— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141643
You have two ways:
1st Or you get fun when you eat.
2nd Or standing naked in front of the mirror.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141642
I thought to add, in the article "Aliteration" on wiki, the phrase "In Peter - drink", a very good and relevant example. I go into the article and see one example:
on the sofa
Nadia Vanya
I decided that "In Peter - drink" has not yet reached this example.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141641
I am now watching the series "Ancient aliens" - ufology, paleocontact and all the like.. Show all sorts of monuments of ancient architecture, it is unclear by whom, why and how built, geoglyphs in the deserts and broken by some of the Offigen weapons of the city. And all this in countries that without Google and on the map you can not find, is it really, I think, in all of Russia the mother did not find a bad megalith, or there the pyramid lost weight, so that it was not shameful to show on television.
And you know, I waited! The native bushes of forests and swamps. Russia has been shown in the same series twice. The series was titled "Aliens and Deadly Places".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141640
I read the title: “A church school teacher in Los Angeles changed her students into a career as a porn actress. At the same time, the girl still shares all Christian values, as before.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141639
Dikoy :
#Bogota, #Marasmas_of our town
Recently, due to heavy rain, a new semi-subterranean transport link was flooded. At first I thought that they didn’t think about a drainage system, like in Moscow, or that these drains just stuck, but it wasn’t. It turned out that they had three powerful pumps there standing for pumping water, but the man who had to turn them on that day did not go out to work because of the rain.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141638
Yesterday I went to the gym, everything according to the standard - trained, and went to the dressing room.

I go into the shower (naturally general), I will make a small retreat, we are in the sports hall, if I forgot shoes can be bought at the reception for one-time use. So I go in the shower, and I see how a healthy man goes barefoot to the shower cabins, I decided that it is not suitable to do so, I just had single-use boots (new ones), which I actually told him and then there was such a dialogue (I) - I, (M) - a man

So, what is that bear?

(M) - Yes, I forgot the shoes, and no cash to buy one-time

(I) - Let me give you a tap, or God knows that you can catch up in the public soul.

(M) - (He begins to press a wide smile) So I'm not afraid, I have a fungus on both my legs...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141637
Years ago I was on a bus, the mood was good, almost lighted. And the self-esteem was heated by the winner, who admirably watched from the other end of the same bus all the way. As I passed by, he sent me a note. I still remember the text.

“I liked you very much! Call to me. by Misha.”

and all. If there was a phone number, you would look and call.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141636
First, I want to say that our university and especially our philological faculty are flooded with foreign students, especially many Turkmen.

Next story on behalf of the teacher:

A Turkmen student comes to me and brings a notebook with lectures. I see, the handwriting is not his. I ask :

Whose notebook?

and mine.

What if the book is not yours?

My handwriting is not mine.

[ + 24 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141635
I am tired of working, I want a penis.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141634
I came to work an hour earlier today because of the "bad head does not give my legs rest"

I thought for a long time and came to the conclusion that there could only be one reasonable and logical explanation for your early appearance at work. You made an exact copy of yourself and sent it to work. I am writing copies! Tell your creator that I want it too!! to


[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141633
I came here recently from the phone, I will not hide the sin, on one website category 18+. Naturally packed with advertising. And by chance tapping on some invisible banner I see the following: the play market opens, offering to download.. Yandex browser! This is the one that is the best and safest type, if you believe advertising on TV and everywhere else. But fucking, seriously, I’t download the browser that opened on a link from a porn site. Yandex, did you get stuck?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141632
One of them was a neo-Nazi.
Then I accepted Islam.
And he went — killed his former friends neo-Nazis.

Do you still think you have a boring life?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141631
In my childhood, the most terrible punishment for me was house arrest, I didn’t understand how you could sit all day long and not go anywhere.
xxx: Now that I grew up, I would be happy to sit at home and not go out at all. Times are changing...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141630
Silesta: and there was also a fun TV advertisement at the children's store "Aist":
Easter has come to your house,
It was more fun in him.
All families are happy.
I need to fly more often!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №141629
AAA: Cats, are there those among you who have 1000+ active torrents?
What kind of client are you using?

BBB: Do you buy a movie? You are a thief? 😉

CCC: He does not sell. Tagged with: "Relationship"

I am Robin Hood.
AAA: The rich take, the poor give
AAA: Something shit doesn’t sound very much

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №141628
...the girlfriend handed over the rights to the "Grant", which is without a steering wheel reinforcer and in general a devil-machine. Everyone tells her - well, now you buy your "grant", you will drive.
So why do everyone think I’m going to buy "Grant"?? to
It is stupid to have superpowers and not use them.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141627
If the MPs were to ride in the subway, it would be horrible.

Courtesy, mirrors, everyone has their own train.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141626
At the entrance we have a homeopath. Barakhlit in such a way that if you type the number of our apartment at the bottom, the phone call goes to us in the apartment and another apartment in the entrance, where my classmate and wife's friend live. The door can be opened both from our apartment and from our classmates.
He jumped into the car without taking the keys. I go home and call the apartment number. One of my classmates responds to the home phone first, and while I explain that I need to get home, my wife responds to the home phone. Soon after discovering that the neighbor has already raised the telephone, they begin to talk to each other, after which they say goodbye and put on the telephone. I stood like an idiot at the entrance – none of them opened the door.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141625
In our country, you can approach anyone, embrace him and say, "Okay, don't worry, everything is formed."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141624
A former California engineer has admitted his guilt in the intention to sell secret satellite images to Russian spies. The 49-year-old man took online spy courses and then began looking for opportunities to trade guests.
The engineer worked for a defense contractor and stole secret satellite images and ammunition data from the Pentagon. He assured people he had taken for Russian spies that he could for a long time supply information that the U.S. military hosts on commercial servers.

He began preparing for a spy career in 2013. Over the course of two years, he learned how to trace and hide from the intelligence services on paid online spying courses and invested more than $4,000 in these skills. Shortly before his arrest, he offered the curator to arrange an excursion to the enterprise in which he worked to demonstrate how military spacecraft are built.

It is that all the persons he contacted about the sale of information were overdressed FBI agents. Thro the operation, they monitored his electronic correspondence, listened to his cars and checked his banking transactions.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna