Bleak: and to us the prede of the day said "prepare for independent, prepare... take a shower there, for example..."
Bleak: Something I don't like this O_o

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №11173
The fourth course. The guy before the stream presents a presentation, the topic of "oil processing. Suddenly in the story goes through "The first oil drilling was invented by US scientists in the 15th century".
I ask, what kind of scientists?
The American guy.
I look at the lecturer, I expect him to lick in his mouth, and he says to me: Girl, stop interrupting the speaker with insignificant questions! Ivan continues...

The audience filled with excellent scholars also did not lead the ear. Are you still convinced that humanitarian scientists are more stupid than technicians?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №11172
by GumaNoiD? (16:49:34 10/10/2008)
Encourage me )

Mongol (16:51:15 10/10/2008)
Friday is

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №11171
Beloved went to drink beer "for a clock", well, and, of course, well delayed.I can't call, on the balance minus.Not long thinking sent a sms from his second simki (the phone he has with two, the second is almost not using, pulled today, at the end of the day forgot to put).So when he came home he was able to transmit his facial expression about_O when he from his same phone" came a sms"Topal would you go home, shy, and then again without sex you will stay";

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11170
xxx: no, you imagine, there is a process of aggregation and here she, fucking, water, fucking drinks gathered, so little gathered, she drank... well you have a girl and she at this time like nothing happened, opens a bottle of water and drinks... well, how are your feelings?? to
zzz: broke me from your stories :)))
xxx: you broke up, and I felt like a slicer's machine - all in sweat, worked all day, and the slicer with the body, the dryer dusts, and here, loosely, without breaking off from production, decided to moisturize the throat.
zzz: * ROFL*

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11169
<xxx> Here are the students
<yyy>No-No-No-No-No-No, Weierstrass, No-No-No!
<xxx>Today I will show you a special, STREET MATAN. Do you want to see a bit of Matan? Here are you, what are you doing?
<yyy>I find the limit! Understood? I find the limit!! to
<xxx> Are you sure you find the limit? Are you sure there is nothing else?
<yyy>Yes, I am sure... I am the people!!!! We understand that too!! Demon, where did you reach the limit? This is my Moscow!! to

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №11168
Information is divided into truthful and publicly available.

by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №11167
Military plant Roslyakov, Murmansk region. Solid territory, factory

Repair of warships and submarines. Protecting

The territory of the factory and, accordingly, the CPP is carried by WOHRA. Horses with big

by Stage. The plant has existed since 1935, and the staff of the security service carries

continuously by generations. The first generation served in the

protection of zecks in the areas that were then great in the Murmansk region

Many, and after the war they were moved to Karelia, and the staff remained,

Therefore, the characters in the guard are the others!

I am standing near the CPC, smoking, waiting for a friend from the boat to go to the boat together.

and Murmansk. I watch the picture: a young lieutenant scratches at the CPP in the parade

Clothes and a large suitcase. The situation is clear - the first vacation

The young officer. In the Navy laws are such - got a vacation ticket in the teeth

Run away from the ship and do not turn around until the airport.

have changed! There were instances when they were taken from an airplane.

Unplanned exit to the sea. Or start a debt.

He suddenly remembers. This is why the commander wants to get out faster.

The area of the factory together with the suitcase - quite understandable!

Not there was. On the CPC on the watch the legendary personality - Baba Zoya!

She is famous for her special vigilance on catching out drunk officers.

Return to part in the evening. No bribes are taken and unattainable.

As a rock! He hates officers pathologically. Maybe I cheated a bitch.

In my youth, the rest are suffering.

The lieutenant runs into the station, puts a suitcase, wipes the sweat from his face and

He presents papers to Baba Zoe. A few meters behind the helicopter.

Passing by, he sees an exit to the big world, where the birds cheer fun, a bunch of

Girls in light dresses and long-awaited freedom for 30 days!

Baba Zoya carefully, reading every letter, studies the certificate

the identity of the lieutenant, five times verifies the photo on the certificate of

The red and sweaty face of the owner. Carefully study the holidays

The ticket. All the stamps are available, it seems like there is nothing to do. Lieutenant

ready for the first swallow of freedom - and here the cloud!

Where is the baggage transfer? I forgot! Within 3 hours the plane arrives.

At least an hour and a half to the airport. Here we have to go back to the ship.

- 2 kilometers on the territory of the factory, catch the starpom on the territory,

which can be anywhere, either on the ship or in any of the workshops or

the plant management, to drag the starter in the cabin, so that he can write out a pass to

the damned suitcase, flee from the ship a kilometre to the plant management

put a stamp on the passage of a light-minded secretary’s girl who

You can go anywhere!

And where is the guarantee that the starmaster has not changed his mood and he did not think,

that the young lieutenant on vacation in the summer to release this bowl, which

There is nothing good to do except undermine discipline.

All these thoughts reflected on the lieutenant’s head when he sat down with bitterness.

on a cursed suitcase, pulled out of the CPP and delivered to the passengers

The gate. He looked at the free world behind the gates with such an anguish that even

The stone would shake tears. Stone, but not grandmother Zoya, who is from this scene

I got genuine pleasure.

But the evil grandmother did not take into account what the longing for freedom can do to a man!

The gateway is opened to release the MAZ that leaves the territory.

The factory! The lieutenant's head is illuminated by a thought, he grabs his suitcase and

Three huge leaps that a world champion would not be able to repeat

triple jump, he finds himself at the foot of the MASA, the driver of which is allegedly

It does not see and adding speed passes the CPC.

Grandma flies out on the street, stretching a huge cobra hanging on her stomach,

pulled out of there the same enormous nagan, which probably wore her

Grandfather, grabs him in two hands and begins to heal cowboyly.

The Lieutenant!

When he smiles, he feels free. Something shattered him.

Turn around to see for the last time what they have left behind!

And he sees a grandmother who is seriously prepared to shoot him.

The Cure!

And the final picture! In front of MAZA, running at huge speed

A lieutenant with a huge suitcase, and at the factory gate, spit out of the corner of his mouth.

Chinarik "Belomora", knocks himself on the knees of a grandmother with a nagan and cries at him.

The entire street:

"He has gone, shit, he has gone!and "

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №11166
The next president personally checked how the Moscow metro works

In the hour of pic. The trains were half empty. Conscious passengers were all

are satisfied. Only those who were unconscious at that time were dissatisfied.

They were not allowed in the subway.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №11165
In the winter, in the ice, an American woman walked the street and saw an accident. She rushed home to call the police. She slipped and broke her leg. He sued the driver who committed the accident. I won the case!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №11164

1: Only the four ATMs, only the fifth got money. Babel is nowhere.
2: This is how the panic arises unmistakably and unmistakably
3 No panic! We will all die! Follow the order :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №11163
Site of Dating
Alexis yesterday at 21:51
What an eye! You look so playful! I am fascinated! You are beautiful! and :)
Kashmir yesterday at 23:52
Here I have this approach / can only cause a smile / I advise you, friend / remove a verse from the newsletter
Alexis today at 12:07
'friends' dogs are called :) men with such a name does not happen.
Kashmir today at 12:12
And there is no sense of rhythm at all. - Idiot of you poet
Alexis today at 12:26
I am a great dancer! I like to play well! What kind of wind do you believe in? What are you expecting? What do you hope?
Kashmir today at 12:29
I am a vicious girl / and I live as I want / I smoke, I love pizza, / and I tremble on girls
Alexis today at 15:36
Are you wicked? There is no dispute :)
Walk around a white light...You won’t find such a light.
I am not worse either.
I don’t want to drink, so I’m kidding on girls.
You and I, lesbians, would not have gotten drunk.
Kashmir today at 16:09
Well what do you want, Lecha? / I won't drink with you / I don't think you're good / I don't believe in Nihua!In front of the monic you tremble, / with your right hand, / may you and the guru in the whirlpool, / and in the real you are - resting *PARDON *
Alexis today at 16:16
What is stupid? I don’t take the risk of getting close...
I’m like you don’t need to... take off and let go.
Kashmir today at 16:24
Let me go, peace be with you!
Be happy without me.
I will dream at night.
And screaming that you are a shit.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №11162
and alive.
You have 5 backs.
Max is
$ $ $ $ $ $ $

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №11161
I am talking to Russian translators.

Included anime with subtitles in the hope of seeing normal...
For a few minutes the screen was only one phrase "speak Japanese ;)"... I was in Ahuya..

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №11160
Night from Saturday to Sunday. Half the third. The neighbors decided to sing in karaoke.
Peli-peli, all the neighbors, of course, listened to it (and where are you going?!). During the entrance to the next hit, a drunk male voice told the microphone: "This song is dedicated to all our neighbors, who are still not sleeping for some reason."

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №11159
Artuom: Help Build Casper
Start - Control Panel - Install and Remove Programs - Remove

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna