— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129939
MDA... so you can FIG know where to bring the harshness and marasm


We are lucky to observe. The process is very strenuous.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129938
They were sitting somewhere at a stop: (O), (O) one group and (D) his daughter. There was the following dialogue.
A: And if a man's corpse feeds a pig, there will not be any bones left of it.
D: "How do you know it?"
I: "Have you seen his ex? This is..."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129937
by JJ
X: How many goats I take with my hands, I have never used it. If I eat them here, but I haven’t tried to eat them...
Y: Try to go somewhere to the south.I don’t even talk about Borneo/Peru, Taia is enough.

There is full of mimicked puffy hives, from which you will have your hands, like after boiling hot water - and it's good if the hair fragments do not get into the eye.

We, in comparison with the tropics, are simply a reserve for idiots - no one can complain or burn, only bear fruit :)))

Z: and cabbage to eat)))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129936
and Zoe. Where are you now, on what websites? If you suddenly get here, know: they remember you, they miss you. Thank you for the moments of laughter and fun. For what you were, for what you read and laughed.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129935
XHH: White - good, took away from our football team all judgments after leaving the game :)

Zzz: Yes, he took that money less than one player of the Russian national football team)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129934
I studied then, I think, in primary classes. My mother and I decided to play hiding. My mom bored me quickly and easily, and I didn’t have a problem finding her in a two-bedroom apartment. But once, I was looking for her for a long time. Already, as if, and everywhere looked, here something dragged me at the closet to shake my head, I watch-sitting my mom on the closet. We roasted for a long time, of course. Then I say to her, “Well, come down, my turn to hide.” And she sits down, laughs, and says, “I can’t, I’m afraid.” Fortunately, in our entrance, on two floors above lived my mother's sister and her husband. I stood up and said, "Uncle Woow, go mommy out of the closet and take it off."You would see the amazed faces of uncle and aunt. We still remember this story and rime with the whole family.

P.S. My mom was removed from the closet.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129933
Name of Company: Hajlov
Surname: HighLow

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129932
OK to share. A friend divorced. I know the details of family friends.
Well, the daughter has the right to see, and it just fell on his birthday.

He then told me that he was lying. The wife suspected that if he and his daughter went to the country, then there probably some pedophiles ran to make a statement.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129931
My lady broke the thermometer, I used forums to watch what they do in such cases and came across a comment:
"I broke the thermometer of mercury, I think I collected all the mercury at home, I will surely not die from mercury, but from them."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129930
It is easier. I want sex with at least two different people. Ideally three. Because to fuck the same thing every day... well, I don’t know how much it takes to be a poffigist. Where there is no diversity, there is no pleasure. If she and her girlfriend were changing on a daily basis, and on Sunday they would have arranged a group shower, he would have beaten her to death.

Usually the diversity in sex reduces a man to the replacement of a partner
but to the replacement of the partner, you are what"in the first case I ipu, and in the second we iput"
Change the stereotypes in your head.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №129929
I watched on the internet reviews about one of the licees.

111: It is a wonderful place.
222: Per the best educational institution in Moscow and Russia.
333 Do not go here!!! This shit is hard to fuck!! to

(The last review, I would say, confirms the first two!)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129928

Are you a fan of Japanese cuisine? I propose to sit in Marokama on Mendeleevskaya. We meet at 17.30 in the subway at the end of the hall where there is a deadlock.
My name, my name, my name! (C) And specify the day and year for every case.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129927
What is Mary busy with?
With the help of modern technologies carries out a targeted sample of dynamic visual materials for pheline therapy.
Do you watch videos with cats during working hours?! to
and UGU.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129926
I just unpacked the clock, I wear it. There is a chip type of training - well go so many steps at this pace. I run to the bus station, not because I am late to the bus, but to the toilet. Before that, I made a task. He struck very strongly. I sit down, I start the process, the clock rings and it is written on the screen - You have reached the goal! I fucked and roasted!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129925
In college, she worked for some time in an office, where the vast majority of employees were retired military personnel.

One day, passing by the chief's office, I heard a fierce dispute between my chief and the chief of another unit, a retired general. Behind the door came an astonishing argument:

- Nikolai Ivanovich, you are no longer in the army, there is no use of grass painting here!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129924
You understand, David, you can’t just take it and move to Rostov. First the referendum.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129923
You can walk naked, but only in shoes.
This will protect your family from a possible panic attack.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129922
We throw away the waste of life activities in the hell bowl nearby, very ecologically, especially, it likes to regularly get stuck in the quad-cyclists, who badly borrowed the holidaymakers with mates, orams ("E** mother, again stuck, b**, p**), the smell and the roar of the engines.
Never before has the expression "blend shit" had such a direct meaning.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129921
Teleportation will appear in Russia by 2035
Finally, they realized that it was much easier to invent a teleport than to solve the Russian road problem.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129920

On June 23, a majority of British voters voted for leaving the European Union. However, many only the next day began to search on the Internet what exactly they did.

According to Google Trends, the most popular question about the referendum after the closure of polling stations was: "What will happen if we leave the EU?"

The second question was “What is the European Union?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna