— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №139843
The road is wide and there are no cars on both sides. I, a phlegmatic high school student and a shabby kindergarten, stop at the red.
Younger: Let’s go?
The oldest: Noah, see the red light.
A grandmother comes with a truck and rushes across the road. The guys seem to be continuing a game.
The younger, is it a pity?
Elder: Grandma is old, she is old... No, it’s not a pity.
On the other side of the road crosses a thick uncle.
Younger: Isn’t it a pity?
Old man: You, look how thick he is, it's a pity to shoot down such a car.
I take a step from the sidewalk. The younger man immediately pointed to me with his hand.
The youngest: MMM
The oldest: Beautiful... once went on red, it means stupid.
Younger: Isn’t it a pity?
It’s a pity, even as a pity. Beautiful and stupid, just what you need, brother, what you need.
and :)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139842
Added the idea:

<TopSpin>: A copying idea: A hot water meter that starts to rotate only when the temperature of the water passing through it advises or exceeds the norm. © by
<TopSpin>: How tired of the cold hot..

Even under regulatory pressure.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139841
In the Sberbank:
A man, a man, what a mess, why only one ATM works. When will it be okay, please answer?
Madam, see if I look like Greg. My name is Rabinovich and in general I stand with you in a row.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139840
Learned that I can view the history of search queries from your page.
I remembered what I was looking for in VK 7 years ago, and I was terrified...
Then he calmed. I am in Russia! The law enforcement authorities have nothing to do with me. And if there is a business, it doesn’t matter what I was looking for.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №139839
Crimea is ours, but not all Russia yet.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139838
About the experience of using the Kalashnikov machine in order to improve good-neighborly relations.
As a honest storyteller, I will immediately reveal the weaknesses of my research.
Automatic weapons are virtually illegal, especially in California. It is a semi-automatic rifle with a store of 10 ammunition. And the device that slows down the shift of shops - you need two hands.
So my Kalashnikov compared to my army weapons is like a housekeeper and a wolf. Outside, however, the Romanian Kalashnikov looked awful and realistic.
The second is that the present study is based on a large number of experiments and a comparison with the control group, a double-blind method.
I don’t have all that, unfortunately.
There is a story about a neighbor.
Neighbors are more important than relatives, says the saying, and I totally agree with it. I had great neighbors, great relationships, helped each other, drank beer and baked sausages.
Except for one.
He walked into the house in front of me, across the field, for golf.
The fences in the backyard are not erected - it is dumb to be protected from a beautifullyined grassland.
It was also established - dogs walk, go into the courtyards to communicate with each other, no one was concerned about dog souvenirs or there was a hole.
The new neighbor, however, was terribly irritated by my fools who visited his yard - he was chasing them and threatening them - nothing helps, when patroling the dogs considered themselves obliged to enter his territory and mark.
And then Christmas comes, congratulating the neighbors - I have not forgotten his, a healthy bottle of Standard, in my opinion even Platinum.
He started to congratulate and at the same time apologized for his dogs, crashed - as if it was normal.
Apparently everything.
Anne no - by spring, the situation has worsened, again he is fighting with the shit.
And one day, being well drunk, he announced to the whole field - said, he has a weapon and he will use it, will shoot the violators of his property.
In addition to the dogs, he was heard by me and his wife, who quickly pushed the bull into the house, accompanied by apologies before me for my husband’s rudeness.
I have thought...
Trying to do good?
I tried.
To throw him a bottle of vodka every time his territory is spotted?
You will not drink vodka.
A man is under two meters, a typical alpha – and in combination with alcohol he could potentially bring a threat into execution, which would lead to my retaliation and an immeasurable number of victims and tragedies...
Prevention is the basis of medicine, do not wait for an exacerbation - I have in my blood.
What to do?
How can you tell him that he doesn’t have a gun?
Will the price of its heat be high?
Reading is sometimes beneficial – from the depths of my childhood readings of Jack London emerged an episode of The Sea Wolf.
There, the main character is preparing for a fight with the chef: they are long pushing their knives to the foot - until the cocks give up their nerves and he is not going to the world.
Said is done.
Shaking and threatening with guns is a crime in itself, so I went the other way.
A good Saturday afternoon - sunshine, the neighbor went out to cut the grass.
I didn’t cut the grass, I had a bigger thing to do.
It was this day that I had to show my concern for Kalashnikov.
He pulled out a table for disassembly and lubrication, placed a cleaner in the field of sight of the neighbor, greeted him and went deeper into the work of caring for weapons.
Slowly and carefully – and most importantly, lawfully.
Finished, gathered, kicked for goodbye, cleaned the table and lubricated.
Five years have passed since that sunny Saturday.
Nothing but kindness and politeness to me and my dogs I have seen from the neighbor.
Can I claim that this was a result of Kalashnikov’s therapy?
As a man of the scientific mind, no.
But the modification of the method of knot and spice to the method of vodka and Kalashnikov is rightly named by my name in our family traditions.
Good neighbors to you!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139837
If you were put in jail, you stole little. And if you have been imprisoned in the Duma or government, you have stolen enough.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139836
Could you sell me this pen?
The pen? The pen is somewhat small, let me sell you an elephant.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139835
Research by American scientists has shown that the human brain refuses to believe what it does not like. Their conclusion: it is useless to inspire something to a person and convince him if he already has his own established point of view. A person rejects information that he does not like on the subconscious level.

Xxx: American scientists cut out the palm of the British.

Zzz: I have understood this without any scientists for a long time. People believe what they want to believe, often completely ignoring common sense.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139834
Once at work, computers in accounting were changed to more powerful. Instead of seven, there was Windows XP. A little girl comes to me, looks at the monitor and is surprised:"And why do you also write Windows XP, you are Smirnov?"I depend—and what is the connection between my name and the screw? " Well how is it! I am Khrushchev – I have Windows He-Air."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139833
I. OCreativists just started to believe that shit is content too. It also needs to be created. They have not yet realized the difference between exercise and discharge.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139832
Showing the story of training sappers in Syria. Our High Officer speaks:
There is a rule that sappers only make a mistake once. I want you to never break that.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139831
The gray wolf: not the sharma of the manda, but Mara Baghdasaryan!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №139830
The mail came from the operator:

Hi to you.

I guess there’s a problem with the Diadoc system.
You will probably have the idea of how such a conclusion could come on its own.
And I will answer – twice I was filled with the desire to sign the documents – I tried so – but everything was against.
The insidious network was clever and inaccessible. And I fell into a battle nameless and unrealized.
In general, I did not fulfill my duty, I did not sign the documents.
In the infinite ocean of information, I swim alone and beg for help.
Help me

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №139829
In my yard, children are constantly chasing rolls. From spring to autumn. At the entrance to the courtyard is a shlagbaum. The smallest, even in the autumn, rushed, sat down, and flew under it. This year, trying to do this trick, the forehead ran into the shlagbaum. He lies and laughs. has grown up).

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139828
XXX: The wire in your neighborhood unknown people pumped into the hood O_o WHO?! You don’t even have goops there.
YYY: But we have goths aggressive.
Yyy: There are not so many, but among them is a local section coach.
XXX: Aggressive and depressed?
YYY: Let me quote
yyy: "You will die all your life!"
yyy: "We will all die. But only after you."
YYY: and my favorite
yyy: "Life is a pain. Let me show you..."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139827
<TopSpin>: A copying idea: A hot water meter that starts to rotate only when the temperature of the water passing through it advises or exceeds the norm. © by
<TopSpin>: How tired of the cold hot..

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139826
If the theory of “six hands” still works, then theoretically Stas Mikhailov touched my eggs. The dirty pervert.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №139825
My grandfather was on the green six, not the ninth!
Cut the eyes!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139824
“I studied economist. And the only thing I learned from my teaching is the law of decreasing limit utility. Each next unit of goods consumed brings less satisfaction than the previous one. No matter when you use it, either immediately or gradually. Less and all, this is the law, nothing can be done. Therefore, I prefer to use it all in one stroke to immediately encounter the inevitable," I say this every time, eating a whole chocolate in one face.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna