— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129919
by 20673
From a conversation with your colleague (and maybe with you):
Do you have children? and no.
What if they are? - will not be (convinced pair of childfries >30)
What if they will still be? will not be!
And why? –...
From there:
Did you have animals? Yes, the cat is dead.
from what? Animals do not die from old age.
(At the time of the cat's death, I was 20, the cat lived in the family before I went to school, and most of the cat's life fell on the hungry 90s, when they themselves, that is, there was nothing special, but about elite animal feed and did not hear.)
As a result, the cat was not given to us with the explanation "we are looking for more mature people". Half a year has passed, on the photo of the cat I still encounter on the forums, probably no one has yet missed the cat

[ + 26 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129918
What is the difference between Israel and Siberia?
and none. It’s cold and everyone speaks Russian.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129917
Ordinary everyday underwear, without any there are sexy swimsuits is even more closed than some swimsuits.
by : : :
It is still fine.
I once had to cross the courtyard in a soldier’s “beluge”, looking at me as if I was walking absolutely naked (although it just closes everything up to foot).
And then there was many times in shorts-swimwear, no one led the eye.
— — — — — — — —
This is a new irritant.
If two girls were to run into my room (one in underwear, the other in the curtain), I would be stressed with the second option.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129916
From the correspondence:
Give me a warming cold.
Light from the factory table. Are you not heating?
Butter, butter...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129915
1: And where in Moscow or nearby Moscow you can ride horses for those who can’t?
Two carrots any?
Third: BGG
A brother bought a daughter pony. Everyone was able to get off the horse. The Norwegian appeared. Brother in hospital with two fractures.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №129914
Another girlfriend of my childhood, when the breasts began to grow, began to wear clothes, the sting was not visible. Apparently, out of a sense of stubbornness, she has grown such a chest that you can’t hide anything. ;D

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129913
xxx: I am still impressed by the pediatric conference six months ago, in which one of the reports smoothly crossed into protective stories about homeopathy and water memory. I still spit.
xxx: I was delighted by one thing: After the meeting "Colleagues, do you have any questions to the rapporteur?" from the first rows was a quiet but clear "Yes. Are you fucking serious?I do not know whether this question was answered, as I was urgently evacuated from the room so as not to get stuck with Facebook spams to death.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129912
xxx: I wanted to buy an aluminum strap, searched through the internet. So I now on all sites offer to buy aluminum in alloys. Do it yourself, in short.
YYY: I was just looking for something on Linux on your computer...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129911
The relationship between young women and men of age

Do you want to have a young, elastic body?and ;)

YYY: It is not special. You can’t talk enough with them, and I’ve already passed the age when I was only interested in sex and nothing but sex. Now I have a desire, as in that anecdote: "and to talk?"

YYY: And in general, I recently calculated the stages of my aging:
I want sex
Talk after sex.
Talk before sex.
I want to talk during sex.
Talk instead of sex.

YYY: And I’m already in Stage 3... here, fucking!and :(

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129910
The bright green river... What a...

There is such a fucking thing - a crumb. Paint the water in a bright orange color in any concentration. It slides out to check the tanks for hermeticity.
Such here. Spring of 1984. The leaves broke and suddenly the snow fell. It happens. And in the stream next to the school poured out this most crumb. Then the sun came out and it was very warm. The total. +15, green trees, under which an orange river flows between white streams... And all the popies.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129909
Nowadays girls are dating guys to post photos on Instagram and say "Look at it I have". They get married because they are afraid of age. They give birth to children when they hear that their friends are becoming mothers.
Guys at this time ride them on cars with the "I am God" and think that for this the girls should give them, absolutely not realizing what a "man" is.

No drop of mind and dignity, neither of them nor of others.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129908
Do I think, or are only wives really pissing?
But no, men are like that too. I took the two together...How did he get me.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129907
In someone's quote: "I watched porn all day". In the other - "All morning porn watched".

That’s how people do, right? What is Iron?

They are without hands.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129906
Pictures of boys sleeping in the audience. Signature "This is how future engineers learn"
This is how they learn everywhere.
Alexander: Moreover, this is mostly how it works.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129905
I read "Moscow and Moscovici" by Gillarovsky:

Moving the garden. The earth is suddenly in turmoil. In all the streets
Carriers, cowboys, hamsters climb horses and cling to the very sidewalks. My car stopped at the corner of the garden.
The bell rings far away.
The driver turned to me and whispered frightened:
The Cullers! See also!
The bells are flooding nearby, the thunder and screams are heard.
Along the Sadowa, on the side of Sukharevka, one after the other two rage furiously.
beautiful identical red three in identical new short carriages.
On the one and on the other - rough jammers, in hats with pavilion feathers, with
Gigantic and whispering knots. In each three, two identical
Passenger: on the left the gendarme in the gray shiny, and on the right the young man in the
The State.
The angry three broke, and the street took the usual appearance.
Who is this? I ask.
and gendarmes. From Peter to Siberia. The important ones.
The newcomer goes first. This is his best three. The cooler.

100 years have passed and nothing has changed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129904
20671: "Author - an idiot!" (c)
Didn’t you write about the beach and dress code?
Why should I be upset if someone is walking half naked, especially if he is at home?! to
No, of course, there are seemingly ugly people, too fat, dirty, careless - it is unpleasant to look at such, but if it is a tight guy or a slim girl - why not?! to
What if he is in shorts? Even in the city?
Moreover, what difference does it make to you if he walks in cowards at home, if they are clean?
Why do other children care about you? A pedophile?
Modesty is when you don’t hang your golden beads and fur, and shame is when people like you try to teach the lives of normal people.
Loan to be so.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129903
After the husband leaves for a business trip, the cleaning should start from the closet. Suddenly, people will come...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №129902
I will tell you about my summer grandmother, the younger sister of my native grandmother. Immediately after school, she learned to be a field sheriff and went to war as a volunteer in the very first week. She served in mobile and front hospitals, did not get to the front only because of a very fragile composition, but was crushed by horrors and sorrow and without a front. Immediately after the war, she was sent to work as a doctor "for everything" in a small village in the northern Urals. There she had an office in the local school, where she vaccinated schoolchildren, treated the entire local population, sometimes took births and even, having obtained a trophy drill, sealed and treated her teeth. There was no other doctor 500 km away. At school, she had a tiny chamber where her box had a bed. During the winter holidays, the school had to be melted, and in the summer it was closed to the castle, and the grandmother came to visit us. So we called her summer grandmother.
Unlike her sister's masterpiece, she was completely helpless in the household, and she had no kitchen, she ate in the school dining room. But she taught us, grandchildren, to understand mushrooms and medicinal plants, to treat all diseases with simple means (other things she did not have), to respect nature and to predict the weather very accurately. Apply tires and treat and bandage wounds, make injections and not be afraid of blood. These skills were very useful in adulthood. Her longstanding dream was to break a small garden and grow useful plants. For many years, she spent the summer in our city. Finally, just before the reconstruction, she was allocated a tiny one and a piece of land. She stopped coming in the summer.
We grew up, got on our feet and wanted to take her with us forever, but she made us understand that she loves us very much, but her place in the Urals.
Many years have passed, our native grandmother has long been gone, and our parents have grown old, it became clear that if I do not visit my summer grandmother now, then it may not come. It was difficult for me to come to her with transport and visa, but everything was resolved. Finally, I get to the village, no one knew the exact address of the relatives, wrote to the school. And the village is no longer 30 bushes, but quite modern, with shops and roads, brick houses. How to search here?
I ask in the mail. There they were not surprised, called me by name, took me to my grandmother almost by the hand.
The old lady with burning eyes and a shameful smile is she. A small apartment, good furniture, an empty kitchen and a tiny refrigerator with a pack of milk and a pack of oil - this is the whole farm. A beautiful flower of medicinal plants. She is very happy with everyone, the pension is quite enough, sometimes she is invited to help in the hospital, especially at childbirth. These are the grandchildren and grandchildren of her first children. How without her!
She needs nothing. But I already know what lacks pensioners: they are accustomed to those products that they eat for many years, and buy a new type of cheese or sausage to try no longer risk. Go to the store, a great choice! We tested four bags. At the exit, a few boring young people simply take away these bags from us and quickly remove them. I stood straight, then realized that the summer grandmother here everyone knows.
Every ass here knows me in the face, it reassured me.
At home, she liked to try everything, but just forbade me to cook lunch.
And by evening the same aunt came from the post office and brought us lunch in a pot for two. Thro the week, various people came and brought us lunch. When I left, I went back to the mail. The postwoman told me that there were three such old men left: a teacher, an old local and my summer grandmother. And one and a half thousand families of the village take care of them, prepare their lunches, invite them to weddings and birthdays.
They saved lives and destiny. The true love of the people will not fail.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №129901
Russian footballers after the Euro as provinces who failed in Moscow:
“There’s a very angry rhythm. Everybody is running somewhere.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129900
In my life I saw two perfect double beds, one of forged iron thick with my hand and the other in Japanese style - a mattress on a small podium.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna