— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141683
“I have not come to you with a swordfish, but with a worldfish.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141682
Today the chef gave out, looking at how a young engineer with one finger, at a rate of one sign per second, knocks on the keyboard: "You must be taught the blind method of printing: first you will conduct all the correspondence, and if you do not have time, I will tear your eyes."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141681
Katze North: The cat when he goes to his brother on his knees to bustle, he just sits uninteresting, he needs to be bustled, otherwise he jumps up and begins to climb in the nose with the knots and generally somewhere to go on the key. Therefore, as soon as the brother is distracted by the noises, he immediately gets a jumping ass in his nose, then a wet mouth. And a lot of interesting in the code or what he writes there, probably.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141680
A very intellectual public. To burn the flame, you need to feel subtle... the guy with the cleavage went gorgeously, in general =)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141679
The Senior Officer:
The collection of charitable contributions via SMS began to spread across all TV channels. That means "the chip has been cut".
The Tastoranga:
The first in my memory "chips were carried out" by political workers. They gathered at the children’s home. Of course, there is no reporting. Moreover, the collections were carried out with all the relentlessness of the guiding and guiding force of the then society. And here the napo gathers the commanders of the ships to report who has gathered how many. There is no commander of the cruiser "Drozd". At first in anger, the only one did not give the money and did not report. And here the door opens, capraze Nichipurenko enters and, to the indignation of the chiefs of the policeman, receives a receipt from the director of the local children's house about the acceptance of funds collected by the ship's crew.
Sorry for the late. I went there myself, took it.
You saw the eyes of the child from whom they took the candy. A was not selected. But Nichipur chose, "the child" was indeed in the Admiral's pursuit...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141678
A veterinary clinic in Ireland has announced a competition for the position of cat hugger. Among the professional skills that a new employee should possess, soft and reassuring speech, cat’s whisper, gentle hands, patience, diligence and readiness for many hours of cat care.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141677
My husband was washing in the bathroom on the second floor (private house). He was locked up in the castle, and he was enchanted. I couldn’t open it from the outside or from the inside. He had to go out the window (there is no difficulty, on the roof of the veranda).
That same evening, the neighbor told his husband in a conspiracy tone that he had seen a coward escaping from our window. The husband was not confused and said, “Yes, I know, it’s mine.”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141676
At the exit from the TRC, a student approached me (in the form of 5-6 class) with a request to serve a cigarette, but I do not smoke so I refused, citing the fact that he is still small.

The guy made the same request to the guys behind me, which was answered by the guy - "take off 50 times and you will get a package." And then he got excited, his eyes burned and he almost started to squeeze in the same place with excitement. His school friends came to help him, but for 10 minutes no one was able to press the right number of times.

As a result, they exhaled so that no one was asked about cigarettes anymore.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141675
Today I walked through the courtyard, threw the menthol gum into my mouth, began to chew, and from the sharp smell of the whole cavity he sneezed. The bullet chewing machine flew out of her mouth and struck the forehead of the girl going to meet her. Sorry, I say, by chance... And she: I will not wish for health, you understand...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141674
On the Internet for the first time at the age of 16. I was a creative girl, dreaming of becoming a writer. And there is such a space for creativity, no one knows who I am and where I come from, think what you want! In general, a year had fun, wrote all kinds of mystical stories, then the graduation exams came, not before that.

And here I am thirty, I am lying at home and sick, bored to read everything. And I come across a “scientific research” by some ufologist based on stories from the Internet. And in some stories I know my own (I had a chip - I wrote about places that I know well). In short, I did not become a writer, I wrote well. Much better and psychologically more reliable than the authors of other "testimonials"!

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141673
I always studied at 12 (then we had this system). So, the question was as follows, it was necessary to mark insects, the type of mosquito, carpenter, etc. Among them was a spider, but as a diligent child, I taught the paragraphs of the textbook at home and knew that the spider was not an insect, but an arthropod (or something like that, I don't remember now). Therefore, I did not mark it in the test. We get answers, and I got a point below, approached my teacher and said that the spider is not a insect. To her honor, she went to her biological teacher, corrected her assessment and told the whole class to remember that if you are sure you are right, you must insist because the teacher is not always right. Years have passed and it is still pleasant.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141672
I decided this morning that I would kill.
I will take a rifle and shoot from the balcony.
XHH: I got it.
I have already agreed on the rifle.
XHH: At least one of the exact ones.
HHH: They were completely overwhelmed.
The damned pigeons don’t sleep.
Wake me up at 5 in the morning.
From the pneumatics, I will shoot the loudest, maybe the rest will be smarter.

I don’t have to :)
The pigeon – the bird of the world

These birds of the world mocked me 250 kg of shit on the balcony, made a nest, arranged songs, dances, orgies. It is war. I chase them every morning, but these goats flying away five meters away, sit on the roof roof and wait for me to leave, and then again sit on the balcony edge and begin to rumble like a tractor division of Belarus MTZ-82!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141671
"me: cleavage –... this thing between the breasts... has no analogues in Russian?
There is a clutter.
I am oh. You are a superstar"

And if it does not penetrate, it can be called a decolte.

Something sorry? You still call your ass cowards (and chao, like next to it). Decolte is a type of cutting the neck of women's clothes, and specifically - a very deep cutting. The word cleavage in the meaning discussed above is translated as "bust lobby".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141670

That the SSP-sh girls of the Mormon faith in close communication with the boys preserve virginity for marriage, while providing another hole, there is no prohibition about it.

...True to the fifteen-year-old Pettenko, she had not given a girl at all. And who were the “Mormons” he did not know. But I was sure of the rest.
) ) )

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141669
A Thomson Airways flight from Mexico to the UK had to be cancelled.
As one of his passengers discovered a Wi-Fi network called "Jihadist Mobile Phone London 1".

The incident occurred on Monday, May 22, on board the aircraft.
He was scheduled to travel from Cancun to London.
A traveler who noticed a wireless network with this name notified the stewards.
They tried to find the creator of this Wi-Fi, but unsuccessfully. Eventually, police were called on board the aircraft.
Police checked all passengers’ phones.
In addition, dogs were taken to the aircraft for examination of the cabin.
The creator of the “extremist” Wi-Fi could not be found. A few hours later, the network was removed, but the pilot refused to take off.
The passengers were eventually placed in the hotel.

by Ivan Familić:
Terrorist Wi-Fi even dogs could not smell. Probably the encryption was used well.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №141668
Dialogue of 1C
xxxh: there are bushes quite accusable, but some on the forehead is written "chronic недо@b"
The main thing is that the number of others does not increase.
HH: And what do you offer?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141667
on one mom forum, a user with a nick "White piss" complained that she can't find a job, she was actually looking for a community

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141666
Russia has been shown in the same series twice. The series was titled "Aliens and Deadly Places".

As a child, I spent the summer in the village of my grandmother in the Kirov region. Recently I also watched a similar broadcast, though entirely devoted to deadly places in Russia. We talked about places in the Tver region, somewhere else, about which there are evil rumors and legends.
I realized that I don’t remember anything about my grandmother’s village and the surroundings. Well, I think the little one was (although he was there until 15 years old), did not pay attention. I decided to ask my mother, still an Aboriginal, should know. I ask, are there any deadly places, maybe some mysterious events happened, something feared?
Mom’s answer: Well yes, one day the Zack escaped from the colony, we were small – we were very afraid!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №141665
XXX: That’s what I thought. Speakers, when talking about ISIS, must add - prohibited in the territory of Russia. When they talk about corruption, they do not add anything. Maybe that’s the matter?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141664
I hear from the corridor of the office as they conduct a tour newcomer and somewhere at the level of our office sounds the phrase: "And here is a project on PHP, it is better not to go there"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna