Mother told me that in the Netherlands for tourists have restored windmills, and something there they still do, directly on the spot mill and sell. some kind of spice. She does not remember exactly.
xxx - I know the phrase - a spell that makes everyone who speaks English stupid.
XXX - How long do you?
Intellectual game, the leader asks the question:
How does music mean "silent, very quiet"?
The Participant :
Shut up fucking!
and xet:
It’s fun to see the doctors’ imported jeeps standing at the entrance.
City Military Medical Commission O.o.
On the subject of processors.
Letter to the Support Service:
I read that the processor can be disconnected, and it will
to rotate faster.
I opened the body of the computer, and I saw that the processor was
A small motorcycle. After I increased the tension
power engine, it rotated faster, but productivity
The processor has not changed. What did I wrong?
Response from Support Service:
Dear Customer! The rotating moment of the uninstalled processor
The electric motor is not transmitted directly to it, but through
Hydrotransformers are centrifugal regulators. Mechanisms therefore
The processor works at a constant speed, regardless of frequency.
rotating of the electric motor.
She smiles very much when you hear from her in communication with her mother: “Your mother!”
And even more smiles when you hear "Sukin you are a son!", and you are so hated "Chey?"
How did Crater find an apartment?
Or we are worried.
<Termo> Selling bass guitar, VB pers, PC pedal steering wheel, urgently!!! to
<grayhex> Termo, got a girl?)
asche (15:45:28 14/04/2008)
Do you have animals?
Tang (15:45:34 14/04/2008)
asche (15:46:21 14/04/2008)
Do not want to start?
Tang (15:46:31 14/04/2008)
Do you want to move to O_O?
She is:
How long do you work?
He is:
Before Blowing
XXX is AAAA!! My brain is broken! Today for the interview came a candidate for the admin - clean shaved, costume, pants, coat!!! The clean shoes!! to
Could it be informal?
XHH: In the interview - no complaints, the tech director decided to take.
Yyy: You show it for money, good luck to your business. Where do you work, by the way, I will go in the days, how much does the entrance cost?
All night in the car of the neighbor's signal whispered. he went out to smoke to sleep as he could not. A smoker smoking neighbor comes out of the window throwing the keys down and says: "Hey, you have already gotten this car!and "
I almost swallowed a cigarette.
XXX is
Oh, O
I cut off.
XXX is
I thank you ? ?
(c) ···••=k®u$†y=••·······=p!d@®$_†bl=•···
[FATAL1TY]: The PCC Americans are stupid...
[FATAL1TY]: I am standing on the Vorobye Mountains, there are tourists, students of Shatauczo... And next to me is a group of students with a backyard, and a bunch of amricos.
[FATAL1TY]: I’m not paying any attention until one Americos touches the main building of the MGU and says, “Oh, what a big church!”
[FATAL1TY]: The mine was bent halfway, the students fell lower. And the wisest of them will teach: Holy Father, cancel the morning sermon!
[FATAL1TY]: Come home to add...
Organizm (09:23:11 14/04/2008)
Everything is shorter on Monday.
Moandor (09:23:21 14/04/2008)
What is yours today? The Wednesday?
Organizm (09:23:33 14/04/2008)
What is it??? Fuck it!! Go to work!!! to
Alpha: the mouse so funny dragging in the tone of music
Packman: Why did you connect the animal to the amplifier?
I met yesterday a classmate with her husband, not seen for a hundred years, and her stomach for seven months. "Who is it?" I am so happy to ask. And she, humbly touching her eyes, sneezes at her husband: "He..."
Am I wondering, is there any girlfriends with Bishop?? to
Hands should be from the shoulders, not from the ass.
You should have girls, not hands.
xxx ‎(22:09):
"Casper and is a virus"
yyy ‎(22:10):
He only leads a double life.
yyy ‎(22:11):
In fact, it does not remove viruses, but gives them political asylum.)