— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №130079
When I was 13 years old, in the village where I rested all summer, my grandmother’s cat lay on my bed. I woke up in the morning and saw in my legs a small three-colored piece, more like a mushroom. Usually with the cat offspring, the grandfather had a short conversation, and nothing good for the offspring it did not end. But this time my mom decided to leave the cat and take it to the city. When they started choosing a cat's name, the options were very different - from the exquisite Matilds and Marquises, to the rural Murys and Seebs. But I insisted on my own - the cat will be called the old male name - Kuzma, in the common people - Kuzka. So it went.

I graduated from school, started dating a girl, enrolled in the institute, flew out of it, enrolled in the next, finished it, got to work, broke up with another girl, etc. For 14 years Kuzka was always around, always supported me when I needed it so much – whether it was a craving syndrome or another breakup with the lady of the heart. Legends have been around about her cat’s endurance and willpower – she could sit around the closed door to the toilet for hours, until her eyes started to come out of the orbit, to do her cat’s business.

In the autumn of 2014, she suddenly stopped eating and then drinking. The veterinarian told us that she had not long to live, and the cat is better to sleep, so that she does not suffer from severe pain. Discovered diabetes, like stomach cancer and something else. We returned home and decided to take her to bed the next day. Kuzka no longer stood up, and from every move complained. I took her to my bed, sat next to her and smooked. I felt like she was starting to breathe easier, and the seizures almost stopped. Then we both slept. Maybe it was her fate – to be born and to die next to her best friend.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130078
In Iceland, there is a website called Íslendingabók ("The Book of the Icelanders"), which locals often use to accidentally avoid sleeping with their previously unknown relatives. The fact is that due to Iceland’s geographical isolation and the small size of the country, the population consists of about 300,000 people whose ancestors lived in the same enclosed space. Because of this, a significant proportion of Icelanders are each other's relatives, although many do not even suspect it. Íslendingabók contains genealogical information about all Icelanders beginning in the 18th century. Relatives can be broken in one click.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130077
Do not self-medicate - let the doctors earn.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130076
The story happened a couple of years ago, and all this time it, in fact, continued with breaks for antracts and furches.
The fact is that my uncle, uncle Misha, a pre-retirement man, bought a car, a Toyota Corolla, in 2008. I bought it from a colleague at work, thirty-year-old Vitalik, who at the time of the sale brutally deceived him - squeezed the run, carried out some minimal cleaning of the cabin, almost hand-painted from a bubble of pimples on the body. The car clearly ran more than 400 thousand, but the odometer showed a curly 120. For the car Vitalik took without a bargain (uncle Misha, a naive soul, did not even try to drop the price) slightly more than 400 thousand, although the red price for her - 200-250. During that time, any machine would turn into wood, but Toyota somehow, to my great surprise, kept. Although bad - the engine was triple, there was a mess in the cabin, the instrument panel blinked and dimly lit. The worst was the box. The kings of this year were put on the notorious, well-known in narrow circles robot, and the car at times beat out into neutral even in small traffic jams. It was necessary to stand for ten or twenty minutes, opening the hood, and then the car was driving, but with huge problems. Uncle Misha was in despair, tried to talk to the seller, but he made a brick and answered all questions in the style: "I don't know anything, before buying it was necessary to check, and so you are a fool." The last step here was the trial, but Uncle Misha refused to judge - the man is very peaceful, calm and intelligent, and better pulls everything in himself than he goes to the roof. In short, of those whom such as Vitalik are considered to be slugs and their natural prey. They generally judge the world as a wild jungle, where whoever is stronger is right. Today decency is gone.
I tried to take the matter, but nothing worked out, Vitalik and I laughed in the eyes. I wanted to move him in the rod, especially in the composition I was much larger, but Uncle Misha persuaded to end the world - to say, God is his judge. I offered my mother-in-law my car, an old X-trail (just then a new one), he completely refused - to say, buy yourself with your daughter something better, and I am old already, I don't need much, I ride perfectly on public transportation. Meanwhile, the car was not an empty thing for him - soon to retire, and so far there is a possibility, he wanted to somehow rebuild his mansion under Sergey Posad, and even retired to settle there. When I could, I carried it, of course, but I could not always - the work of myself is associated with constant rides. My heart was bleeding when I heard his stories about how he was carrying construction materials on the train - there were banks of paint, some rails, boards, tubes, the old man was literally dragging on himself like a turtle.
And I decided to help him. In the summer of the 14th year, he went to his relatives to Volgograd for three weeks, and I took his keys from the queen - to say, I turn it, I will show the knowledgeable master. The test took a strict promise from me not to spend on repairs, but I had my own plans... First I took a robot - it turned out, there were three problematic elements - clutch, actuator and transmission control blog. All this was replaced for 60 thousand rubles, and the car went like new - without scratches and scratches. Then I took the engine. I thought at first that it was possible to replace the coils, and all that, but it turned out that there was a chain, and the resource was worked out, so I had to spend seriously and go to the contract. Then they entered the brake system, shaken the walk. It turned out, all of this is very inexpensive with Toyota, well times and a half more expensive than on a jiggle, even if you take original or close to them parts. Luckily, the car had absolutely no distortions in the geometry of the body, and apparently was not in serious accidents. Then they cleaned the cabin, renewed the LCP a little bit, the tamper was placed on new attachments (there was one broken and he talked with a disgusting scratch while riding the fist). We also replaced the air conditioner compressor, put a new battery. The car, of course, was not entirely new from this, there are no miracles, but it was now possible to drive. Uncle Misha, I returned the keys, abandoned carelessly - to say, there was nothing like this with the car, a couple of screws turned and the seals somewhere changed. He believed, the naive soul, and still in every case thanks me and asks the phone of the mysterious miracle master - personally thank him. The car, in fact, is still driving, in these two years without causing the slightest problem.
But this story had a funny side effect. The fact is that the same Vitalik, who sold the car to Uncle Misha, was surprised to follow its technical evolution. He knew perfectly what condition she was in, and represented the cost of repairs (why, in fact, and melted), and for him even the fact that she was driving on the roads, represented a mystery of the level of the mystery of the resurrection of Lazarus. At first, he was simply surprised to watch my uncle Misha, and later began to ask questions - to tell how much the repair cost, what was done with the engine, what was changed in the box. Uncle Misha first waved, and then, so that he stood behind, he simply repeated my words: they replaced, say, some places the seals, and pulled a couple of screws. Vitalik made his eyes round and... believed. Strange, but scammers who are accustomed to lying on every move know how to appreciate and understand honesty. He was jealous. He bought himself a relatively fresh Passat, and already encountered a bunch of repairs - there was something on the DSC, and on the steering rail, and so on. It all cost a huge amount of money - one mechatronic in a box pulled for a hundred thousand rubles. He was missing in the services and jealously looked at Uncle Misha's king, she became for him, finally, a kind of mushroom, constantly irritating him. He even wept that he had sold it too cheaply, and complained about the penetration of the elderly, and spoke of his nobleness. Now he is again sitting without the car, again it is in repair, and the aunt is coming out on retirement days. I hope that the scammer will not read this story, and will not learn about our little secret - let him torment a little more, deserved.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130075
Only England can afford to leave the euro twice a week.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130074
A real man should have three pairs of cowards - one on himself, one washed, one for the event of nuclear war.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №130073
Can we talk about men’s chauvinism?
I sell a gasoline for spare parts. The interested person calls:
Why on spare parts?
There are no candles and the carburetor does not work.
Oh yeah, you do not know.
I thought a lot...

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130072
zzz: But I believe that there are no believers, and their presence of IRL insults my feelings!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130071
When you reach a certain age, representatives of the pensioner-masonic society are contacted, passes are issued in places like children's kitchens, only for the old ones, where violet hair paint is issued, a cart with scrolling wheels and a list of addresses to be visited in a month, arriving at the place by 8 am.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130070
From the old on "Bash":

My wife found the ass yesterday. She said that he found a 25% treasure and took a third :'(

And I’ve always thought that 25% is a quarter part.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130069
Can a chancellor ask a question about opening open stones? and removal from that site, links to this "fun" site??and (

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130068
Here is he! The main question of life in the universe and all that.! to

In Brazil, a 16-year-old man died after masturbating 42 times without stopping. Now we all know that 42 times is the limit.

How much can you masturbate until you die?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №130067
by Zh. Applicants for the post of the next generation:

When entering the Technische Universität, my sister wrote a work, the work was about the "Captain's daughter", the final stroke, Pugachev with the words "I gave birth to you and I will kill you" and "I shot Greeneva")))
Nothing, received a trio and finished with a red diploma + graduate degree

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130066
As a child, I always dreamed of going through walls. But I only learned this at the institute.
Magic and Magic?
Anger and Gipsy...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130065
I understand perfectly that the group of our conventional comrades who invented all this nonsense with the total dispensing of children with a psychiatrist, clearly demonstrated what happens when the person who is in charge does not think with the cerebral cortex or even its wood, but uses cells from the cavalry of the spinal cord. And I understand perfectly that neither the children, nor their parents, nor the psychiatrists are to blame for all this nonsense: the boss said that the bird's bucket - look for wings.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №130064
You have already done it!! Get rid of the comments!! Eblan

Wind is something that we have no power over. You can build a wall on the way of the wind and fence your garden from it, you can build a wind mill and get bread by the force of the wind, but with the wind alone you can do nothing.

Why is this shit?

WOW: I said this to the fact that the comments of others are like the wind. If you are sick, close the window.

WOW: And the fucker, by the way, also covered up, fell the asshole.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130063
You don’t take the phone – what is ignorance at all?! to
“Sorry, it’s hard to say, the dog was buried.
I feel sorry for her easy transition.
That fucking battle. Drops of fleas / cracks buried! But the wrath of your thoughts I like – it has hit the root already!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130062
It was. Any lander knows. There were two waves. The Volunteers. The percentage of losses at unloading is approximately 7.
Not visibility, but rapidity – a column of tanks + motorized columns went to our positions, not ready for it. As always, every deed is someone’s crime.
somehow so. Maybe your grandfather was there. A grandfather, but it doesn’t matter.
— — —
Thank you bro. My grandfather died on the Rzhevsko-Vyzemsk platoon. On the immortal regiment his photograph was carried.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №130061
It will not take off. The first complaint will cancel such a protocol, and the appeal to the CC to the pile and the law. As soon as the rule of law is established, prohibitions must be imposed. The generally accepted moral and ethical norms are extremely vague and incomprehensible. They are not written or recorded anywhere. Today the norms are one, tomorrow others, and can also change from group to group. Therefore, there are clear rules "what cannot".

You are what? How soon did the Law on Religion be abolished? The Blair-Ozimov Law? Other stupid laws?

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №130060
The genius:

Oh so beautiful! Let us give up everything! This is the perfect way to fight overpopulation. Do not instigate homosexuality.

Homosexuality is planted by nature precisely from overpopulation, and, first, it cannot appear in a living person, only in his offspring, secondly, it cannot appear in a living person no matter what you do to him. Yes, this is the main reason why the HOLOLO PROPAGAND law of homosexuality is nonsense.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna