— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138843
XXX: Changed the tete somehow the syphon tk. Buying a new one was cheaper than cleaning the existing one from food residues, crushed branches, small bones, etc. that came from somewhere. To get rid of the reappearance of such problems put a removable grid, showed how to clean. After 2 weeks, the new siphon is sealed with almost the same composition, the net is removed. To the question "why?" the witch answered "so faster it passes". Having made Facebookpalm put an indelible grid, I hope it won't turn off.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138842
When will the cold end and the heat start?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138841
She: Don’t look at it, there’s my home video.
He: What is it?
She: You will see.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138840
The discussion:

Recently in the news it was that the girl was stolen and she called from the trunk. How did the signal pass through the metal?
WOW: The wrong question. Would she be found if the kidnapper was not an idiot and searched for the kidnapped woman?
CCZ: If the car was not quite old, then it could get out of the trunk itself.
RR: And if it’s new, I could connect to canbus's and come home.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138839
As one electrician said, people are afraid of electricity in two cases – because they don’t understand how it works, and because they understand how it works.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138838
The PFF! Three flashes burned.

Five will burn, and the flash will play.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138837
One British edition searched for the owner of the oldest Nokia 3310. The work phone was found in the resident of England Dave Mitchell. His phone is 17 years old. Mitchell said that over the years the phone has been dropped on the floor many times, washed and even immersed in the curry sauce.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138836
There are regular disputes about who is forcing women to wear makeup - the pressure of the patriarchate or the desire to hang out in front of other women.

Meanwhile, a crowd of girls of our IT firm is going to congratulate men from February 23. They offer ideas:
Let’s make cards with prints of painted lips!
Hey hihi, let’s go.
Who has a mask?
And then there is an uncomfortable silence, because there is no clothes even in the office manager.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138835
Conversation on a couple in Meduniver:

1: LOL, phenolphthalein - laxative. I wonder how it works?
The elementary, Watson In the stomach acid, and phenolphthalene is transparent. As soon as it enters the alkaline environment of the intestine, it is painted in a raspberry color. The intestine feeds and gives relief.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138834
I am such a woman, fucking.
Ghostwheel: What, were there doubts?
Fiona: finished work early, soon my husband will come, we will go to the restaurant, February 14 and so on
Fiona: found a dress and shoes, smashed her face with a mask
Fiona: passed by the refrigerator, looked - empty, started making cakes
Fiona: I just remembered it.
Fiona: now the main thing is that the restaurant is not cancelled, or the husband learns the cocktails and will not go anywhere :(
ghostwheel: go hide what is )))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №138833
Did your relatives turn on the light while you were not at home? It can at least be wiped out. Our parents changed our door while we were on vacation. The entrance, Carl They decided to make us a surprise. We arrived, and the door is completely different and the keys do not fit! Thank you Dad.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138832
Nokia will re-release the iconic mobile phone 3310".

The Prelude. A little high-tech will not hurt.

The body (and so indestructible) should be made of adamantium and recover all the damage.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138831
The tornado.

"xxx: When I see in a downloaded book the phrase "This is the end of the introductory fragment", it only encourages me to find and download the full version of the book/film/softy."

ZZZ: It is not a fact. Sometimes you breathe with relief.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138830
Basic Collector

A short list of debts:

Man must be free.
The sun should rise at 8:45
Fish should be fresh.
The moon will collide with Earth in 65 billion years.
The sun will have to turn into a red giant in 5 billion years (but the moon will have to stand up, because in 65 billion years it will have to find some Earth).

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138829
>> Well guy, well you and the barrel in the bed, if the crowning of your girlfriend is more interesting. < <<

Okay, maybe we just don’t know everything about the crucifixion? On accountants, they say, when the report comes together - such a feeling!
He tried but did not overcome...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138828
The classic mistake of the modern efficient manager is that somewhere subconsciously it seems to him that it is possible to deal with the machine. He doesn’t think about the fact that any KOKOREŠ he buys for the organization of work at the enterprise is an absolute jinn-bookalist, to whom you order a member to the ground – and he pulls off his legs. And here is such a miracle of nature buys a system that is practically suitable. And as all the work is translated into it, it begins to emerge "practically", and the system turns the work into an Italian strike, because it is impossible to negotiate with the machine. And here emerges that item of the contract of the sale of the soul to Mefistopheles, which was written in small letters. The system needs to beined. And for such systems, “support” is not just “so that it doesn’t fall.” It is a fierce, angry, all-eating shit with burning eyes, flying through the corridors of an orphan office. He is always “need to do a dohuya”, he is always “it should have been yesterday” and he is always “without him everything is paralyzed.” And the one who sold this cockerel to the victim, at this point begins to smile very symptomatically and rub the pins.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138827
XXX: You know, I thought. Here are the names of weddings there: fabric, silk, and so on. We’ll soon have leather – they’re also ranked as Morrowind armor.
So the coolest wedding should be daedric?

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138826
How are those poisonous nuts called, which cannot be eaten a lot?

The Brazilian ones. They are not poisonous, but contain a bit of radon.

HHH: How many can they be?

A couple of pieces a day.

What if I eat a lot?

You will not be poisoned. In order to have a noticeable effect, they need to be turned around a lot every day.

HH: And what will be the noticeable effect?

Wow, you will get fat.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138825
Discussion of advertising picture

Judging by the folds of snow-white matter on the background, the card of the employee is handed over in bed.
Unfortunately, successful employment through the bed is still the norm of the Russian labor market, as if the designer Anna stated (although not hiding the joy).

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138824
Eating means we are in the car, the wife driving, we are behind. ...

What did you eat?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna