— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142764
The UPS! The Fire!

You won’t believe it, but it was like that before. People were more decent before. Not in every corner like now. And yes, as a decent person, I only had sex after the wedding. And only once, as a result of which my daughter was born. It’s hard to believe, so let it go. In the meantime, I will keep in mind that a gunman like you will not come close to my daughter.

Thus e. If only once, then her older brother is not from you? In the cabbage found, but the donkey brought? and ;)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142763
You are the right word.
and ==
The UPS! The Fire!

You won’t believe it, but it was like that before. People were more decent before. Not in every corner like now. And yes, as a decent person, I only had sex after the wedding. And only once, as a result of which my daughter was born. It’s hard to believe, so let it go. In the meantime, I will keep in mind that a gunman like you will not come close to my daughter.

Thus e. If only once, then her older brother is not from you? In the cabbage found, but the eagle brought
and ==
The son of another wife, before this. The former apparently did not postpone "..only after the wedding. And only once..." and fell into the fog.

And seriously - everything, the troll burned, we split up, the people, you are all fooled.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142762
Look how cool. The Invisible Busthalter.
No, I do not need. I have an invisible chest.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №142761
If you want to be long-lived, love your age.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142760
The end of a babble.

A great guy, the soul of the company. Anyone could convince. You don’t have two copies, do I need to call? Where are you and the number to call? How can I call you without a number?
He also guessed women’s names. He will look at the girl and immediately say that she is Lucia. And really Lucia. I have never been wrong. I guessed the last time too. I saw a beautiful girl on the street and came.
Do you want me to guess your name?
And I’m yours, the girl isn’t a shy ten.
I know how to guess women’s names.
And I seriously...
Your name is Tania.
and AGA. And you are Alexander.
It is right!
So we met. Grandchildren are Tatiana and Alexander. And that she is Olga, and he is Igor discovered a month after the acquaintance. When I filed the application.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №142759
Listen to the parable, granddaughter.
One farmer had a donkey. He fed him with selected grain, hole and laleal, and the donkey did not want to work, as the peasant forced him. The peasant was tortured and gave the donkey to another neighbor. He also fed him with selective grain and also tried to get the donkey to work, pulled the straw, pushed, and the donkey will go a couple of steps and all. He gave the donkey to the third neighbor. He tried to persuade the donkey, but no sense. The fourth neighbor tried to command the donkey, spoke to him, beat him, and he will work for a couple of minutes and all...
“Daddy, why couldn’t they drive out that donkey and take another, which would first work well, and for that it would be tasty fed?
“I think, granddaughter, that someone should have this idea in their mind, and then we will have a great football team.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142758
Vamp: fucking how to get rid of blisters?
Natasha: from the blisters may? Try to burn.
Vamp: No, from the blisters
There are three people in the courtyard asking for little things and smoking.
Vamp: your recipe is fine.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142757
I wake up in the morning, the sun shines brightly, in the summer... And my eyes from this summer sunshine immediately hurt mom, don’t burn. I am dissatisfied:
Who turned on the summer? Turn off the naughty!
After half an hour, the rain...Thank you.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142756
I was talking about two glass doors. A week ago, these fools brought the door to the server room, came to put it and found out that there was no box from it... A week later, the box was found, and today they came. Only the door in size does not fit))...In general, the builder wants to get them out right now and right here.
I only eat from work. Repair was done. The monkeys cut off a piece of the door and she entered. I had to use the access control system. In general, I connected everything, put a magnetic lock and quickly drowned home. But it was no more than 10 11. And then the builder calls and it turns out that the monkeys are locked inside the server room. And the magnetic lock worked, and the key is only with me. In general, somehow Makar the guard through the doorway opened the castle, but I have tears from my eyes.))))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142755
Here you’re all joking about ‘Remove the Tea/Printer/Telephone, you’re a programmer, and I’ve had the most unexpected Weekly Programmer in my life.
Go, they say, restart the server.
I am a accountant.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142754
I heard an interesting thing here. It turns out, the owners of apple products are considered more solvent. And on some websites of online stores, travel agencies, etc. When the site " sees" that it went on, let’s say, from the iPhone, then the prices are set 10-20% higher :)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142753
In one very large and respected online store of products there is a large panel, above human growth, offering to pay for the name brick in the building temple of St. Hermogen with the help of text messages.
ууу: "Uncle, buy a brick!" (c)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142752
My sister told me. The Prehistory. My nephew is 19 years old. I just came from the army. 2 meters of growth. Driven and brutal. The history.
They went to the world of the younger sister to buy a gift. Toys from 3 to 5. My sister looks at the toys so excitedly. They are in debt with them. The tribe of Mommy cries, the type did not play. The sister can’t stand, and so loudly to the whole room: “Son, have you chosen a gift for yourself?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142751
The popcorn blasts dropped some extremely valuable opinions down to the middle of the top.This is sad for the humorous site. Don’t feed the troll, he’s too fat.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №142750
Add the button "thick".

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №142749
Rabbits and rabbits are genetically incompatible. Nature has a strange sense of humor.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142748
The Internet is rapidly developing. Are you afraid that your post office will be unnecessary?

It is developing in the city. There are few people in the village who use it. Everyone goes to the mail. This is a place to discuss news and meetings, especially for grandmothers. They still write letters by hand. Congratulations on the holidays. Or just writing letters to old friends on the bench. I talk to a lot of old people. They tell me what they are hurting, what news children have, even their dreams tell.

Are you walking?

and yes. I asked for a bicycle. But I was answered that it was not appropriate. It is necessary that the length of the route is 11 kilometers, then a bicycle is given. I only got 10 kilometers. So I walk.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142747
Yyy lives in a country with a small child.
All July promises rain
Wow, I’m used to it. Evacuation from here is an entire epic.
xxh: I will come to you with a sign "Camp of Phuists"
A little how?
WOW: to get up has already learned from the support)
XHH: By the way, the mother-in-law here told her that her eldest, ripping up her baby bed, from the room to the kitchen was driving)
WOW: You know, now I am happy to believe.
Q: What, the child is rushing to leave the house on his own? XDDD

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142746
XHH: What Shilov, what Brullov is, is all a hint to cover up the main reason why people go to work in painting. And they go there only to sleep with the trolls.

YYY: I beg you
such labor-consuming access to the female body remained in times when decent women before marriage
Sex is much more accessible to men.
and to sleep with the "squeezers" enough camera )

zzz:Even easier, enough penis)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142745
to this:
Today in VK:

XXX: How did the ovules go? They have one counsel against all problems and diseases - birth. Whatever it concerns. I talked with a friend of acne rash, which was not attacked by any of this
already in adulthood. What was the advice??? by Rodi! The body is renewed! Picasso, 21st century
The courtyard.

YYY: Before which version will it update?

- before the version "I am the mother!" - obviously :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna