— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138663
I have a friend Sereg, and he loves to get into funny situations on a flat ground. He was resting outside the city with his girlfriend, and she offered him to ride the big ones. They broke their bicycles and went. I have to say that Serega at that point has not been driving for a long time and therefore, probably (or he is just a fool), did not immediately realize what it was about. In the end, they drove five kilometers, and all this time Sereg literally pulled. He moved very slowly. His girlfriend had already gone forward, then returned and all pursued him. And he relentlessly turned the pedals, but could not catch up with her. Movement was very difficult for him. Eventually, licking afterwards, red like cancer and with rejecting legs, he finally surrendered and confessed to his girlfriend that he could not go further because he was tired and exhaled. Then Seregi's girl decided to change with him a iron horse, and sitting behind his bicycle, found that she could not just move from her place. After carefully examining the brakes, she realized that they were not in order (I do not remember whether the disk was pushed or the pads were pressed). As a result, my friend drove on the heat of about five kilometers across the crossed terrain on a large with tight brakes and almost caught a heart attack, trying to have time for the girl.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138662
In general, all these arguments of recent weeks about how to determine who is good and who is bad on the basis of street behavior are quite funny. It has little to do with the real situation.
On the outskirts in Yakutsk, in one of the commercial shops made a shelf with free food for the poor. Dare it all in a couple of hours. And not alkashi, bomji, and any kind of hypocrisy. They are the most decent people, without bad habits, parking in the right places, etc. They also requested supplements from the store. They barely carried bags.
It is not in walking on the "right" side of the road that the goodness of a person is determined, in fact.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138661
If you want to drive with a stove, then the trip will be more expensive, the taxi driver tells me. I refuse the oven because it is very warm dressed. What people are so greedy, they save on their own health and comfort - he says and turns off. In five minutes, it is included. Because it was cold, and it was too cold.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №138660
My colleague Katya talked about her experience working in the United States under the Work & Travel program.

But most remembered was the return to Russia after a six-month absence. I worked in the service sector, and all the six months the duty smile did not disappear from my face. When I arrived and went to the customs, my first reaction was to smile friendly to the employee. With an unstoppable poker face, he asked, “Are you from the United States? "I looked at the stamp in my passport and sneered at my smile: "You stop this matter. Welcome to Russia!” So I realized that I was already home.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138659
Today comes to me the granddaughter of a patient with Alzheimer's disease for another prescription for memantine. In the process, I ask how they are doing. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh. My grandfather drank. For the last couple of years, he forced a sober lifestyle, because he could not get to the store, and the children were not poured. He asked constantly. In general, for the New Year bought him a "little". He joyfully took her, long turned in his hands, but could not remember what to do with her next.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138658
My friend met an American. They know each other:

Where are you from? He is asking.

From the Dubna.

Is this a city where nuclear weapons are made?

Exactly, how do you know? She was surprised.

and eeee. We often joke that you in Russia in every city nuclear weapons are made.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138657
A true scientist endures the deprivation of his chosen path, and James Marshall is undoubtedly the most true scientist.

The scientific community did not take his theory seriously that stomach ulcer is not caused by stress or spicy food, but by the microbe Helicobacter pylori.

To prove that he was right, Marshall identified, cultivated and drank a culture of an open bacterium. He could wait for months and years to develop a ulcer, but then he was lucky - a week later he got sick, and his stomach was sick from pain.

Guided by his theory, he began taking antibiotics and soon recovered.

Thus, James Marshall in 1984 not only proved the pathogenicity of H. pylori, but also discovered a new way to treat gastritis.

From a distinctive doctor, he immediately turned into a world globe of science, which institutes and large companies from all over the world wanted to get to themselves.

In 2005, Marshall was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138656
My favorite job is when you go there with joy, like to the refrigerator.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138655
Just in a taxi. The driver takes the telephone, then the monologue:
Hi, what are you cheering for?! to
Did you call me and get upset?! to
Didn’t you call me and fuck me?! to
Have you talked to me and cheated?! to
“Aaah, you called me, you got to another number, you were upset that you didn’t talk to me, and you’re laughing?! to
I mean I am guilty!!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138654
How many swords!
and four!
How many mosquitoes do we have?
and four!
So who are we?
The Armed Forces of Estonia.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138653
As you know, orange color boosts mood.

Spread the five-thousand banknotes across the apartment with a thick layer.

They are orange. They are guaranteed to raise the mood.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138652
In my life I have been called bored 962 times without any reason.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138651
From the blog of Natalia Desperata

My mom was screaming for the cat. Not at home, but at all. Uncle Sasha, our distant relative, came to visit and began to quarrel:
These cats! Everyone has cats! A wretched animal! Why a cat in the apartment? They attracted! These dogs are smart. The devotees. And the cats! They are... traitors!
Mom listened to him. And not disappointed:
and Sasha. Which cat betrayed you?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138650
The selfish

My child (healthy front) chatting with someone on the internet sitting on the floor and really crying. All the fools, all the fools! I am a fool!"** by

He is right. This Zen to know - the sooner, the better.
On the other hand, if everyone gets smarter, who will fight? All at once will engage in useful affairs and education, the rise of sciences, arts and economies, general welfare, a 3-hour working day, apples on Mars... Who will allow this?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №138649
Fuck you fucking. My boy (healthy front) chatting with someone on the internet sitting on the floor and really crying. All the fools, all the fools! I am a fool!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138648
Across the world, protests are accompanied, depending on temperament and local traditions, with shots, fires, fights, and other entertainment for every taste and fitness.

Greece: The crowd lazily slipped after a full-fledged lunch and a long siesta, wiped out about the weather and local gossip, corrected anecdotes. They hastily reached the nearest state institution, carefully scattered one, one, window. Impressed for a year ahead, and separated, discussing that it was probably a very daring act, and the government was no other than in horror.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138647
As long as you are on a submarine, you must love your homeland continuously. © by

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138646
The problem of future historians: “The Darkest” and “The Sunshine” are the same person.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138645
XXX is the game. In two words - you have a set of cheerleaders - and you give them commands by hitting the combination in a tactic.
YYY: It looks like a manager job.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138644
Don’t ask for

= What, seriously there are training "How to become a successful boomer?"=

To me, quietly standing at the stop, the lady of unglamorous and indestructible appearance and obviously over 30, several times approached young men pale with eyes burning with the words "let's go fucking." Then they quickly made their legs. I lost in guesses exactly until I was explained by colleagues that there are all kinds of training, and the exercises in them depend on the degree of stubbornness of the coach.
With little and beggars, m.b., something similar.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna