— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №1894
News on burns:
Per Steve Jobs should think about whether it makes sense to bring official iPhones to the Chinese. In other words, you should show them some new products.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №1893
A acquaintance sent:
Until early in the morning, I picked up the cards. Cooler than Hoys company was just Zabultron :) call them something. to work arrangement. As the people will roar. You call the client: Hi, this is Zabultron you worry :)))

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1892
From the dating site...

I am married. I have a small child. I’m not looking for sponsors and I don’t want to be a prisoner. I am not going to divorce and I love my husband. I am not going to betray. I just want to get what my husband-computer did not give me in my life: dates, movies, romance, compliments, and so on. I don’t know if there is such a romantic. Let the announcement live.

And so she would write, "I need a loch that will pour a bubble on me, listen to my caprices, wash my jacket from my spots, and then I will go to give my husband while you bite my elbows."
Why are you so predictable?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №1891
We were told at Religious Studies that Madonna could not accept Kabbalah because it is a branch of Judaism to which only 40-year-old men who have a family and raised children can apply.
<Bashcar> You are brutally attacked by Bali, family and children and there is Kabbalah :)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №1890
Chel works as a consultant in an active leisure shop. Customers are usually uncles under 30 with thick wallets. On the website of the office in contacts hangs his aska. In asske constantly weighs the status: Fucking there is no rest - one of them, the other.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1889
Floyd (23:39:21 12/02/2008)
I have seen in the dictionary the definition of the word "adultery".
br_wildead (23:39:30 12/02/2008)
and y.
br_wildead (23:39:34 12/02/2008)
Is that how you teach theory?
Floyd (23:39:49 12/02/2008)
) ) )
br_wildead (23:42:37 12/02/2008)
For every adultery there is adultery.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №1888
Bubafuz: How the homeland of Alice is called, I forgot...

Tagged with: Ayahuasca

Bubafuz: You knew it!

Boroda: Ayacho, a village on Corsica

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №1887
Do not be afraid, and the blood of a virgin will be shed on your plate.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №1886
The real story:
The man was struck with mushrooms by some, and then saw the mushroom god. Once I went, I saw the hell with the ballayas!!! He thinks what to do to let go. He thinks I’ll go to the bathroom and let go! Sitting, water gathers, it does not let go. And the devils with the ballayas are jumping in the bathroom!!! Cold water gave, cold, the freeze itself was already frozen, then they disappeared. Thanks to God, I let go. Shut off the cold. I stumbled. He opens his eyes, the devils with the ballayas jump in the bathroom, but already in the telogreeks!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №1885
1111: haha)) here are the ones on the topic of the gopar ksta)))this is the ppc..)))I have a classmate like this, as well as everything like nauda black adidas sports suit with three white strips on the sides is always tied and capo) the first couple we sat all through the stream, then at our group seminar, after the seminar I see him in the corridor in exactly the same costume of the dark blue color. I’m asking you, and I’m asking you, you’re dressed differently, or not?“", and he was "blah, and after the fixture the dress was..."))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №1884
I work in a factory, I came across an advertisement:
"Tour trip by bus to Kazan
Cost of travel:
1800 - Adult
1600 - children up to 15 years
1200 - children up to 1m 20cm"

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1883
In my opinion, the most useless thing is the DoS attack on the site : no one will notice.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №1882
Tolian (12:44:17 18/02/2008)
That is true!! They wanted to drive my car on Saturday, but they didn’t.

RoRs (12:44:25 18/02/2008)
and Hui!

Toluen (12:45:03 18/02/2008)
I am so proud that she needs me. I will sell.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №1881
The xxx :
The city resident in a trolleybus is guarded by 3 dangers:
A grandmother coming out of a trolleybus. in a few minutes to overcome 3 stairs leading from the cabin to the stop, blocking the exit of other passengers
A grandmother entering a trolleybus. Such a grandmother starts its movement immediately after opening the door. She is deeply bothered that she is trying to get out the floor of the trolleybus. Until she enters, no living creature will leave the salon.
3) The worst thing. Two grandmothers, one of whom enters the trolleybus and the other goes out. In the picture of their confrontation there is something apocalyptic, they are like two giant excavators trying to push each other.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1880
It happens that we can’t be friends. You are the kind of person I would like to have completely!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №1879
Melioro: Fuck, I read in my art history book: Durer painted Eve naked. long been wrapped.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1878
On the last day of the 2008 World Cup in biathlon, the women’s national team of Russia in the squad took the fourth place, using 8 additional ammunition and one additional rifle.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №1877
Japanese companies come to us. Therefore, everyone was told to clean up and all men to be at work in costumes. And since we have a manufacturing company of microelectronic devices, the most funny thing came out in the installation department.

Our mantaches are so tough that they spat planar plates in smokings.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №1876
medBrat (20:44:52 17/02/2008)
Shhas approaches me a young doctor with a picture of the skull there two sticks of the correct shape bigger and one smaller than the type that you think all in the projection of the brain, i.e. in the middle, just to the ear.Suk the tea lazer.I tell him that two large is a stitch of hair, and the little I don't know that such went with him to the grandmother whose pictures of the type that fucking - turned out piercing in the nose.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1875
We have a stand in our department - on the stand of the photo of the Tu-154 crashed under Donetsk (already after the crash, i.e. the crash). dispersed on the square pieces of metal), and photos of the remains of the An-140, buried in Isfahan

What man came to the head to call this stand "Scientific work of our department" students"?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna