— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142964
On the wave of posts on the replacement of passports in 2001-2003.

I had such a story. I was young and stupid)) I will not write out the details, but the passportist required some certificate from me, but the certificates brought did not accept - then it is not the one, the other is not the other.

In the end, I had a bunch of small papers and so as not to get confused, I put them all in a simple white envelope and carried them in a bag.

On the next visit I approached her table, got a pack of paper from the envelope, and put the envelope on the edge of the table and began to stretch the certificate. To my surprise, she immediately took the certificate, saying that now the certificate is suitable. She took the old passport, issued all the papers, said when to come for a new passport and so on.

And when I was about to leave, I see my empty envelope carefully moved to the other end of the table and lying there closer to it. Without thought, I take this envelope, put my papers back there, the door opens, the next few people come in with some questions, and I leave the room.

And only later did I understand why they took my certificate so quickly and the envelope moved to the other end of the table. I imagine her face at the moment when I just pulled and picked up the envelope. I thought she was naeb@li))

I took a new passport without any problems from another aunt.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142963
In the summer of 2010, we, weakened by the heat, suffocated by the smoke and the heat, prayed to God for rain. Seven years later, our prayers reached the address!

Comentary: Its total length is 7 light years from Earth

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142962
xhh: they say, clay cooking cupcakes are a miracle as good. After a while, you can just pour a boiling water into them and get tea.
I use an ordinary cup on the same principle.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №142961
The Russian language is mysterious. Olive oil is a taftology, and the hook is a tragedy.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142960
About the idiots. I went to the store to buy a bowl of bread and stumbled upon a guard who did not let me into the shopping hall because: "No baskets can be done!
I speak to the guard that I only need one bowl of bread, I don’t need a basket for this, but the guard stood on his own: “No baskets!
Okay, fuck him, I look around to get the basket and I don’t see them, I say, “Sorry, but where can I get the basket?”
There is no basket. Please wait until they are released.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №142959
XX: We have no spirit of adventure.
YYY: Do you need such an unjustified adventure?
Real adventurers don’t ask for adventure :D

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142958
A friend told me yesterday. He went somehow, let it be called Petya, to the store on his two-wheeled friend, and near the store stands a marginal personality of not a sober look of boomerang type and gathers for the next bottle. The acquaintance sometimes sponsors all the beggars with small things. He attached, therefore, the bicycle to the fence, threw a dozen to the fence, even in a joke said: the guards, say, the bicycle, so that no one would steal, and went to the store. He picked up products, bought them, and also met a friend — they talked, they went out, he approaches his iron horse, by his usual movement, he wants to free him from the clutches, as this beggar suddenly flies up with a scream: — Well, he left here! Petya for a couple of seconds fell into stupor from this development of events and asks - Why is this?

- Let no one else go, I say, the guard, I am one respected (! ) The man trusted! to protect him.

Peter’s intelligence, not to let go.

So I left it to you!

The Bohemians struck and looked — No, he was the only one, and you two — well, just an iron argument.

I met a friend in the store and we both went out. I threw you another ten rubles and told you to guard the bike.

Something in his memory began to clarify, but still with suspicion he asked:

Exactly you?

Yes to me, I.

And then he makes an epic phrase:

If so, I remembered you!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142957

he: spam came, offer a video game with thematic tags "simulator dating", "psychological horror"

The first realistic game

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №142956
Title on the news site
Priests will be fed with hallucinogenic mushrooms as part of scientific experiment

There is nothing to add...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №142955
I borrow, outraged "divorce with a trailer":
Interestingly, such individuals have never been attended by the idea that the "divorce with a trailer" is due to such as him, the pederast? trailer itself is not born, and "divorce with trailer" is still those who are responsible for their children, feeds and drinks, after all, and yes, considering options of living together will take into account the interests of not only the divorce as such, but also its "trailer", because the man came and echoed, but "child" will not go anywhere, and feed, and drink, and then bear responsibility for it will have to again "divorce".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №142954
Increased aggression may be in the genes.
It can’t, but it is. It is responsible for the Y chromosome. and :-)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №142953
The author of this:

The Russian language is mysterious. Olive oil is a taftology, and the hook is a tragedy.

The Russian language is even more mysterious. For example, you hear "taftology" and you write "tautology".

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №142952
XXX I understand. I had to go to medical.
XXX: on the pathologist. I do not tolerate the spirit of living people, but with the dead I would work.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №142951
Why are there such employees at Sberbank? Because they get a salary with thanks bonuses from Sberbank, which can be spent only on food.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №142950
Today was in the Magnit shop, paid for the purchases in the self-service box, took the check and headed to the exit. On the way to the exit in an attempt to squeeze the check into my pocket accidentally dropped it, then raised it and again stuck in my pocket and here a woman of 40 years of age runs sharply to me. I am I, I am a woman.

J: That is what I wore!

I: What, forgive me?

Give it to me, please, it is mine!

I: Are you sure?

Give it faster!

I: Emm.. well hold it (I get the check out of my pocket and stretch it out)

A: Oh, it’s a check, I thought money, goodbye!

I: O_o

P. S. What was it?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №142949
Before telling me a joke, remember my internet since 1994.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142948
Do not confess your sins to your loved ones, not everyone is born a priest who forgives sins.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №142947
In the line in the store in front of me is my grandfather of the 80s. It is his turn, the cashier pierces the goods, calls the price. Daddy climbs into the pocket of the jacket and gets from there a cheap button phone type Explay or Fly, with a bank card attached to it with the help of an isolant (probably with a contactless payment function), applies the phone to the terminal of the cash machine... The terminal feeds, signaling a successful operation. Looking at the disturbing seller, the grandfather explains: "The grandson said that the card can be attached to the phone, and so pay. Very comfortable!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №142946
To be a successful politician in Russia, you only need three things:
Lack of conscience to be more comfortable stealing;
Steel nerves to calmly perceive the poverty of ordinary people, knowing that it is partly your fault;
The acting talent to pretend that you believe in the nonsense that you broadcast from TV screens about improving the quality of life of Russians.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №142945
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has repeatedly announced a tender for the purchase of a civilian passenger aircraft Tu-204-300 for 1.7 billion rubles. The document is published on the website of state procurement. Passenger aircraft with VIP apartments will be purchased at the expense of the federal budget as part of the state defense order.

I don’t think anyone is going to agree with me that the MDF is (!) We really need a plane!! With VIP apartments!!! And are you ready to finance this (the purchase at the expense of taxpayers)?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna