— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №6073
I caught myself on the thought that I principally do not read BOR at home, or there will be nothing to do at work tomorrow!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №6072
1st The fucking. The name was proposed by the reader of the blog, to designate any conditionally edible goods in a small package. Type of Kirieches, BeerKi or Russian Potatoes.

2nd by Pidorini. Pidordini is a collective image for all brands used by metrosexualists. Since the guy's costume may be Brijuni, and something more Dolce and Gabbana, and he will suck Baldessarini, it is easier to say "everything from Pidordin".

Three and Fuflomycin. Another title suggested by the reader. Fuflomycin is a generic drug with a long-known chemical formula that is promoted under its own brand and therefore costs several times more, although the chemical formula is identical.

4 is and Uebonics. Weboniks or Webonika are trademarks of Russian-Chinese origin, which invented a Western genealogy. Somehow "German"Bork, "Austrian"Vitek or "British"Scarlett.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №6071
We live in a time when anecdotes about the Armenian radio were replaced with anecdotes about the support service.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №6070
What a crap you are!
I am not greedy, I am greedy.
What is the difference?
The expensive pays twice, and the greedy does not pay at all.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №6069
Commenting on the decision of the UN Observation Mission in Georgia, Rogozin said: “I understand the UN experts who have really found themselves in a difficult situation. They perfectly understand that little can fly in the Georgian sky, because everything that is there has long been without petroleum. Who else is there to fly, if not a Russian aircraft, especially given our capabilities in the supply of hydrocarbons? I think the likelihood that the MiG-29 or any other aircraft of a similar brand would be involved in destroying a peaceful, defenseless, touching Georgian flying camera is lower than the likelihood that a Martian ship would be involved. The probability of this is higher than the conclusions of the UN Commission. I think we should blame the Martian for what happened. Most likely, they are to blame for everything", - concluded Dmitry Rogozin.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №6068
I teach English in the universe. The article "About me" by one of the students:
andquot;Hello My name is Kolya. I like eating. I have a cat. It like eating too. Eating people is fun."

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №6067
A man in Omaha had to sacrifice half of his pine for peace with his neighbor

Chilean salmon saved from volcano eruption

Chinese man cries with milk and blows balls with ears

Police and thieves broke into the same house.

American Red Cross to exchange blood for free gasoline

Roman Abramovich gathered the most duplicates on the "Odklassniki"

The crew of the ISS managed to fix the breakdown of the only toilet on the station

World boxing champion took off his trousers before the fight is really more funny than basha!!! to
I understood all admin basha now apruvat news on the tape
And there left the cleaning grandma manya)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №6066
It’s time to use a two-core drum.

A two-core drum is a drum.

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №6065
Do you have many such acquaintances?
NaZg: 2 to 3
Alehey – 1? to

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №6064
My brother sent:

I stand and smoke. The Caucasians are talking.
We went to Cabbage Weather today.
- Nate, I will sit at home, the feast.
What is a celebration today?
The Border Guard!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №6063
I’m now working with my Nokia 3310. Yesterday we drank beer in the bar, well, as is commonly accepted, all the phones are laid on the table.
My girlfriend gives:
Such an acoustic phone can only be a support for normal mobile phones!
With these words, she brings her Alcatel to Nokia.
After a while, Nokia gets a call. From the vibration Alcatel begins to rotate, but does not fall from Nokia.
I am :
- On the fuck my Nokia your Alcatel turns!

[ + -10 - ] Comment quote №6062
My favorite finished... barely resting, said: "Bad, not wrong!"

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №6061
bishop(00:11:22 29/05/2008)
If he kisses badly, what will you say?
ri_itka(00:11:28 29/05/2008)
We did not find a common language with him.

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №6060
I am looking for a woman with a separate water heater for 21 days.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №6059
Murzik: And I also burn with the desire to come to Japan!!!! I’m just a fancy of japs and everything that’s related to them 😉
Lex@nder: Aaa... Anime, Saké, Khachapuri....

[ + 1 - ] Comment quote №6058
I talk to a girl...
1: I have something happened with the encoding in the browser.
2 in the meaning?
In the meaning, instead of symbols, any abracadabra is derived.
In other words, this is not called coding, but coding.
1: What is the difference? How are they different?
You are an accountant. The code is needed now. I’m out, I just don’t think of coding anymore.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №6057
K@tenko: sweet, are you still at work?
NGod: Oh, and I will not be released until aftermorrow
k@tenko : :-/
K@tenko: I will invite you to the night, boring
NGod: get used to the sun, coworking is a calling
Q: What kind of shit do I do??? Wait for an hour

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №6056
The Princess:
In short..I re-printed the course... well that is there with all the amendments, the type of page number, etc. and when it is printed I take it in my hands and I understand that the sheets are all black.
Well, I’m so shorter, I lay under the table... I get the cartridge... and cat... that’s where the shit just came.
In short...I open the cartridge...there’s paint as a fan...but it’s in the form of I’m just blackened...the whole room...the whole room!! I have all my mouth, my nails, my legs, my hair, I’ve been sitting on the floor for a long time, I didn’t even know where to start, because every single move I made gave rise to more and more black... I gave rise to absolute darkness!Imagine a picture... I am sitting on the floor all in ink, so dull and only one word in complete silence -...

[ + 7 - ] Comment quote №6055
To us in the research institute 2 trainees arranged... No, well, I understand everything, but sitting behind one comp to write anecdotes in the notebook and then tell them to each other - this is the finish.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №6054
Advertising in the universe on the sort "The toilet is not correct. Working - in the southern wing" And at the bottom of the mark is written "compass at the watch";

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna