— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2474
The xxx:
Hi, do you speak English?
and kroll:
There is a little...
The xxx:
In English please!
and kroll:
Oh, sorry... so lu4she?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №2473
What did my mom give?
Egg - Egg
Oh my dad, don’t you relax? 😉

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №2472
The Children’s Clinic. A woman comes with a 5-year-old boy. The boy is capricious, she sits, trying to entertain him. Laid out toys on the bench (a whistle, a jump on a thread and a balloon)
He asks him:
Can I take a whistle?
No is
And the ball?
is not
And the ball?
- No, I won't play with him afterwards if you take him in the mouth.
The woman sits smiling, says, here is what kind of hygienic boy I have.
The boy asks:
Mom, did you get into the roof?
I hear a disturbed woman’s voice:
I did not take...
I don’t eat, Brahma.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2471
xxx:>> Senja was the hottest day

xxx:>> 4.5 hours of sex....

xxx:>> then meeting with old friends...

xxx:>> and big plush mouse as a gift from a guy)

yyy:<< Did you try to put Linux on? could not! There are familiar losers! I put Linus! And the guy said - our linux, if you tortured viruses on the screw, keep - panda antivirus!

yyy:<< So it was all, right?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №2470
There was only one question from the user who eventually bought before the promotion.

Why do you raise the price?

I thought and looked away from the monitor. A dry sheet and the dollar exchange rate fell out of the window. The first drops of rain fell. The white man, running past, stopped and looked at me. In her black eyes, I saw the oil pipeline, the mortgage crisis, seventy percent of voters, and the ozone hole. Her eyes looked at me with all the wisdom of the universe. I realized that at that moment I couldn’t lie.

David, I said, we just want more money.

c) Lifestyle business

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2469
Advertising at the bottom of the screen on TNT: "Unbelievable! They predicted the outcome of the presidential election!! The battle of the senses in 5 minutes."

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2468
How do you explain that I saw you on the street with some bald mudlan?? to
WOW: Young man, Elena is currently in the shower and can’t answer. And this bald mudlan is her venerable father Sergey Vasilyevich, I mean, I understand her young man Alexey speaking to me now.
Yippidy yi yi yippity yay..................................

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №2467
I recently went home from the club in the morning (at 4 a.m.). The streets are empty terrible silent hill some. I thought I took on an empty glass bottle, so if you could get rid of the hooligans. On the way home, he went to a 24-hour store for a mineral, left an empty bottle at the entrance, so as not to look like an idiot. I go out of the store - the bottle is gone, and there is no soul on the street. Ninjago is no different.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №2466
We will survive - we will see, we will survive - we will know, we will survive - we will count!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2465
Krasnoyarsk becomes a cultural city, now on the posters of Boris Moiseev write "gay"

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №2464
I go culturally from the store home, I see the wedding cat breaks through the whole yard. Like one cat and a dozen porn cats with clear intentions.
The cat runs to the car that stands under the window and from it straight f fortochka-swarno is behind it with packs. From the hut wild babsky scream "Kudanahuy all at once?!!"... "Don’t miss out here!and "
Spring of 2008 has begun.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2463
The Black Bible. The girls impose a spell on the man and he is given to the one who ordered it. Then these girls call the demon, he rapes their chief priestess, she is almost swallowed with sperm and gets to the hospital, the ritual collapses. After a few days, they try to repeat it, bringing a human sacrifice. But the victim responds to dying, the massacre begins and no one survives. Except for the victim who makes a treaty with the devil. He enters her and she begins to catch the school of virgins, raping them with a penis that grows right out of her clitoris.

<b>Rad Schuhart<b>
These are the Japanese, these are the Japanese.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2462
I suppose you are constantly drunk in the most abusive places!! to
But how did you get drunk in the screenshots and even connect the whole camera!!! to

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №2461
XXX: Finally Understand Who Are the Gopes
GOPs are aggressive NPCs of level 1 who attack everything they see. They can decide to ride into an animated crowd of 20 people with castets and katanas with a sweet smile walking around the city in search of expats and golds.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2460
Watching with his wife and little daughter cartoon "Ricky-Tiki-Tavi", his wife asks:
"Is it a mustang, more precisely a Samsung, or how is it there?"

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2459
We have a server for 25 users - raised fairy-tale ride 5 level, 4 gigs of memory, the rest of the filling is good, but it is a prelude.
We shout when we set up the inet or do a chat - we open the Bacha page as a test, the deck called the boss and said to write out another of the same servercheck.

Uncles and aunts, fasting at BASH, first of all, thank you very much for the quotes about the difficult life of odminofs, and secondly, about the chicks, post a bit more, right? We still need 48 port catalysts.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2458
The administrators of the basha foolishly the popularity of the site at any cost the further the more idiotism on the site, the time to create an analogue of the basha in the old style and old traditions.
Who agrees with the pluss

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №2457
Learn to forget what you don’t need to free your memory.

the necessary.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №2456
of the Заполярье. by Gadji. See also 12265. If it is simple, it is built.

Ordinary building, whose gray barracks are made of silicate brick

They were placed on a roof above the base of the APL. Additionally, it must be said that

The company subordinated to me was not quite an ordinary builder. She was

The mountain pass. Soldiers are usually selected from

Mining and mining villages. Therefore, the group had either

one "walk" to the zone or "minor", or a conditional period. The other guys.

But it is, by the word.

And today our company was waiting for a new supplement. As usual, first

He was afflicted with the murder, because he was promised that with a new replenishment in the company.

The artist comes. Neither more nor less. Oh how! I hope no one needs.

Explain what Lenin's room is and how much there should be.

Posters and Benefits?

... And here he is... The artist... the regular car from the mining town of Gorlovka...

Hooliganism with a sentence of one year.

For the sake of justice, it must be noted that he actually painted.

The workshop. Any black and white photo in his hands in 3-4 hours

It was transformed into a color portrait on the A3 sheet. But most importantly, the main

It was not that. The car was, among other things,

“The Ring!” This is now the fashion profession "Tattoo artist", and

It was just the ring.

The company was covered by the madness of the highly artistic tattoo. The car is not

He simply carved out with the needles the emblems of the troops and the DMB, he could easily

Tattoos all paintings. The car had a special machine.

Made of electric shave. Those who want to go to Dumbart

The memorable tattoo stretched for many days. The soldier fantasy.

It disappeared quickly. Finnish knives and roses, wrapped with cloth wire and

Cobra gets tired quickly. DMB 1987-1989, XF with polar light

Almost every soldier was stunned. The crowd was deeply depressed.

Suddenly the head of one of the sergeants enlightened, he took a decisive step.

He went to the car and whispered heavily to his ear:

“Sasha, can you cut out an elephant for me? In the member? So that

When the end stands up, would it seem like the elephant hobbits up?

The car thought for sight, but in a couple of minutes for 3 portions of the morning

Butter oil agreed. A week later, Sergeant Gabashvili

I boasted a new. The elephant raised his hood in the morning.

A new wave of madness. The elephant was followed by a series.

nostrils, but the peak of the soldier's smart was the order for a portrait

Neanderthal, compressing a powerful oak in his hairy legs. the caretime

There was no time to sleep.

Most of all suffered the company's komsorg, the globe euphrator. On the one hand,

Komsomol’s conscience did not allow him to take advantage of ideology.

It is a harmful hobby, and on the other hand, “hunting is harder than hunting.” The penalty

He breathed and headed to the car:

and Sanya. Give me something too. Well, this is that. The Neanderthal with a dude.

of LADY?

No question, tonight. In the home. You are selfish or selfish.

The happy Globa asked the deputy police officer for dismissal and ran to

a navy pig farm, which is next to the GSS, since pigs were regularly chased

There is selfie.

In the evening, pulling 150 for courage, shaving an improvised "holst",

The penalty collapsed in front of the car. Self-driving car riding machine,

quickly rolled Globe on the stomach pre-prepared truffle, accepted

100 grams on the chest, and I took the job. The fine was happy. All about

It all went 2 hours. A bandage with novocaine was applied, the body was wrapped.

After 5 days, in the washing machine in front of the mirror, with the accumulation of experts,

Desiring to see another masterpiece, Globa began to dilute cautiously


On him, from the mirror, crushing his eyebrows, in a buddy with a gray star,

Compressing the gun with his left hand, he looked at the Red Army and was terrible.

He asked, “Are you a volunteer? “” Nail on the index finger

was absent...

...Globa shrugged his eyes and complained, with a sparkle stuck...

Rambler (

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №2455
Every woman considers herself irreplaceable and believes that she could easily

Replace any other.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna