— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №16223
We talked about the man at work here, he worked with us before. The old man was already old, there was no memory, but he loved to read terribly. When he goes to work a book about the Indians, he reads... that the thread will be turned away, the thread will go away, the men will turn his pages 10 back. He comes and continues to read... so long he was mocked until he began to complain. grit "that for a book such, I have been reading for a week, and these Indians will all jump and jump"))))

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16222
My friend works in a small office. They do not have their own seedlings. And every time the buffs have something flying on a compass, on the advice of this acquaintance, they call me, for each challenge they plow 300r. Problems with inertia in buffs occur about once every 2-3 days.
Here and today pulled back all the wires and lost thinking whether it is worth or not to take a cleaner in the share...

[ + -6 - ] Comment quote №16221
To hunt for luck, you need to get a license from fate.
by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16220
We gathered with friends to shuffle out of town. A young man was hanged on his neck.
8 year old brother. Summer, warm, this nest took the water with it
The gun began to smash everyone in the car. We take half of the pain.
The toy. God why did we do this??? The next half hour was like this.
The hysteria... horror, it ended when the patrol stopped us.
The Gaia car. So, the picture is a girl (I), 6 guys thunder and crying
The police officer asks:
Whose child?
by Oleg:
My brother
M: Why are you crying?
Isaiah (the younger brother) cried:
They have a gun.
My hands were raised above my head, the guys were placed on the ground.
When the police learned what gun it was about, they laughed a long time.
The boy sat quietly all the rest of the way, believe me 😉

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №16219
May 1st is a holiday for those who still have work.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №16218
Lot at auction:
Cat, new, almost no b/u
Status rating: Excellent
Duration: from six months to one year
Description of Lot:
The cat is rough, rough. There are 4 legs (reserve is not provided by the design), tail and ears. The color of the body is wet asphalt, tuned under the tiger with black stripes. Volume capacity, type of fuel - everyday. Toughened Toughened Toughened Toughened. In excellent condition, the life of only one year, the distance is small - prefer to lie down rather than walk. Call - Maximus, responds to Tushchenko, Hey you and fuck!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16217
To tell you something?
I bought a glossy laptop. Guess what to tell me?
Wipes are there.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16216
<666>: The Woman! If I had a gun, I would have hit you!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №16215
Were you in space today?
Tagged4: was
What was in the lab?
Tagged with: o! So unusual. The lab has never been so interesting as it is today.
Lena: And what exactly?
Vadim4: The entire men’s contingent stood around a cup of petri and trembled into it.
Is that what excited you so much?
Vadim4: We just thought, and suddenly Lena will ask what was at the lab today, and we will not even have anything to tell.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16214
8th Anniversary Celebration...
YYY, what is it?
Shortly after 4 o’clock in the morning, the cards decided to play, naturally to the desire. well all sat.I splashed. shorter desire, these dogs in general cool came up... I had to go out of the house in my boots and pyjamas with a bowl in which a soluble coffee is poured, and ask the passers for a bowl.Pepe, I was caught up too!!! to
YYY who?Who are these good people? 😉
XXX. also decided to play on wishes.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16213
I sit with a friend in class. The immense size of the puppet explains that one, bending with cancer in the neighboring row, ticks a friend’s back almost in the face.
We sit up. Then she turns her head and begins: “Don’t you be ashamed of talking under my nose?” Friend:"Huyase NOS"
Učilko, because of his deafness, did not hear this phrase and again spit his "nos" in his face. Here everything should have ended if it wasn’t the phrase from the neighboring party:" A sting is sneezing";
I’m not going to write stupid phrases like “the lesson was broken” or “everything fell under the table” but it rusted for a long time.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №16212
The hardest thing is to give the truth a commodity.
by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №16211
The office fucking.
I just had to print one page. I send a TXT file.
I go to the press, then go to the next room, where the printer stands – strange.
Nothing is printed. Printer in normal condition, paper
Yes, but the result is zero. I send it again, I look at the task manager
Printing: All of the stuff. But not even printed.
I tried from Word: the result is the same.
Somewhere on the 7-8th sheet the reason was found: the air conditioner was turned on
too much, and for the time that it took me to get out of my
room to the printer, he successfully pushed another sheet into a distant corner
Under the table...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №16210
Buy a ticket at the train station:
Do you have a ticket to Urupinsk?
There is.
Is there a side shelf at the top of the toilet?
There is!? to
- And in front of me camp Roma tickets bought, can you take them in the car?
Maybe, but there’s still Dembele.
Let’s go, that is it!
He bought, comes home, his wife runs out of the kitchen and asks:
Did you buy my mother’s ticket?
You won’t believe, the last wreck.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №16209
The place of action is the zoo. The department of aquariums...I review "sales" fish.. beauty... Close to nirvana. Suddenly I find a species of fish that my good acquaintance has been looking for for a long time. I press the buttons of my mobile phone. Conversation from me:
Hi to you! I am in the aquarium. There are snowmills. Did you want them? Who is you? And how much? There are black ones here, let’s find out later. I’ll buy it now and you’ll get it tonight.
have agreed. They said goodbye. He comes in tonight:
– Irka, you can imagine, I talked to you, and then I see – my colleagues from the heck have already slipped under the tables. I am to them: what’s the matter? And they can’t even say a word.They just whisper – they can’t laugh anymore...Then, when they calmed down, they quoted a part of the conversation that they heard unilaterally:
Hi to you! It is great! I want! I want very much! I have long wanted!! I have girls! A couple! Give me three. Only the whites. How much money? It suits! I am running to you at 6 p.m.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16208
If you shoot yourself in the back of the head, will you be able to see the brains flying out from the front of your head?
It is...
I will try! Then I sign up!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №16207
Cultural people always use Gondons. The Durex Law.
Gondons always use cultural people. The law of life...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №16206
In short –

1) all the people who died from the "Mexican flu" were sick with something else? In addition to the flu itself (heart, oncology) or were from slums with severe malnutrition, that is, it is only dangerous for very weakened organisms.

2) to Moscow brought our tourist from Mexico with "ununderstood" (whether he or not is not yet clear). They jump around it, but especially for now there is no tension.

3) in Mexico and other Latin American countries and before, the people died of the flu in commodity quantities (thousands of victims for the epidemic). Of the flu usually do not die - weakened people die from complications of the flu.

The commercial background of the scandal should also not be forgotten - poultry producers, sellers of cotton-gaze bandages, huge orders for antiviral drugs.

5) and the last - in the order of advertising - Arbidol - does help. It is a good immunomodulator.

The virus dies at +65 in 5 minutes of treatment.

— — —
Please do your best so that the people do not panic in vain!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №16205
From the Poetry Forum:
Love date with Akhmatova always ends with a longing: no matter how you embrace this lady, the board will remain a board.
c) by Bunin
YYY:this is what it means "not gave" :)))

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №16204
Did you also want Fedor’s uncle’s dad to choose a cat, not his mom?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna