— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №914
The Cat Basis died. There was no brilliant animal with us, capable of waking up in the morning any odmin, capable of sugging on any organic equipment. To whom this cat was dear.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №913
I’ve gotten electricity, tell me!? to
Schmidt :???? ? to ? to? to
Tagged: joke, joke
Schmidt is normal.
Thanks for the joke, go drink valocordine!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №912
<AcnupuH>: To you from me the best letter of happiness. It is good. No need to send. No need to answer. No need to read, there is no text.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №911
I invited one night a classmate to prepare for the exam - well, the mountains of textbooks; wine - everything as it should be. She, in the measure of her inaccuracy, rubbed something in my hand with a glass of wine; of course, I poured it on my shirt =) Well "what do you do, what I will now go to the exam" and all this is a normal reaction on my part I consider! So she assured me that she would wash the shirt by hand, it would be removed and it would dry by morning; well, I am a confident man - let it wash by hand) In general, I wake up in the morning, she looks at me guilty;
She: Well I washed your shirt.
Is it dry?
Yes, it’s dry, that’s not the matter.
I: What is it?? to
“Your shirt is there on the table.
I am Hera.
Well, in general, I come to the kitchen; there really is an armor on the table) I ask - shit, what did you wash it in, blonde? She found me something white... thought of the washing powder.
In general, it turned out that she found starch somewhere in me.) And since there was nothing to wear.. I had to wear this Imperial Crusaders up with a violin =) In the subway they looked like a fool; in the barracks everyone scratched; but the exam passed well =)
by VoIodia

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №910
I: Why are you holding your hands like a penguin? Dirty fan of Linux.
He: What is Linux?
I am : oh!! to
He: And how are the penguins related to him?
I (O_o): I adore it, pure and impeccable creation.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №909
LAZ: I think that after the quote "Killed Yourself by a Turtle" the old "Kill Yourself App Wall" will no longer be so popular!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №908
The history of the fire today:
On April 12, 1605, Bois Godunov, instead of celebrating the day of cosmonautics as normal people, died.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №907
What do you think of the gold? A rare creature!

NikAl: Full Gandalf, in the exams falls!

Nicole: Is that not so?

Timothy: Am...

Khrumzel: Nikolai Alexandrovich, we ask you to leave the chat.

LadySnow: Yes, and Nick, by the way, could have invented a trick.

Nikki is...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №906
ZLOBIK: how greyed adin the wise Chinese:???? ? to ???? ? to ? to and.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №905
<Manya> Alenka: How are you doing?
<Alenka> Manya: shit. How are you?
<Richard> * you

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №904
Don’t be nervous 😉
YYY: I am calm as a dwarf lying quietly in the sun
yyy:and on the tail of which the asphalt layer on the neutrals
YYY: And nothing can be done...

Anonymous 167

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №903
When in foreign films the heroes try to speak Russian, only English subtitles are saved.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №902
I have a dream: all black and red, terrible sounds... stands a satanist of some sort and, I stretch out my hand, rageously wept: "Rush up, open up the gates of hell...Ride with the blind!!and "

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №901
I saw it in the clinic today. Half of the problems with pronunciation, as I understood, are solved by elementary attempts to explain in the registration, which doctor you need

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №900
<Vovka> shortly after removing the package stopped working commands other than cd
<Vovka> only works on CD
<Barmalei> and the sho for the peking removed?
<Vovka> glibc
<Vovka> he trapped another 268 packages

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №899
When you get up in the morning, you are always faced with a choice. On one cup weighs the future, knowledge, then money, and on the other one the money, and the hell take it, the second cup is heavier!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №898
I saw a macho with an elephant here...I remembered you right away.
Ilia A Chirchov: Thank you for the compliment...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №897
<volt> wax when -30 at my house ice on the walls
<Attika> ice on the walls - it's in the line of the last whisper
<Attika> take pictures of the walls and place them on architectural German sites that unfold the idea of biodoms
<Attika> you will be envious of all Germany

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №896
I went to play paintball with the programmers on Tuesday.

And how?

Are they quality?

I shot them. They said they were teaching killers and snipers at the conservatory.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №895
I suggest on the tower to make such a button, "copy in the buffer exchange", ok kst suitable)
Light from Outside

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna