— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №139663
I decided to entertain my grandfather and read him the best history today (14 March) with, and then asked, "Tell me what the best wine you have drunk?" He replied, “I don’t remember, but here’s the best dinner and the best tea I’ve ever remembered.”
Further from his words.
At the end of January 1944, I was discharged from the hospital. Well you know, I was lying in Sverdlovsk after the injury. I was naturally sent to the formation, but I asked what my parents would give me to visit, and gave me a couple of days. They lived about 250 km from Sverdlovsk, near the station Lopatkovo, in the evacuation. One of the sisters studied as a doctor in Sverdlovsk, and the other sisters and parents studied there. His father worked as a carpenter, there was a workshop at the colloquium, they made sanes and skies for the front. Work was hard, and earned very little, but did not complain.
My parents didn’t tell me I would come. How to warn about it? I bought gifts at the market, t-shirts for my sisters and mother, and a hat for my father. And on the train arrived, well from Sverdlovsk the train went to spend the day with them.
He came and was terrified. A hole, one room, the ceiling with your head, they are there all four. All encouraged, clothes - pay on pay, cold (wood saved). And the main food is almost no, only a few potatoes, a little grain, and half a bowl of bread. The card was hardly enough for food. And why would I buy these clothes, better if I bought bread?
I say, "I am sending you as 40% of the salary (no more then)? And they say to me, “So you buy them, you know what the prices are. You send about 400 rubles, this is the cost of a bowl of bread on the market. And all we send your sister to Sverdlovsk, she is a student, she needs it."
My father does not find a place. The carpenter, the farm all his life led, and here even the son who was discharged from the hospital to feed nothing. I see my father going, “Where are you?” “I will come back now.” He did not return immediately, but in an hour, but he was happy.
He says I went to the Chairman of the Cologne. He said, “Likewise, the son-ordeno-bearer came from the front, from the hospital. What will I put on the table to feed?” The chairman cried out and wrote me up to 3 kilos of beets (sugar beets).
My mother shone. The soup was cooked, well, and we had half-cake bread. What a delicious dinner it was. And then the tea was drunk almost all night, beans instead of sugar, they were sweet. And most importantly with the family together, half-day and all night, under the same roof. With mom, dad, and sisters. What a kind of happiness. As if there is no war.
In the morning I left. Mother said, “You will come back.” And I promised, “I’ll come back,” he said. He returned and kept his promise. I actually saw them again only at the end of 1946.
Here's how many dinners I've eaten since then, how many teas I've drank, and there's never been more delicious. “You say wine.”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №139662
The official media is trying to expose Medvedev as a clown, but thanks to Navalny, we understand that he is not a fool at all.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139661
The Propaganda

Remember, if people sit in your car in the rear seats and attach themselves, they know something.

Interestingly, if you count all the bodies that didn’t get stuck because of the joke, incitement, and ‘macho-man’s’ attitude toward security on each of these points of view – how many times will he be a killer?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №139660
On the forum accidentally remembered "Heroes of Sword and Magic III":

XXX: And who is allowed to recruit the mausoleum?
Tagged: Vladimir Lić

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139659
From the tape in steam.
User 112 publishes a review of Arma 3:
"The game is good.
This is not the case."

145 hours in the last two weeks / 3,582 hours in total

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139658
What to write in a commercial offer?
- Write "baby ahead"!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139657
A “simple and effective solution” in translation from marketing is a “dirty puddle.” Do I understand correctly?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139656
I once experienced this Stockholm syndrome.
No, no one took hostages.
In the birth. Every time the doctor approached, I thought, “Go out, fool, stop whispering there, and it hurts without you!”
HHH: and as I gave birth, so immediately "so good doctor, so attentive was"

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139655
The whole essence of conspirators, historical frics, sexists, racists, wide-ranging audiofiles, sun-eaters and other anti-vaccinators is perfectly reduced to just two words: an ideological dilettant.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №139654
[only as part of the joke: not to be jailed]: The Timchenko Charity Foundation sounds like Hitler’s synagogue.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139653
In general, I came to the post office to send a package 10 minutes before closing (closing at 20:00), took a ticket, a new ticket as you understand after closing was not given, but the old was still served. So here’s my turn (at 20:02 approximately), while I was looking and going (well 10-20 seconds) to the right window, some grandmother told the operator that it was her voucher (why he didn’t check, I don’t know) and that she needed to get rather than send and she just got wrong at the terminal outstanding voucher. And here I come and say that this is actually a talon. The grandmother was silent, but she didn’t look at me, as if I had stolen something from her. What was she hoping for?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №139652
In student years, he worked as a system administrator in the hospital, the job is not a lie. Doctors in computers are not burning with the desire to understand them and their affairs full. Know yourself walking with a tough face through the cabinets, getting the paper stuck from the printers, and sometimes reinstalling the screw.

Once came to me in the office, a local enterprise to carry out inventory. A cute old grandmother. She recorded the numbers, the monitor, the computer and the desk. She visited that nothing in this technique does not understand and signed the paper on the fact of the inspection.

I signed and forgot.

Half a year later, it is reinvented again. The accountant calls me and speaks. We have this thing here, we can not find 10 monitors, 11 computers, printers there all kinds of, uninterruptible.

I'm doing round eyes, and what am I here?

You are responsible for them. Here is the paper you signed.

It turned out that my grandmother was not inventory, but retired, and the equipment she could not find was written off to me.

The technique was very old and apparently long ago someone broke or rotten in the basements.

Look at what you sign. Don’t trust the good grandmothers.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139651
#x the yams
The diameter
How deeply you are mistaken, if evolution had picked up sizes, then all men would have had a standard-size organ of the same length and circumference.

It is standard size, but with a lot of permission.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139650
Win10 once burned my popcorn to the temperature of the sun. An update arrives and automatically installs some Vimeo driver although I have an A4 webca in general. As a result, the camera breaks down. This wimper dropped it all back in the back again, but it all played out again! With each upgrade, the screw is still persistently attracting this dusty wimicro! I don’t have any iron in my body.
zzz: Wow, this wimicro is a separate video server of the AEB camera — they broke up to half of all the wimics! There was an epic article np.
yyy: This driver seems to have broken your keyboard.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139649
I go from work. I went into the tram, I sat down, I sat down, I didn’t touch anyone, I forced to fix. After a couple of stops, a girl stands up and obviously is going out. Standing up near the front door. The conductor approaches it, then the dialogue:

Q: Girl, are you going out now?

D is yes.

Q: Go to the middle door, we do not open the front door.

D: I decide by which door I am going out.

Q: But, girl, we don’t open the front door!

D: This is not my problem!

I am slightly upset by this turn, I look forward to the continuation. The tram stops, the girl stands at the closed front door. The doors are closed and the tram continues. At the next stop, the girl proudly snatches her nose and defiles around the salon, something is out there, goes out into the middle door and proudly departs.

It was she herself who decided so.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139648
and shabby:
Smart meters can exaggerate the indicators by six times
They are stupid smart counters.
They would be smart, they would be 10-20%. for decades.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139647
The alarming bell about what to lose weight begins to ring after the words of grandmother

"And the move has benefited you, the cheeks have appeared"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139646
From the Pancakes Forum: launch your peternya with the folded fingers and embrace the column with them properly to understand its softness, the consistency of the test.
For comparison - by sensations it should be: a) the mouth of the ear, - b) the elastic female chest, c) the hip of a small child, d) the belly of a sleeping cat.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139645
It was a few years ago. I leave the clinic and see the old grandmother (B) walking slowly along the fence towards the stop and holding her hands to the fence. It was winter, slippery.

In such cases, I would rather help the old man than simply ignore him.

I: Mother, where are you? Let me go.

The grandmother cried out and immediately agreed. I put her in my car, close the door and sit behind the wheel.

We walked literally 10 minutes, silently, and I called to lead her to the apartment itself.

We climb to the third floor. For a long time, of course, but persistently, I held her by the hand. Fifth floor, no elevator is provided.

Grandma just begins to open the castle, as her neighbor (C) comes out and let me scream:

C: - Petrovna, I know who this is - the black realtor!

B: Oh you are a bitch!

How I’m going to get avocado.

I went down with the matches. But he smiled anyway.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139644
Elizabeth, host of the holidays: "Sometimes you can distinguish yourself already during the preparation for the wedding. In one of my couples, the bride during the dance rehearsal broke the bridegroom’s front tooth – so she tried to dance well.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna