— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132079
Comments on 4 channel data transmission.
111: the next step for the Kulikova antenna
222: by the luster of Chizhevsky)))
333: by the ointment of Vishnevsky
444: The Horse of Przevalsky
555: Behind the Fallley Catheter
666: I advise you all to take a shower
777: As always, everything will end with a circle of Esmarch

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132078
A long time ago, my wife and I agreed that if the cover on the toilet seat is for something, it is strange not to use it. Since then, the toilet is completely closed and everyone opens as he needs, and after use closes back. I do not call anyone to anything, I just boast.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №132077
Your arguments are somewhat primitive.
People in civilized countries have long been talking about gender self-identification, all kinds of transgender, gay marriages and more, and you still think within the outdated M-G binary system. not cool.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №132076
Oleg was not given peace by his neighbors alcoholics. Frequent gatherings of their friends, the same alkashi, did not delight the inhabitants of the house. Drunk boobs and screams were so tired that decent citizens took their heads.
At first, the alkas were driven away - useless.
Admonishing and warning – zero effect. The police have also given only temporary results.
Then Oleg went to the masters of Priton and said:
God, I need your help. My aunt came to me, and I don’t want her to live with me. Can you make a noise scandal every day? The louder you scream and quarrel the matte, the better. I’ll bring you a bottle of vodka every night.
Alcatraz is happy to try.
A week later, Oleg said:
I have problems with money. I can only give you two bottles a week.
The “Lords” wept and worked out the next week without enthusiasm.
A week later, Oleg went to his neighbors and complained:
“You understand, they don’t pay a salary, so I can only bring you one bottle every two weeks for daily scandals.
- Well, no, for a bottle in two weeks I dery the throat.
Since then there has been silence around.
Alkashi, even if they were really quarrelling, tried to do it quietly. In order not to scare the maid, he called this shit Oleg.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132075
My mother is not a feminist.

Beauties and Heroes

And you don’t think you’ll never get rid of it because you can’t even decide on basic concepts? One with feminists refers to the fucking, the second to the latent dominoes, and the third to the normal girls who have been caught up by degenerates.

Tip, “I’m not with these fucking guys,” but when I told her about one moment, she summed up: “Let girls fight, it’s right.” Women’s pads and tampons are taxed as luxury. Moreover, it is not necessary - not to flow blood on clothes and furniture, it is something so exclusive, not everyone should be in their pocket! We are such princesses, we chose to bleed each month, because there is some special chic in this.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132074
Advice to girls: - Sardinia can be eaten so that then no guy will even hint to you about the mine.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132073
"Kapetz had his eyes when he saw Scotch)"

"Ask a fool to bring a Scotch, he will bring a sticky tape" Scottish proverb

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №132072
The Hicks. Discuss new measures against pirates.
<xxx>(cites the article)...but it is not possible to do this due to the presence of illegal distribution of movies and series on the Internet.
<xxx>Chm For watching what the domestic film industry produces, the viewer must still pay.
<yyy>Khm, will still not agree to watch, even with a surcharge. Sometimes too sick.
<zzz>We still need to issue milk for harmfulness.
<aaa> And the other side!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132071
Wild heat below 40 and high humidity. I come to the office after the vacation, I see colleagues in sweaters standing in front of the entrance, smoking.

Oh guys, what are you?! to
We are warm.
Okay... Okay... warm up.

I go into the office. And I get frozen, I can say, by mouth. My fingers began to fade in 10 minutes, I can’t even print. The new central cooling system is persistently trying to turn the office into a tundra and nobody can figure out how to understand it. As a result, everyone brings sweaters to work, goes out to warm up and awaits the arrival of repairers.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №132070
On the subject of school lessons. Another IMHO is the most useless thing in the form in which it is now - computer science. To train persistently for several years in binary and sixteen-digit systems, algorithms, programming, HTML. Why Why? In a few lessons you will still learn nothing, and what is the point in life? Take a few lessons for this (binary codes, presentation of graphic information in RGB). And the rest of the time it would be better to talk about the comp device (that the processor and the system unit are different things, why you need operating memory, etc.).), about BIOS (at least as a time to expose), would learn to put the screw and programs / drivers, taught the basics of information security (antivirus, firewalls, backup, information recovery), the basics of network technologies (modems, routers, IP-addressing, how to create / configure a simple network). We would introduce open software (Linux and open source analogues of popular software).

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №132069
I rarely argue. I do not participate in local fighting in principle, but I even got caught up here. Should a man decide to leave a child or not? What? As a man who has endured and was born, I want to tell you, go on! This, apparently, a man will bleed 12 times a day for three months, with bile starting from 4 times, since nothing else is left in the stomach and even water is not retained. This, apparently, a man will suffer from heartburn, swelling, sensation of internal organs at the level of the lungs. This, apparently, the man will be considered a dumb cow, which will confuse elementary things and forget. And, of course, a man will put his life at risk by giving birth to a child. In a man, the genitals will turn into a bloody mesh with a bunch of seams, or a man will remain a seam on his stomach for life. About stretches, excess weight, new foot size, postpartum depression and deterioration of memory in general is not even worth mentioning.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №132068
The truck is all you can learn about NTV.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №132067
The bullet flew and...

He comes to the passport table and says:
I would like to change my name.
He was surprised to ask:
What is your name?
And it is fast!
Which do you want?
Yippidy yi yi yippity yay!

I read comments on social networks with great pleasure. A little post about the war and darkness of the people scandals about their hostility.
They’ll call home and they’ll go right away. All of us! by Pizzo! In both hands with a straw. And no one will go away deceived! Pindos are cursed! Fuck the fuck! We will buried! He killed this sock (his house trumpeted!) Banned on the territory of the Russian Federation and fuck her mother! So louder music play victory, we have won and the enemy runs, runs, runs!!!
One hero in full seriousness wrote that he was ready to share the fate of General Karbyshev. It will be frozen by the call of departure.
I breathe with relief when I read this. There are still healthy forces in the country ready to protect my peaceful sleep! It cannot not please.
However, some doubts still flourish.
Napoleon said that the main condition for success is practice. Well, that is, everything needs snoring, hardening, training.
Therefore, sometimes I am interested in the compatriots who entered in terrible cries - say, in which regiment Ishmael was taken? How many bits in the example?
Answers are vague. The most polite people remember their grandfather, the rest turn to “you” and about me.
Sykvel Karbyshev so in general...I just asked if he was a follower of Porfiry Ivanov? Do you often dive into the doorstep and sleep in the refrigerator? So heated in response, the passionary, that if the Germans watered him with water on the frost, he would squeeze and steam for an hour, not less.
I noticed that the voices of the frontmen in the general confident choir are not heard at all. Some officers are whitewashed or staff, if they served.
Those who have been under fire have less enthusiasm.

Fortunately, I did not pay the international debt to anyone. Because I did not occupy. I really had to turn around.
But I had to go under fire. Unforgettable impressions.
For the first time I was struck by love.
The 90s.
I was dragged by the freedom of mind, then I walked into the CDH bar, full of females. Intellectual, liberal and siberian, aesthetic and glamour.
I was wearing pink silk costumes. still ashamed. The uniform of a successful mid-hand suitener, I have to admit, I went very well. I realized this recently when I looked at the photos of those years with the lamp under the blanket. My wife will laugh.
And here I come out of the car, full of myself, a defender of the oppressed, a fighter of the disagreed, I put a shoe of python's skin on the ground, and here over my head:
Oh Yeah Yeah! BZ to BZ!
I got back in the summer.Where was all the whaling going? The inner zig-zag raised the copt and I crushed. literally. He jumped from the spot through VAZ 2109.
I stumbled nose to nose with the killer. I think I am fucking. and here...
Fuck, has he dropped the gun? What a circus? Where did I get such an alternate gifted soulmate?
While the murderer, squeezed by his mother, slipped on the asphalt in search of the crime tool, (he seemed to have yet to say, "Well... a minute... I am now") -I still sent him a foot into the channels. The rush broke out, the assassin fell to the ground.
So, a gun-T-CAP, is it useful, where to drag the gun? In the bushes? What was there in the army about the intelligence in the prospectus wrote?...Passengers like there is in the car, the skull too, now let’s figure out who I didn’t care about...
I turn the body.
Cash is you?
The mummy...
In space I sit on the body of a murderer. His legs shaken by surprise. I smoke. by Kesha? With a gun? This thick jelly-shaped intelligent eye-shaped Jewish knur? Victim of a loving grandmother and music school? The man with the face of a donkey? The picture of the world shattered in the seams.
The body moved slightly.
Do you hear, Karakasov, what are the outbreaks?
Why a ninja? Should I marry? Do you have a shooting license? During the Gone Period? and?
Nina loves you said.
What kind of Nina?! to
and mine.
I began to remember Nina. She was such a sick lady that she always looked at me with the sad eyes of an undone cow. With a blatant reproach.
Are you an idiot? I do not know her!
She said it would be yours.
I strangely try to put a cigarette in my mouth and find that I have not smoked the former one. People who are more educated than I would call this state cognitive dissonance. Without me they married me. They almost crashed.
What did I do Kesha? Nothing is.
He stood up and broke into the CDC. Where silently and harshly grabbed fateful Nina for her ass and pulled her into the car. Without saying a word, she fulfilled her predictions. Nothing special, as it turned out. Breasts, of course, o-go, but to lose weight would not bother. I would not give for such a life. I would negotiate.
He threw the fateful out of the car and went to look for Behemot. I needed to eat urgently.
By the way, it was expected to be a Chinese shit. In fact, I did not expect anything else from this past.Ele sold $500 to some idiot.
The second time was harsher.
Again the 90s.
I go along Leninsky and I see that near Havana, two lines confuse the third with the legs. In the 90s, it was a pretty ordinary picture. I am parking. I like to watch such scenes. Think of yourself as a strategist, seeing the fight from the side.
He has a pretty familiar hairstyle. The long hair for which he is dragged. This is Dan!
Not to say that they are friendly, but they are known by preference in the coffee shop. No family soul. Must be registered. I take out the baseball bat, and relentlessly steal to the picturesque three. in the back.
I beat the first beat on the knee. is ready. The devil cries on the asphalt, the babysitter sick leg. Broken-not broken, I don't know, but a month exactly from this type you can't expect trouble. I turn to the second and the pillar. He pulled out the gun. A caliber of an elephant. The shot!
I did not understand what happened. I seemed like I was rushing, and a bright red star flew through my foreheads. But I remembered it later. At that moment, the brain turned off and the legs turned on. Within half a second I had already turned away from the car on Leninsky. After three bullets, I’t catch it anymore. Cossack in the field is easy. Not a feared Jew. The town has ceased to be familiar. I flew through an unknown landscape, the wind whispered in my ears. I remember the pictures blurred. Here I am breaking through the bushes. There was a bunch of dogs behind me, but it quickly retreated. and exhausted. The most stubborn sewing hanging out the tongue whispered next to another two minutes. She did not have enough breathing. Suddenly the subway flew out. The new chickens. People jumped off my trajectory like carpenters. The grandmothers swallowed. Behind the back, in the distance, a sad police whisper was heard. In his tone prevailed notes of hopelessness.
Here the old lady, jumping on the bench, shouts "Cross to you, Satan!!!" It is a sign of signs.
I woke up somewhere in the courts between Warsaw and Sevastopol. Wandered a long time. I was surprised to find a baseball ball in my hand.
Now I understand what the people are crazy about me. Ambal at such a speed, with a beat, and with such expressive eyes...
When I came out, I found a hole in the leather jacket. 3 in diameter. I thought long. Then it came to me that I was shot from a signal rocket. SP-44 is the most likely. It was offensive. He is single! This whole marathon was wasted. I could make the shooter completely unpunished. but. Their brains were only turned on after 5 kilometers.
I was surprised to find that I had broken my jeans. and half. He ran very quickly, Patty. I did not think it was possible.
Fortunately, the car was not injured. Elijah touched her. The clock walked back, covering the clock. Three minutes later, as I thought.
The next day I met Dan. His face expressed great admiration. Well, how much anything can express the face that is beaten on the asphalt.
You gave it, old man. My husband and I were so upset. The one whose leg you broke has stopped. You’re here, and you’re there! And not there.
He melted on the separator and disappeared. It is dematerialized. The Gopniks were so demoralized by your departure in English that they didn’t touch me. We waited for the ambulance and left. But you scattered! I’ll have to go to the sprinters. To defend the homeland on short distances.
In the short? I jumped to Bolotnikovskaya without slowing down!
You are a star! Then in the middle.
and ah. If at the start athletes were shot from a rocket, we would have such results... Without any doping.
Do not speak!

Why did I write this? To the fact that he sits on the couch and writes "We will boldly go to battle!" One man. And the fires he has over his ear, and he will jump over the tent, he will remember the runaway, quite another.
But in vain.
Those who have been shot know that. And those who were not, but convinced of their own courage to explain nothing in words.
The gun is easy. With one shot, everyone will understand. Do not bring God.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №132066
Who, I ask – who? Who brought to us in the city the women's short shorts size 62?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132065
The problem of thin walls.
The neighbors behind the wall... how they love to argue loudly at night! I lie down (I try to fall asleep) and hate them again, and here...
You are not a man at all!! As usual, you remain silent for three minutes. And I want to scream long and loud during sex... like that grandmother behind the wall!! to

How nice my neighbors have) I have to say that the guy that we are jealous))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №132064
I have a hook here. After moving, I don’t know which cellar is mine. No numbers on the door. I called the previous owner. He did not use the basement, so he called the previous one... He did not use the basement either! There are no keys, of course. There are no rooms in the basement. In short, I will play Indiana Jones and the Treasure of the Lost Basement.

Look for the best)

They are all such)

Look for the heart! Paloch... tifu, the basement chooses the owner itself

Jake Sally: How do I know he chose me?
He’ll want to kill you.
Jake Sally: Warming up..."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132063
What does the dog say?
What does the cow say?
by Mu-mu
What does the donkey say?
Internet Explorer is not a default browser.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №132062
Now sent spam Transport Company "Odyssey".... very risky way of forwarding)))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №132061
I decided to leave the third decree, and I have been looking for a job for a couple of months. On the desktop is a file "Resume", I periodically send it. Yesterday the husband brought the email address of the company to which to send. I have sent. He just called me from work and asked me to look at my resume (which came to the post of the CEO).
I open the file, and there, instead of the photo - a picture of a pony, crawling a rainbow, and the text is approximately like this: I am looking for an interesting job, the salary does not matter. I can bake delicious cakes with potatoes, and something in pots. Phone number, email and name, naturally mine.
It turned out that three weeks ago, when my husband’s younger sister visited us, she decided to help me. The summary has been sent five times since then. So now I think, just change the number and e-mail or the city right away?
Fuck, my kids know that I can’t approach my comp, but I didn’t take other relatives into account... :-)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №132060
You are so mysteriously beautiful.
Creativity is easy.
What is your secret, tell me?
There is no secret. I am fucking.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna