— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156497
Home is a place where you can walk without a lighthouse.

Yyy: My home is your home

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156496
xxx: that then remembered one idea with the American mountains, you can just get rid of it and sit down: at the beginning of the movement of the wagons, when passengers are already attached and the sudden rise begins, the wagons should start to drop some iron parts, there should be a scratch and vibration, and the worker runs and screams: the wagonets have a cardinal spunt, emergency braking, emergency braking, and the wagons are gaining height, there are metal strikes, the gate begins to spread the sirens and the ambulance and rescuers enter and down the tear in the robe in a megaphone crypt crazy crazy crazy crazy sweat why no one has turned off this bitter crazy, crazy crazy, there we all have a shit there, how to leave it, And with these words, the car enters the edge, and the attraction begins.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №156495
I was 8 years old when I also burned something on a bowl and put it on the table, on the counter. A perfectly flat hole was formed on the scatter.

I was caught in panic. Because the lilium does not pass. And then I was obscured – we have a new one in the box, exactly the same! It only needs...

In short, I cut off the plate for the old scarf.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156494
Did you know that Lake Baikal is sacred to the Japanese?
According to legend, God took a piece of earth and threw it into the ocean. Japan was formed. And at the place where the land was taken, Lake Baikal.

So what am I? Isn’t it time to make territorial claims to the Japanese? They live on our land?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №156493
Lovely people

Last week I bought a new car of my dreams. Big, beautiful and devastatingly expensive.
After completing all the documents and receiving a free fire extinguisher, I was already out on the street, where the purchase was waiting for me, and what was my surprise when all the employees of the car showroom dropped behind me, without exception, to conduct and wish a happy journey. A man of thirty in white shirts and cravates, mixed with workers in gray specialties from the rem zone. Some smiled a little noticeably, others looked around and whispered, but everyone did not take their eyes from me, many even filmed on phones. In front of everyone, with his hands crossed on his chest, there was a seller who was making a deal with me.
I pictured my foot, worshiped the people and pushed a small farewell speech:

- My friends, at my age, I bought a lot of different cars, but never before have seen such a good attitude of the car showroom team to their customer. I have never been accompanied by everyone, literally all the employees of the store. You are wonderful people, I am pleased to tears.

The group smiled, some even defiled.
I sat behind the wheel, waved my hand to say goodbye, drove the car and walked away, leaving all these cute people in the rear-view mirror. No one answered me for any reason, everyone looked at the seller.


Unfortunately, without prehistory, this story makes no sense. Well, you’ll think, in one separate car showroom picked up a person thirty friendly people who want to conduct their client on a newly purchased car, but not all is so simple. Half an hour before the mass farewell scene, I, already a full-fledged owner, stared into my new car, admired the buttons and breathed the smell of fresh plastic, and the seller whispered about various hooks and shelves, as he suddenly pointed to the gearbox lever and asked:

If not a secret, why did you choose the mechanical box? This is a rare choice nowadays.

My mood was playful and I replied:

"You see, in the thirty-five years of my driving experience, I moved on different cars and machines and on variators and on different robots, but somehow I never had to ride a mechanic, so I wanted to try. Moreover, many people praise her. Yes, and the word beautiful - m e x a n and k a, flows with speed and reliability. Why are there three pedals? What kind of pedal is this?
This is the C-C-C grip.
The traction? Is it that on a bad road the car would have a better grip on the ground?
Well... generally yes.

Here is the seller, barely containing laughter, and went to gather nice people to say goodbye to me.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156492
Half of Russians supported the mandatory vaccination of the other half of Russians.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №156491
Income is not someone else’s child: it doesn’t grow fast.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156490
I am a florist. A young man called the salon and ordered a bouquet with delivery, strangely commenting, saying, "I need such a bouquet to give." She made a nice bouquet and sent it by courier. Tonight I go on a double date: my acquaintance couple and their friend. A friend with a bouquet. In other words, “to give.” Romantic to say.

[ + 21 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156489
After the match with Denmark at the European Championship, the Russian football team was recognized as an undesirable organization in Russia.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №156488
I once decided to joke about my wife while she was going out for a walk with her daughter, photographing her phone on the shelf. When they came out I sent her a photo of the phone on the shelf and wrote that they were forgotten at home. Five minutes later, they came back on the phone.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156487
Xxx: Once I came to an interview for the post of an administrator. All I needed was to impress with my appearance, good manners and clear, literate speech. I prepared seriously for possible questions from the evening. Before I got up to make the perfect hairstyle and makeup, a sharpened t-shirt all the things... I chose the most beautiful shoes on an 11 centimetre shaft, and now it’s time.  I enter the office. There I am met by a manager, a HR manager and a secretary of a very important kind. I, filled with my own dignity and gigantic competence, walk away from my hip, the sound echo of the spikes every step permeates silence, the beard is not below the line of the horizon... In short, all in the image.

At the end of the interview a little nervous until the palms sweat. Everything was quite standard and as if I caused positive emotions in everyone.  With a radiant smile, I thank you for the attention given, I say goodbye and the same walk from the hip I go out, I pull the door, and it does not open, I pull stronger - it does not open, I pull even stronger the door with the force flies away and I fall on the swab with a huge dirty cloth, and the door pen remains in my hand.

The HR manager ran and opened the door to me, which was a meter to the right.

At this point, the leader calmly said:

What a strong and persistent girl.

I was ashamed of the light in my eyes, I apologized, cuddled and fled.

All upset jumped into the router, used in the bag to look for money, and there the same door pen lies.

For some reason they did not call me.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №156486
Xxx: We once rested with the guys in the sauna. I am already quite in the food, in principle like everything and wanted us female affection and crazy sex. Called the lady of easy social responsibility, the essence of the love priests came to work. After a little drink and discussing with the ladies plans for the future, I decided to settle with one of the nymphs in a specially designed room. Everything went as if wonderfully, we each other, I ticked the fibers eë soul with her dignity from the inside, she gently and sensually hugged my pelvis with her hips, I gently kissed her ear and neck making frictional movements, my right hand massaged eë a gentle elastic soft chest, then I slowly passed my hand to the hips and touched the elastic butt with my palm. She stoned, I liked it, I began to accelerate frictional movements, eë the stone began to sound louder and exciting, I felt the heat of eë the body, the smell of eë magnificent as the Niagara Falls hair intensified, it awakened in me the desire to absorb eë completely. Alcohol and passion confused my thoughts. At that moment I did not exist in this world, I was completely immersed in the soul and thoughts of the eë world. Suddenly, I was returned to this reality by a thin, penetrating and unexpected voice of a nymph like a summer thunderstorm: - Yes!!! Make me hurt!!! to

I was overwhelmed by panic, all I could do with my penis I already did, deeper I could no longer. I understood that the moment of ecstasy is going away, I need to do something urgently, shake my chest - no, it can leave an unpleasant mark on a beautiful body, shake my buttocks - no, it's childish, shake but the pope didn't have the opportunity because of the posture, to make a "sleeve" on the nose. It sounded eë a gentle voice like lightning after thunder. Time passed, I was in panic, alcohol and blood pulse beat me in the head... I ticked my finger into her right eye... – Aai!!! Fuck the fool!! I heard the disappointed voice of a nymph in the whole sauna.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №156485
Xxx: I was going to make an offer to a girl. I chose the ring. Naturally, I was very worried. I’ve been choosing for a long time and finally I liked one thing. I say, this is what I take. Next dialogue, I - I, PS - the salesman of the salon:

I: This is what I take!

PS: Well, they are paired, the second ring of what size?

I: Oh, I have enough of one.

PS: Usually, two take at once to be the same.

I: This is a strange fashion, why does it have two identical rings? We’ll come and choose what she likes.

PS: Look for yourself, this is rarely the case. Better take it right away (looking carefully at my hands).

I: Well, I don’t know... Two rings are somehow too bold, I’m not sure what the girl will appreciate. I will take one.

I took the ring and went to make an offer. Everything went well. And then, two days later, the bride says to me, “Why don’t you wear your own ring?”

The ring. his own. the couples. It comes to me here...

We arrived two hours before the opening. He bite his nails while waiting. Fortunately, it turned out that the seller understood which league I was from and put off the ring for me, although this is prohibited by the rules, and still waited until I finally got to me.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №156484
xxx: I went to the pharmacy before closing, there was a tired provider on the box, asked for a package of condoms. I received in response:

What do you have, big or small?

I was a little confused, as the girl was pretty nice, but not to hit the dirt in the face proudly said:

The middle!

She looked at me and replied emotionally:

A large pack of 12 pieces or a small 3 pieces.

Then I realized that I was slapping.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №156483
The good has almost defeated the evil, but tolerance has passed to the side of evil.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156482
The theme of the lecture is “New York – the city of contrasts”.
I was not in New York.
And where were you?
In Istanbul, in Marseille
“Please, Istanbul is a city of contrasts, we will post an announcement.”

From some “contrasts” it remains only to shrink...

McCloskey is a family couple of wealthy elderly (61 and 63 years old) lawyers from St. Louis, who became famous last summer (28 June 2020).
A crowd of Black Lives Matters supporters went to siege the house of mayor St. Lewis, who dared to throw something they didn’t like. Police blocked the streets leading to the mayor’s residence. Then these “beautiful people” broke the gates of the mansion of McCloski (they have their OWN STREET) to pass through their private possessions to the mayor’s house. A fearless couple came out to meet them – he with the AR15 (civil analogue of the M16 assault rifle), she – with a gun. BLM racked up, retreated and sued them for “mashing up weapons.”
On June 17, 2021, the court sentenced the wife to a fine of $2,000, and the husband to a fine of $750. There was an offer to sell the weapons to a charity (I am sure the historic assault rifle would have been bought for good money), but the judge ordered the confiscated weapons to be released “under the press.”

And now, in my opinion, it is funny. The McCloskey family are not criminals, and are convicted of “misdemeanor,” not “crime.” Therefore, nothing prevents them from buying a new rifle in exchange for the selected one. What they did today.

Indeed, “this country was not called Honduras.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №156481
Today you have no antibodies, and tomorrow you want NATO!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156480
Xxx: When the red was burning, I accidentally shrugged my leg, and the guy stuck in the phone almost started crossing the road.

Yyy: The Perfect Crime

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156479
Xxx: years edak at 10 sat at home one watched cartoons. I drank juice from a heavy cup of fascia. The juice quickly ended, I sit and pull the remnants on the dough. Here, the circle was squeezed to the face. I thought, what if I pulled the air even harder? He did so. I sit and pull in the air with my mouth, I exhale with my nose. The bowl was sucked and held for forty minutes, while I stuck in the bowl.

The multics ended, exhaled with his mouth, the bowl fell away. I walk from the room to the kitchen through the hallway... I look at myself in the mirror and see that I have a huge, perfectly round, purple bleach on my half-face, below my nose, like the hammer of Homer Simpson.

In the evening, of course, I got a bullshit from my mother, and my father laughed to the heck.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156478
I was 16 years old then. On the eve of Easter, my father went to work at night and asked me to paint eggs. I have never done this before and decided to look at the online instruction. The instructions were approximately as follows: “Driven the paint in the glass, drop the eggs there, wait five minutes, ready.”

Having done everything clearly by points, having laid the colorful eggs around the cushion, I went to bed proud of myself.

In the morning, the father returns, calls to the table, we beat eggs on each other and one is scattered. When my father asked me, “Did you cook the eggs?” I replied, “No, it wasn’t in the instructions.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna