— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140043
I wear what I like, including rings.
There were no questions, no advice, no condemnation.
And at the box office, the cassiers do not shrink from a set of goods, and the pharmacists submissively give out anything needed without undue rust, and the sellers do not impose anything on me.

and Plussadin! Moreover, I have never struck a seller. And here "colleagues-buyers" hammered a couple or three times...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140042
Ukrainian lifehack: you will not be put into the car bag if the car bag is burning.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140041
On the weekend, I went on a paid route for the first time.
XXX: Stayed in a Pay Traffic

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140040
I will leave for a short time, for a couple of days.
WOW: Where is it?
I’m going to drink...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №140039
I knew a girl with a rare gift of prophecy.

When we met, I talked a lot about myself. I asked a lot of questions about her. I tried to find an interesting topic for conversation.

Eventually she looked me in the eyes and said:

You want to invite me to a date. I have invited.

After the meeting, I took her home. At the entrance I said goodbye. He told me how well he had the evening. Moving from foot to foot. Then she looked me in the eyes again and said:

You want to kiss me. I have kissed.

After a few meetings, we were in the same bed. Taking off my shirt, she said:

Tomorrow you will walk all day and smile like an idiot.

The little girl had a gift.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №140038
How do I dream of hearing on the streets: "Feed a former State Duma deputy"! And more often!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140037
xxx: Will I steal your design, with your permission?
YYY : No.
Okay, then I’ll just steal it.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140036
The call. I open: there are two young men in white shirts and black costumes. Hot on the street.
Do you want to talk about God?
I have all the windows and a balcony. I am in some trousers.
Come with a box of beer. Let us talk.
No more came. Probably offended.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140035
Tagged #
The coat was white. She went on a date. I think she could not only light up a brick for 5 meters, but also a concrete block, if it was nearby.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140034
I also dreamed of Gleb. I was swimming among the trees on the swamp in a boat, and he stood in it by the belt, smiling and pulling the pen.
XX: The whole essence of Gleb

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140033
In general, the problem is that the telec is new, and the old good yellow and white connectors (AV) in it is not...Instead of this tueva hush HDMI, VGA, etc... connectors, under the tulips, there are, their pieces six and by the way of a 15-minute tick I still connected "Dendy"..But the image is black and white =( In the head immediately began to come up the thought that if the image becomes colorful, then the room will break into daddy and give me back, with the cry "I'm going to have you, you regret the cinema!", but then I remember that my TV and I live in my apartment...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140032
In the sovjake were also popular "laifhakis".There were advice of the poor to the poor:there were no advice of the type "how from the many mixers in the store to choose the best", but the advice was,how to "bring to mind" guidelines for glasses in the servant.And still a subgroup "How to extend the life of your clothes on the knee is one of the constant ideas of the Soviet man."From this subgroup of advice waves not poverty, but a deficit.The strange Soviet quality was often not so strange and the person wore clothes for so long that it was worn almost to the holes.How to extend the life of his clothes on the knee is one of the constant ideas of the Soviet man.In general, from the slogans of

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140031
Why do we breathe, talk, eat and drink through the same hole? It is stupid! Look what’s going on between our feet! We have an amusement park in the middle of the sewer! No intelligent engineer would ever have designed this!"

Neil Degrass Tyson

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №140030
Stability is when the local “princes” can act unlawfully for a stable period of time; and destabilization is when someone dares to speak publicly about it.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №140029
The financial director of Rostelecom is sitting, looking at fresh indicators. Director is dissatisfied. Yes, the outflow of subscribers is going on, the values are falling. Whether competitors go, or whether marketing is unclear what it is doing, we should encourage these "marketers"! Just good guys on debt recovery! It was a good idea to sell the “hanging” debts to collectors! So, the money came from where you did not expect.
Meanwhile, Vasily Pupkin got a envelope from an unknown firm from the mailbox. The firm wanted to get 1200 rubles from Vasily, but Vasily did not take that money from them. Vasily is dissatisfied. After reading the papers, it turned out that Rostelecom did not forget about the debt with which Vasily did not agree. Rostelecom wanted to get 500 rubles for the fact that 2 years ago for a disconnected phone, a fee was charged for "preserving the line". Now Vasily owes 1200 and completely different persons, as the debt is overdrawn. The confused Vasily used the internet, from where he learned that he is not alone in his trouble. The number of puppies in the country was very large. But what to do? And then Vasily recalled that for 2 years as he uses the services of Rostelecom, consuming the internet and watching TV. The Internet and television were so good that Vasya connected to the same provider and his mom, who lives in a separate apartment. Vasya felt that everything in this situation was somehow not Christian. And the debt of 500 rubles "from the air", which turned into 1,200, and about the transfer to him, even the writer did not consider it necessary to send. He, in turn, carefully pays 1500 rubles a month for both "points"... Vasily wondered, well, for how much did they sell the debt to collectors? For half the price? For 300 rubles? He also pays a monthly subscription at 1500! All his doubts was poured out in support of Rostelecom, where he proposed to forget about the debt that arose in an empty place in exchange for further cooperation. Support happily agreed to cooperation, but to forget about the duty to forget categorically refused, even if in the future the subscriber will be with them not on the way.
Vasily paid everything that the collectors demanded and went with Rostelecom in different ways. Vasily was long tortured in the subscription department about the reasons for the separation, but there was no appropriate point "disagreement with the management approach of the company" in the proposed answers. It was necessary to choose the "hard financial situation", since the infallibility of Rostelecom's leadership does not cause any doubt in Rostelecom himself.
Meanwhile, having gathered the next planner, the financial director publicly judged the marketing department for the poor "market share" and the outflow of subscribers, and technically the bosses for the "quality of communication", and only those responsible for the recovery of debts were honored with praise. Their contribution to the company’s budget is difficult to overestimate.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №140028
The number of detainees for fighting corruption has exceeded the number of detainees in Russia for corruption.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140027
Here, a woman who can give the red brick a such acceleration that he catches the beat on all pairs, obviously should not be chased afterwards in the courts. Don’t bring Ktolhu to go with her handsome.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140026
I pulled out of the washing machine the Moby's machine. He was alone in the laundry and ate himself by his side.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140025
of barmaleika:
My parents don’t know what discography is. And my children will hardly ever know what a discette is.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №140024
The news is discussed on Picaba: "In Iceland, a demographic explosion is recorded 9 months after the victory over England".

aleksaf88: How would we not go to the demographic minus after 2018?
yramydr: Russian national team - the best contraceptive
Nonameo: How elegantly you called them Gandons.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna