— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139863
Judging by how the country is impoverished, we must fight not against corruption, but against the corruption fighters.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139862
My girlfriend is a pathologist. Every time somebody is angry with me, throws me off or drives me down at work, and I’m nervous, she hugs me and quietly says, “Don’t be sad, dear, they’re all going to die, I’ll spit them, I’ll break my gut, I’ll be paid for that money and I’ll buy us wine and snacks.”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139861
Another advertisement: "Yandex browser understands you from half a word!" What if for a year he couldn’t understand that I didn’t want to install him?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139860
The case was so...
In our family there has always been a tradition - to put a real tree on the NH, lining it with guirlandes and other scissors. Moving from my parents, I took on this tradition, but only the tree I have usually stands not only on the NH holidays, but a little longer - until March.
And here I decided recently to intrigued a new girl by the fact that I have a straw at home and she is even burning (I meant a guirland).
What was the surprise of the girl when I turned on the girland (I had not tasted it for a month without need), and it really burned (the rumor dried up).
What was next I do not want to tell, until the actual fire the matter did not come. And the new carpet and wallpaper and curtains and the repainted ceiling even slightly adorned my apartment (until the next NH).
PS A girl when she came out of the studio said that I had fun and stayed...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139859
Fifteen years ago, we were willing to pay to post our photos on the internet.
15 years later, we will pay to remove our photos from the internet.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139858
I recently asked a very silly question: what do you do if the world around you collapses?
And received a striking accuracy and strength of the answer: to find the nearest building of the arch structure and hide under it.
It helped.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139857
I don’t even know what a grant is.
UUU: a grant is when you have 5,000 rubles, you go out to a group of drunk student girls on the stairs and say, "Who is the best of all - to the money of the ladies!"
Q: Are we drunk students?
UUU: Most of them are undermined to dance, and you give a thousand the most plastic, the most sick, the one who turned funny in the staircase, the girlfriend of your sister and the smallest, because it's a pity.
Yes, in the case of the BFRT - drunk students - we are
Only a report is needed - where they fell, what they danced and whether it can be printed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139856
/ is great! I hope that applies to housewives as well.
and those who play tanks for 24 hours, sitting on their parents' neck - regardless of age.
And why not, let us drive to the concentration camps all those who irritate you: housewives, retirees, mommies with ugly crap children, disabled people and others who are still angry with you there. Just by what criteria will you hate the rest?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139855
I read about the prohibition of the Spanish website for the sale of chamomile roscoma
When he told a familiar chef, he replied, "Chamon now comes from the Tambov region, but here he stands as if he had been taken across several borders from Spain."
Tampov wolves are not chic, import replacement up to the import price

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139854
Two news in Yandex:
4 is In a hotel in St. Petersburg a guest was beaten, a man died
5 is St. Petersburg included in the list of the best tourist destinations of 2017

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139853
I go in the tram. A very blue man comes in. He keeps up, he holds up.

The Conductor:

We pay for the trip!

I have no money...

Then we go on foot!

I can’t walk, girl.

Here is how? So there is money to go and there is no travel? ? to

Confused by this question, the blue man gives:

Girl, get married to me! – is

He smiles to his whole mouth.

What else! - The conductor was upset, but the sedceed did not drive out of the bus anymore.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139852
xxx: According to the Slavic calendar, the year of the stolen fox has come.
I thought the fox was probably polar.
Of those that steal unnoticed, even if seen from far away?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139851
In principle, as I thought. I suggested "particularly hot" to include air conditioning, good on the street a small plus, and you can already. Oh my God, what an indignation! After all, the air conditioner blows on them, it's from the fortress - on me.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139850
(After comparing the impasse with infusion)
xxx: I disagree, K. Only an intelligent being can attain asymptomatically close to absolute stupidity.
Because the mere absence of thought here is not enough, a willful act of denying it is needed.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №139849
Here you are divorced, and in the meantime the heirs of the Strugacki brothers have officially made available all the works of the brothers, including those not published. Everyone should read, B!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №139848
One day I met a beautiful girl.

We went to the cinema, drank coffee, went for a walk. And it seems all well. I smile and shoot with my eyes. But it didn’t even come to kisses. Only in the cheek to say goodbye.

I was young and did not know the magic word for the letter "F". But by non-verbal signs, I realized that it was not lighting. Just as if he calmed down and stuck – it calls. Tom calls for a walk.

We went on a walk with Peter. As they went, I was told how she broke up with her ex-boyfriend and how bad she was. And when we reached the Palace Square, crowded with tourists, she said the classic:

Why can’t I just find a normal good guy?

I looked in focus at her. It is in the crowd of people around. With such a dreamy expression. Type: “Where is he, this guy...”

To say goodbye, I was kissed in the cheek.

Time has passed. Sometimes we read on the net. At some point she called again and with the same breath called for a walk.

We went the same route again. And while we went to the Palace, I was told how she was left without work and how she had accumulated delays on loans. And if she does not pay off the debt, it will be bad. They will be put in prison by evil banks. The only way out is to find someone who would take a loan on himself, repay her debt, and she would then give back.

But where to find such a man now... – she finished.

And she looked at me with wet eyes in focus. I watched a crowd of tourists. With such a dreamy expression: “Where is he, such a man...”

I kissed her for goodbye. In the face.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №139847
When my husband went out for a walk with his little son (the son was four years old), the whole children of the yard just hanged on him. He ran and rolled with them, on the carousel, and our little boy preferred quiet games in a sandbox with molds. One day we were called on the door, I open, and there a little boy stands and asks:
Would Vlad go out?
My husband’s name is Vlad.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139846
I love the untouched westerns.

It was in dark times. And in the enlightened 20th century - archaic wildness. Justifying Stalinism is written in the confession of the system of values of the wild cannibals.

You will be interested to learn how Churchill badly starved India, which was part of the British Empire. He overcame his subjects with hunger, yes. In the first half of the 20th century.
Archaic British wildness and cannibalism, they have no excuses.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139845
<>[23:45:17] Elenaya_Belka: (thinkingly) when I have nostalgia, I open the screen, look at classmates and immediately let go

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139844
It is so fun to play chess with her.
YYY: What exactly?
xxx: She has a crown phrase: "You are sho? Do you feel like that?"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna