— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1654
Prepod secretly told that on the porn site was posted a photo with 6 naked asses of students of our educator. And the administration today them for this... Now we guess who from the administration wanders through porn sites...and how they found out the ass of these students...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №1653
The idea in itself is foolish, but it may work. Just those quotes that I liked least, I very much hope that even for Bash's administrators it became obvious that you need to restrict the visit somehow. I don’t know, you can do a registration, IQ test, anything. But I was so upset to read quotes, the humor of which is either sorted-under-the-top, or so dumb that I want to throw such a folly comment into the abyss.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №1652
Admin, expand the top of the abyss. It’s just fixing a limit of 25 to a limit of 40 or 50 in a request to the BD. Don’t be lazy to fix one symbol in your scripts.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №1651
Let me meet you.
He said: Oh, so right away? What about sex to begin with?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №1650
This is such a personality crisis...I don’t understand who I am, where I am, why I am.
Read the passport.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №1649
Hikari: How is it?
Smelaya: like an anal ball

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1648
I have a girlfriend who is a minor...we and her are just holding hands. Before yesterday I downloaded her on the computer "literature for personal growth". SMS is coming:
AAAAAA Pope has been reading for two hours "The Prolonged Sexual Orgasm" from the folder "from Artem/Book".

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №1647
Are you in Photoshop when you used the thread brush of history?

by Tb.
No, not just the fate.)

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №1646
Just killed a new advertisement "Growths", where a father playfully asks his son:

How old are we?
Thirty five! I am five, and you, Dad, thirty.
My mom is twenty!
Tess, that is a secret.

Of course, the secret is, if the mother is twenty and the son five, it means that the 24-year-old father stumbled on the future mother when she was 14.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №1645
Old Proverbs and Proverbs for a New Way:

A good fool, 2k

7 Admin server with no ping

I know the bot whose box is sleeping.

Seven times debauch, once compil.

Not to ruin the code.

How many programmers do not drink, and he looks at everything in the code

Users on vacation - admin is easier

You won’t get the bugs out of the code.

You love to argue, love and ignore.

Do not run into the network.

from the world by the bit, the program

admin - go to the system.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №1644
Today is the day of honesty, so you can ask me a question, but only one! I promise to answer honestly!
and ZZZ:
Would you fuck a sheep if you were a sheep?
The xxx:
The xxx:
So unfairly

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №1643
Z: Fuck, I have a programmer sitting in front of me, walking in a shirt, in leather pants, a bandana and with a backpack King and Shut, constantly sitting in my headphones and listening to Britney Spears.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1642
It turns out that the mayor of Istanbul is named Kadir Topbas, a guy, probably, a thief.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1641
Would you like to live a million years?
YYY – All or more?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1640
XHHH: Fuck I am for you refereat shen nihuya didn't protect X(
Would you say: Hui? I am that
I asked you yesterday how Ivanov’s initials were, what did you tell me?? to
That’s fucking fucking, I wrote it!! His name is Igor Vladimirovich.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №1639
<KreK> a breakthrough happens when you wake up with the thought, "poch, I am late, I will sleep". It turns out that you’re already in the subway and you’re going to work ((

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №1638
yyy (00:30:09 )
Why do you not sleep

xxx (00:30:13 )
by LEN

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №1637
Together with group members:
I - Chat at this session I got 13 tickets on computer science and economics.
The wolf is 19 years old.
I am a fool, and I am a fool.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №1636
Thanks to admin Bash for the simple interface. Today at work, the boss put me as an example for having worked with documents all day :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №1635
<She> watched the anime that you downloaded:"The girl fox".So, I’ll kill you, boatman!
<He>?!!!!! to
<She> you said, finished, that this is a cute childhood tale
<He> and
<She> but who has told me that there is a girl and she is lost and will be sought, screaming her name loudly?! to
<She> And her name is rare-Joby.
<He> ))))
<She> What are you trying to do?The grandmother came just when the boy was looking for this girl in the forest.
<She> felt so looking, suffered, loudly oral: "Jobby!Jobby!and "

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna