— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1034
One is AHA. At that time, the day of the lander was... a full pipet!
2nd one! Think about Israel. There, women’s battalions have their own professional holiday as well.
One is shit! Really is!
2: and I was still watching in the box that they did not break up with the machine all day round.
1: fucking... drunk women with machine guns... well... something I like our drunk desanters more.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №1033
He created 15 falls, called 1,2,3...15!! I put it on the desk in a square!! I’m playing in petals!! comes a message from the boss on radmin: how to make yourself confused afterwards? ))))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №1032
Why don’t I like oculists? The first dialogue:
and sit down. Their vision?
- 9 to 9.5
Take off your glasses. Read the first line.
So I want to read the memory of the SBB... And in the rounded eyes to issue the MNC...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №1031
Angel is
You can write in your words what it is.
Angel is
by SHI
Unit of Shay

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №1030
Serge(c) Who wants to test the new module?
Max tested best.
(m) No, I refuse to test Seregina’s modules because he’s offended every time you find mistakes.
This is because you make stupid mistakes.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №1029
Doyle: There are 50 minutes left to work...and two more days...and a lifetime left.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1028
Kate (13:18:57 17/01/2008)
I also cook myself.
Genghis (13:19:09 17/01/2008)
Do you cook deliciously?
Kate (13:19:22 17/01/2008)
Genghis (13:19:31 17/01/2008)
What is your breast size?
Kate (13:19:50 17/01/2008)
The third...
Genghis (13:20:40 17/01/2008)
You are simply gold.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №1027
Picture on the street.
Grandmother is God’s adouvanchiki...(b) goes the seeds bite, the dog is running nearby...
It is suitable for... (m)
M: If I see you walking here with my dog without a pocket and a socket, I’ll punish you.
B: First you don’t bother me, put the dog in the shit!!!...and in the second, put urns here, determine a place where I will walk, and bring two witnesses if something is wrong... and so far, you went to NAH@Y!!!! to

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №1026
xxx have you heard? Scientists from Venezuela have found traces of the existence of an ancient hamster weighing 1 ton
YYY: O_o and HYYYY. Although if you think, in ancient times there was a rich vegetation, there were no problems with grass and they had something to eat.
Zzz: this scientists had no problems with the grass.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №1025
There is such a university in the government - VGUES. There is a teacher in that university named Boris Konstantinovich Vasilyev, abbreviated BCV, who is remembered for many years even after graduation from the university. What is this uncle remarkable? He finally got his roof. Uncle writes on the assembler of progi like a book, there is an opinion that he thinks of him. He’s 60 years old, he’s like Bill Gates, he’s a finite Linuxide, he’s got two plush pinguin toys named Lonia Tucks and Maria Tucks, and he’s married them and speaks of them as living beings in full seriousness. At the same time, he takes the exams with these penguins. Seriously, we passed the exam to Lena Tux... BCV for 60 years forgot more than the whole universe knew together, but at the same time it is not possible to scratch something meaningful out of it. He strikes so hard that sometimes you don't know if he's serious or if he's serious.
Why am I writing this? Then, for some to see that there is nothing to come up with - the world around us, and the real world is much cooler than anything you can think of.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №1024
Judging by your faint faces, you’re a little surprised.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №1023
I told you not to leave important documents near the key. There will be traces of the circle.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №1022
Dead Boy
Dating site: girl
Age of: 20
Sign of the Zodiac: Aquarius
Height of cm: 1,56
Weight in kg: 45

Is it a channeling facility?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1021
I recently bought jeans, and there was an action - "everyone who bought a dish a gift".....the seller gives me a disk....the first thought arose: "Driver?"..=)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1020
42: But here I was when I watched my first movie about the global catastrophe, “After Morning,” what was the water?
How many Linux servers will still work and work even without suspicion that they are no longer needed :(

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №1019
When I see you, my heart starts beating faster... every time I close my eyes... I see you... and only you... what’s wrong with me?
He is
I dare to hope that this love is my queen.Because I am not my own without you.Every day I live without you brings me indescribable suffering.
Oh, the damn...
He is
Oh the Sunderland.
Without you, you give me the meaning of life every day.
He is
I can’t imagine my days without you, you are my life.
Well, why does fate play its wicked jokes... and you are my strike now so far from me...
He is
Remove your ass from the chair and walk a couple of entrances.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №1018
If all the rumors were true, webmasters would have an uninterrupted intimate life.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №1017
I watch American movies. There, the type of guy is fired and the employees say goodbye to it. Everything says he is a good worker.
What would we do without you, Dick?
-"Get a girl"
Fuck, who did he work for?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №1016

Yesterday I watched a picture in the store of communications and discs:
A man stands, looks at the discs (looking for a long time, because he drank decently), then gives the seller:
- You can buy the disc, the son asked.
What a disc?
- Oh, I will remember (I will take my head) - he gives - "Stand and roll"!
The Seller: What?
- Well the disc is called "Stand and roll"... oh! ... no, somehow... "Let’s lie and blues"... yes, in my opinion, so... - Burovit about himself: - Lie and blues... no.. run and rock.. oh... no, fuck how he... rrrr! I will call my son!
He gets the pipe, ticking his index finger on the buttons (like by the sensor and not bringing the phone to the ear, turns on a loud communication and waits - go swings... the son takes the pipe, and then follows a dialogue, after which the whole store just lay (and I included)!
What is the name of this dish, fucking?? to
by CD-RW
Sidi and Rwi!! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №1015
Vad: We thought here and believe that the runners should take responsibility for the show "Rambo IV" on the territory of the xUSSR - to release a film with the quality of a ripped video cassette, with a contrasting color, with a floating place of sound and most importantly - a one-headed disgusting translation of Volodarsky!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna