— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №130119
Any autobiography resembles a school diary from which a student pulled out pages with pairs.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №130118
This story happened to a relative of our close friend. In the 1920s, he was a doctor, lived in Peter and went to work every day through the Mars Field. At that time, the Mars Field was transformed into a cemetery for the dead revolutionaries. There were no people there at night at all, normal people, but the robbers joked. True, our hero was not concerned, because he returned home not so late, and he was just a rich body.

One day he had to go home later than usual. He goes and looks at the sides. Here, from anywhere, the vanity male painted and said, say, I am going in the same direction - at the same time it will be safer. They go, the man comes to him with fear, and he begins to tell all sorts of passions about who was killed here and when, who and how they robbed. And first, he says, the clock is picked. Our hero suddenly realized that the old man is talking his teeth, and the clock is probably not. I checked my clock pocket, no. He grabbed his companion for his chest and said, say, give, shit, clock, or shake the soul. The old man was frightened and gave the clock, and he ran away.

The doctor comes home, dressed up, and at dinner to his wife tells a story about how cleverly the old man used his clock. And his wife said to him, “So you forgot your clock at home today.” Our hero rushed to the clocks selected by the old man, and on them - a gifted inscription to a famous professor. The address was quickly found, and in an hour he was already knocking at the professor’s door. The old man opened it to him, but when he recognized the robber, he immediately lost consciousness. The thief was a doctor. After that, they became great friends.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №130117
Rosselkhoznadzor reports a sharp increase in the quality of Turkish vegetables and fruits.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №130116
My friend and I have been in contact since school for many years, always together, almost like brothers.

By the way, a friend has about 65 000 rubles. He is not married and lives alone. I have 35 000 rubles. Wife and child.

Once we met on the street, I went out of the store, he came in the car and asked for money to borrow for gasoline, asked for 500 rubles, said tomorrow will give 100%.

I show my wallet and say that I have the last thousand rubles, and I have almost a week to go. He says, no question, I’ll give it tomorrow.

In fact, it was 3 years ago. We are 5 minutes walk from each other. More than this person I have hardly seen or heard.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130115
I work as a chief. I am also a staff member. Currently, we are looking for a programming firm 1C (Accounting Program). I made a summary. Zp is fairly good, twice the region average. I called for lunch yesterday:

Are you looking for a 1C programmer? PS is real? Is this normal work? Will I not sell books? (It seems that the man has already gotten into this divorce)

-Good, yes, the company is real (I begin to tell what we do, etc.) Tell me about yourself, please.

Let’s meet and talk, I’ll come to you.

At 18:00 in the center.

I come. I see a man of 40 in classic shoes under a sportswear. I am surprised by the programmers. The programmer did not come alone, but with his wife and three children who sat on the bench. He calls his wife and meets her. Then the children. I ask for a resume, where did I work? He was a private entrepreneur who sold animal feed at a marketplace.

Are you familiar with 1C programming?

No, but I learn quickly, I can pait.

Am.. Why did you decide to come to us?

Well, we don’t have a lot to do with food, and here the salary is more than our monthly salary.

Sorry, you are not suited to us.

Do you want a bribe? We are not against...

I left with a deep sense of misunderstanding of this life.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №130114
I remembered a worker at our school. A great man, tough. He regularly promoted atheism in his classes. Everything would be nothing, but he taught in the Orthodox High School.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №130113
Ever since I was a child, when the door was ringing, I was afraid that the robbers had a weapon to shoot my eye through the door.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №130112
Just my mom, the year so in 2000-2001, I was then 9-10 years old, decided to put me the example of my friend's son, I then brought three from school, and he five. I was written:

- Dimka, out, good, the fifth brought, not what you, the three-man! (To put it, I wasn’t a trio!) always at 4.5 and only occasionally three)..- And so I was offended immediately that the answer was found by itself, and instantly.

- And Dimkin's mommy, wow, good - the salary is huge, not what you are!

I didn’t know what to expect after these words, but I immediately regretted that they broke out of my lips... as the saying goes, “the word is not a whore.” But my mother didn’t scream, she apologized. She said I was right and that she shouldn’t compare me to anyone. I apologized very sincerely too.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130111
We have a neighbor, a former police officer, now retired. Drink a lot and regularly. And he has a funny feature: he can go absolutely straight and straight drunk into perfect shit, but gives him a moment.

The degree of intoxication can be determined by the degree of head tilt. If the head is slightly inclined to the side, it means that the beer has just pulled. If the neck is bent halfway, then the bottle has already been put in. And if the head is completely on the shoulder, it means everything, the consciousness is turned off and the autopilot leads him home. and. and. And so it does, without mistake and in any weather.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130110
# # # #
The Friend! I totally agree with you, but let me clarify a little.
In reality, the SP hasn’t gotten up and the “comrades” go into the woods with slender ranks.
But! There will be a plan and then a certain number of citizens will fall under it, completely randomly. will be recorded. There will be a visit to the area, maybe. Then again silence and silence.
But after that, for example, the face of the gunfire can not give.
# # # #

The plan will be necessary. There will also be a showcase.

Here and to another can lead: for example, just as quietly conduct a few more laws containing these same "social moral norms and principles", in which you can include anything, and measures punishment for their violation. Let’s say to get up on your knees when you see a government cortex passing by. Didn’t you get up? This is a year of punishment and a penalty of ten thousand. Or forbidden to wear certain clothes. Use of certain words and phrases is prohibited.
The possibilities of using this law are more than many.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130109
So I would drive and I would ride on the sidewalks if I thought it would be safer. In the fifth point...
On the sidewalk, even if I put someone on, we will get rid of a couple of scratches both. And the one who gave to the straw, then can go to the hospital - to treat his straw, and can also do something at the same time.

This is all you need to know about cyclists. And if you replace the sidewalks on the sidewalk, and "safer" on "faster", then you know almost everything about motorcyclists. and :)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №130108
One day I went for a walk with my dog. He has a large curly erdelterrier weighing 30 kg. Well, I dressed up, dressed up, took the guide and the keys from the apartment. She called the elevator, went down to the first floor, came out of the entrance. I walk down the street, pull the lead and here I understand that something is wrong. And at this moment, like in movies, I slowly raise the guide to my face, go down my eyes over the bracelet cable and realize that there is no dog at that end. The expression of the dog’s face when I came home with and without a guide was the most confused expression I’ve ever seen on a dog’s cheek.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130107
The maximum thing that can be pushed into a crotch hole is the head.
And not every...
It is impossible for her to scream.

And the neighbors therefore went away: to see the army of every harp, the bite of the bed of the mutant - a test, and so on.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130106
Fish: Here we somehow sent a contract, not that it was scanned in jpg and pushed into Word, so the word they filed with RAR and the RAR zipped. It is :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130105
I ride a lot around the city by bicycle.The status of a bicycle driver of 20 years probably... To drive in the right row, and even more to drive around the parked car on the road, I really fear... So I ride and I will ride on the sidewalks, if I think that is safer. Go to the fifth point.

This is your personal sexual problem. If you are afraid to ride, walk. Here it was in all its beauty - "I don't want to ride, I will ride as I think, because it is more comfortable for me, and for the rest - I pay."
It is a pity that I have the chance to meet you on the sidewalk!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130104
From Habr, an article on the mining of helium:

xxx: What happens when the gas-like helium, which is being mined in new fields, gets into the atmosphere?
YYY: We will all drown!
Zzz: We’re all going to speak with thin voices.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №130103
September 18th is Yuri’s Day. They can choose new owners.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130102
I have been a convinced pedestrian for almost 30 years. Then suddenly I wanted a car, then a bicycle. In short, I understand everyone. For cyclists, it is better to be a pedestrian than a car-bombed. And let him throw the first stone at me who has never crossed the road in red.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №130101
Oh dear man!

My wife and I had a financial accounting program. Added category "Beauty". Previously, there was manicure and all sorts of spending on cosmetics. Recently somewhat jumped through. Today I saw a bottle of martini in this section. She will come home beautiful.

Write what it is called! We would be very useful.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130100
I decided to buy dollars again.
The situation is stable...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna