— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2434
For those who listen to the player there is no such node that could not be disconcerted!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №2433
Pique Nique
I bought a generator!! to
Pique Nique
petrol, compact, small (with kitchen TV, 20 kg), 700watt, quiet, Honda engine
Pique Nique
5500 total, one year of guarantee
Pique Nique
Purchased under the influence of an instant impulse. All the money available.
Pique Nique
Eat only half a liter per hour at full load.
Why is he to you?
Pique Nique
Fuck him knows.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2432
Sakurada Nori: Today, in practice, the children of black classes burned up.
In the picture with teenagers, they had to differentiate girls (blondes in topics) from a guy (well, a guy like a guy...)
To distinguish... The reasoning was brilliant:
Well, girls in such topics... A boy would never dress like that. There is a Tokio Hotel.
And how can I, after that, be asked, calmly conduct the lesson?! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2431
Scary Guy :
People, to what state should I roast the grills?

by MoP$:
Until they ask for mercy.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2430
Atreides: I helped our admin put the net today
St1ll :?? to
St1ll: You’re like in Linux or a bubble.
Atreides: What a nice Linux, we bought an office table tennis set.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №2429
^ Archangel^ (10:39:10 9/03/2008)
I stood there drinking tea, burning in the window. And there all morning some sink lays, here a guy runs out of the neighboring entrance and shouts "Stop, fool!!It pins this seam, it flies on a beautiful bow and knocks out the window of some apartment, itself, falls there. I barely drowned with tea, but that's not all, in a few minutes from this apartment comes a scream "Museo, you've been found!" I live in a foolish city...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №2428
I bought a fireplace, and it was written in the instructions.
"Keep away from children and other flammable objects"
The Satanic lighthouse.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №2427
I left the money in the refrigerator, give it to my grandmother.
2 What?
What a coke, our own!
2) We have two of them.
Fuck it, Nina.
Do you fuck your brains for a long time? We have both grandmothers of Nina!! to
It is fucking. 😉

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2426
by Fushech
I got instructions from a Chinese car TV and realized that I didn’t understand anything about technology. Orphography of the Chinese.
"You can not dismantle the TV, the high voltage inside is dangerous.." "Remove the antenna from the thick end after use" "Connect the unwritten sound cable to the red and white sound node" "Put the metal support piece, which is in the western body of the TV" mother it also with the compass to install

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2425
From a school composition based on the story of Gogol "Shinel"(Orthography preserved)
In one department there lived an official, he was called Abkaki Abkakovich, his family name was Bashmakov, he was small, splashy, blind, marshy and with baldness in all lithos.
Abkaki worked as a towel counselor.All the year, Bashmakov wore boots and only changed pads once a year.Abkaki was very unattractive and none of the officials wanted to honor him.Someone didn't know where this tiny bureaucrat came to the office.Everything was spoofed on him.The first worker sucked a paper under his nose and Abkaki began to rewrite it.Bashmakov was very labor-intensive and loved his business.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2424
The most harmful shit on earth is the thinkers. Ordinary writers

They tend people to sleep, and these to insomnia.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2423
Recalled the story of the service button from 07.03.

Colleagues from Dnipropetrovsk told eight years ago.

They performed an urgent order: the cowboy left somewhere for a month, decided

Instruct an emergency alarm. They put, set, gave up, like everything else.

By the way, only calls the day after three maidens: save, several times in the day.

day calls the police, checks the object on alarm, when checking all

is normal. I went out, checked all the sensors, everything was okay, but a day later

The same call again.

Accidentally, one of the employees hears a sound behind a closed door.

Breaking the glass. Further studies showed that in the house lived

A healthy cacao. When the installers set up the system, they

used a tester to adjust glass destruction sensors. The bird sound

He liked it and began to repeat it regularly. The way out was found in

Cover the bird with a black cap.

The story continues: After six months we visited this employer,

I asked how the bird lived. All right, only new.

play: you cover the bird, and it begins to mimic the sound of the play.

The guard.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2422
All dogs on the planet know exactly that hell exists. According to their claims,

It is divided into the northern and southern parts and is located... in Korea.


[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2421
He told his wife a joke about the fact that the grandmothers who do not sauce live less than 20 years.
The answer killed me: Do you want my death, shit?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №2420
[19:09:57] <SpliN_> People what can I give to my mom on March 8? Just as if the type of work was done by yourself?
[19:10:17] <elanc> SpliN_: granddaughter/daughter.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2419
An IRC friend wrote:

She: Oh you
She is disgusting
He is :?
Wedding soon?
She is: Yes?
She: to change me well?
He: How do you know?
She: You
See also: Casel
I cancelled the wedding.
She: How could you do that?
She: I hate her.
Everything between us is over.
She is: Natasha
What kind of Natasha?
She: My name is Anna
Do you have a brain?
She: Yes
“Who are you writing?”
She: I was wrong.
She: Oh
It is pleasant to meet
She: Sorry
She is : ))
He: Happy Wedding

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №2418
Hello, how are you doing?
Chevalier: Hi =)) do good things =))) =)))
What about so many smiley? Mood is good?
Chevalier: You know, my cell phone... How would you say... She doesn’t love you!)
Mandy: Why is it?
Chevalier: Mandarin, she only shows five letters of your nickname =)))
The five letters?
Manna: What is it???! to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2417
I listened to the Israeli radio (a couple of days ago, so I do not guarantee the accuracy of the quotation).
As a result of a shooting between the forces of the Israeli army and armed extremists, civilians were wounded, shooting from neighboring houses.
It is our all. Even if you are shaken, it is better not to describe the situation.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №2416
From the ASK:

How language changes over time:
19th century
and *
Instead of naming herself and stating the purpose of her parish, she began by saying to me:
Can I expect that you have nothing to do with my name?

I told her that she could count on it.

c) N. Leskov
* / /

21st century
Fuck you, who am I?
to fuck.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №2415
xxx: how is retry translated?
Tagged: attempt

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna