— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156297
The helplessness always rushes to power, because it has its own.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №156296
The golden hands

My friend is the father of a large family with all the consequent responsibilities. At the time of birth in circumcision - all in the family. Played with the younger in the kindergarten, failed to fall and as a result - broken front tooth (cutter). The next day - the presentation of the project, which depends on the promotion and further work. The dentist is on vacation. He calls me in trust and asking for help. Digging into the book, I take out the phone of a friend professor, I call, I ask and I agree with a few scripts (because the record is dense, and at his age there is rarely anyone who is ready to work overtime). The next day a friend calls - thanks, because they did perfectly (otherwise my professor does not know).
It is 5 (!) of years. Called by a friend of many children, Rhett.
Do you remember contacting my dentist 5 years ago?
It seemed like this.
I went to him yesterday. The tooth broke again. He did not recognize me immediately. I sit in a chair, open my mouth and he says:
and Maria! So come here. Look carefully! Can you see? I put this patient a "time" 5 years ago, for a couple of weeks, that after putting an implant, and he disappeared! The number is lost!
Do a good job after that – you’ll be totally ruined.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №156295
Palestine has surpassed Roscosmos by the number of missiles launched in the year.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №156294
Time really stops only when you turn the sand clock.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156293
The younger daughter of five years of the family, whose duty from today (as a stage of adulthood and training to work) included cleaning the cat pot, left the business room, where the hygienic design was based, and:
and Dad! I cleaned everything.
“Smartness,” the man replied and gently smiled, secretly rejoicing in the responsibility and performance of the child.
Satisfied with the praise, the girl proudly shrugged her nose and thoughtfully closed the door into the room, cutting off the pet's way to his personal bathroom.
Why Why? - asked the father, not understanding what the cat to do in this case.
The child surprised. Honestly from the soul.
How do you not understand? He reminds me again!! to
The answer was picked for a long time...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156292
When I was young, I was poor. And after years of hard, honest and diligent work, I am no longer young.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №156291
The mother-in-law came to sit with the child for 2 hours, so that my wife and I went anywhere, diverted. (Baby 5 months old, shrugged in the ass)

I am I, woman

I – Where shall we go?

Are there ideas?

I'm walking hot, there is food at home, I'm in the movie, I'm in the movie.

Could we sit quietly in the car? Turn on the air conditioner?

[ + 44 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156290
Ten years ago, I was sitting in the house.

Did remote diagnostics of the client's crane-manipulator control, access at the developer level - fully SCADA, access through the RSO to the PLC registers. Crane - 20 tons with 12 meters of length, wrapping works. It is written very realistically.

Leaving the mansion to pour flowers in order to combine mental work with physical, the client calls:

Forestsanitar, here the crane runs by itself!

I am stupid, I think, I look at my wife behind my note, shaded!

Dear Sunny, what are you doing?

I see what you have here for a toy called the crane, traveled there and there.

He shrugged his teeth, called the client, learned that without material and human sacrifices, he was gone.

To tell the client did not, courteously explained to his wife that it was not toys.

Since then, I have disconnected, blocked computers, used secure channels, blown on milk, spit through my shoulder, believed in God and the Devil.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156289
If the Canadian parliament were to ban the French language in Quebec, it is very likely that the Montreal People’s Republic would also appear in the world.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156288
My grandfather lives in the village with a dog. This is the case when a dog is considered a full-fledged worker in the farm: she pasture goats, drive them into the yard, etc. Salary is food. Apparently the dog is the best worker of the month 12 times a year, because the dog's neck is wider than its belly. No, he is not thick at all, just from a small palterrier puppy a mahina grew up like a Caucasian shepherd.
But for my grandfather, this mountain of muscles has remained a small Bim to this day.

In the morning I solemnly carried the goats a sliced grass and I see a painting. Comrade dog takes out a goat’s egg and pulls it into the bucket. I scream to him, but he just doesn’t hear. Not even shuffled. The dog is kind, but I am not his owner. not used. I complain to my grandfather. The grandfather comes out of the house and takes serious steps toward the booth. I think all. Hana the dog. Grandfather approaches the booth exactly at the moment when Bim has another goat egg in his teeth.
and silence. Everybody stands like stumbled.
And here there is a long, very serious and maximum full of meaning: “Nowowow”
It was scary even to me.
The dog silently puts the egg back into the nest where it took it.
The grandfather, realizing that there are still eggs in the bucket, says, “Are you holding me a fool?”
For a minute, all the eggs were in the nest.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156287
An official enters the company that won the tender:
Why did you steal money and not build the road?
Dad, stop talking about it.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156286
In hell for officials prepared separate boilers, which melt all the bribes that led to the death of human souls.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156285
Recently, my wife got an album with our photos before the wedding, where we are young - thin and green ))
We sit and look, we remember.
A 5 year old boy takes a picture of me and says:
Daddy, was it when you photographed?
It was a long time before I met my mother.
The child hangs for a few seconds and says:
Did you know that we hadn’t been born before?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156284
The people who tell us that Russia is being robbed and its wealth taken abroad, and the people who have been robbing Russia and exporting its wealth abroad for 20 years, are the same people.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156283
I enter the entrance and go to the elevator. I have a box with a system block in my hands. A couple followed me, probably a guy with a girl. I get into the elevator, I’m first and they follow me. The guy sees the box in my hand and asks which floor. I am 8 and they are 14. In the end, at 8 they go out and I press the button to close the door and go on... I hear the girl starts to rust. I think this is Kaza. Stop, 14th floor, I go out, I see the door is not mine and I understand... They came out to let me go and I stole the elevator.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №156282
Xxx: One time he lived in a sloping hill in the Krasnodar, in the entrance there lived different people of significance to the country and someone joked on the stairs. Everybody wondered: how can it come to mind? They set up cameras and found out that he was one of the deputies of the city Duma. When he was told about this, he sent a nahuy, but the shit stopped. Why he did this is a mystery.

Yyy: Reverse Psychology The deputy just wanted the cameras to appear in the entrance, but the tenants were obviously against until a certain point.

Zzz: A camera installation company was a member. The Profit. or affiliated

[ + 25 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156281
In man the good and evil struggle, but in the official theft and patriotism.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156280

The clock went for about a hundred years, then I was born, my dad bought these clocks and hanged them on the wall so that they would continue to go already at our house. Ordinary such an old clock with battle, the proud inscription "PAVEL BURE" on the plate.
But suddenly, as always unexpectedly, the clock stopped and the house immediately became empty and anxious without their whistling, whistling and ringing. The room was filled with cotton silence, which occurs immediately after the silent explosion.
I, in general, had never lived without Paul Burre and it was as if my nipple had been removed from me. I wanted to start, but the pioneers didn’t cry. My dad and I removed the dead clocks from the wall and, of course, carried them to the Fascist in a tank. To whom else?
A Fascist is a cute, white-brushed uncle, a watchmaker from a cabin across the road. As soon as someone needed a key to the big, or a clever advice on the technical part, everyone immediately ran into the tank to the Fascist. It was we children who called him a Fascist, first because he was a child, secondly because he was an ethnic German, and thirdly because he wrapped his bucket with grey metal sheets. And, of course, he was not a fascist, but exactly the opposite, he was a simple, Soviet, crumbling war veteran with order planks on his jacket. (Al, at that time, almost every man under fifty and older was a frontman. It was a wonderful time.)
In his eyes, of course, we called him Uncle Robert.
Most of all, Uncle Robert loved watches, just fanatically loved them. He repaired them in German qualitatively, thoughtfully, with a half-smile and always on time. Now I am simply convinced that the Fascist was sitting in his “tank” not for the sake of money, but in order to solve another puzzle. If only one piece of the clock had been brought to him, the Fascist uncle would have looked at her through the lump and would have said with a breathtaking breath, “There is very much missing here, but I will try.” Come on Thursday, don’t worry, I’ll repair your walks.
And behold, the Fascist looked at our dead clocks, leaned to them with his ear, moved the factory key, blinked at us with a huge eye through the lobe and said strictly:

Obviously, the spring has been crossed. I crashed.

My dad and I were ashamed.

Uncle Fascist placed Paul Boure on a feather shelf, covered it with a special flanel cloth and went on more peacefully:

Come back tomorrow afternoon, I will. Three rubles will cost, money after repair.
Thank you Uncle Robert. to Goodbye.

The next day after lunch we returned to the Fascist in the tank and a very upset uncle Robert said:

- Here, this is what the matter is, everything is not as easy as I wanted. I replaced the plug, the mechanism works, of course, but not exactly as it should. It turns out, some, in the covers, the master, well buried in your clocks, his hands would be cut off. It was probably fifty years ago, even under Lenin. In short, I have to go somewhere in the days and, if I'm lucky, I'll find the right spare parts there, otherwise not. It is good yet that you came to me, the other would not even understand what is there for what, ticking and fine.
Come in a month, not sooner. I hope I get the necessary details. Don’t worry, the price will not change.

What we have left? We said – thank you, Uncle Fa-a-e-Robert. to Goodbye.

A month later the clock was really ready and the joyful Fascist announced:

Oh shit, I did it. I did not expect to have to look for your detail so hard. But I found it, just from such a mechanism. As for the springs, you need to start the clock once every two weeks at the same time and count the half-turns. It should be sixteen, or rather fifteen, then it will serve another two hundred years. Take it. You will get rid of it when you hang it on the wall.
You have 3 rubles.
If I wonder, I will tell you what was there. Your mechanism is a German, of the year of 1878 edition, a rare mechanism, and some unworked master, something from there pulled out to inject this little detail instead, it clings behind such, as would you explain, stickers, like scratches, with such hooks and they in turn... now I will draw you in detail.
So, this detail, which he inspired, will only be invented in 1907, so it should not be on your clock in any case. This is not useful - it is self-activity. This thing was invented to make the clock run more accurate. Did your clock run plus or minus half a minute a day? So is?
Well, it might even be more precise.
Well, here, and such accuracy for your mechanism can not be. But I found the original part, I returned everything back and your Pavel Bure will go exactly as it was created in the factory - it's a plus-minus two minutes a day. I put the wrong piece in your paper. Do not forget her.

We paid off with the Fascist, thanked from the heart, carefully covered the door in the tank and went home, not knowing whether to cry for us or whisper.
Since then, forty-five years have passed, the clock has changed many walls, cities and even countries, but the owners have so far remained largely the same. The clock, as it was in 1878, is not concerned about the accuracy of time. All the same unpredictably walk for one and a half minutes a day, but the main thing - they go and turn everything around into their home with their museum bell.


Today I will remember my old people who survived the war, and not only mine. I will not forget to knock through the clock glass with the Fascist. Although time has not existed for him for a long time, but let him always have the necessary details at hand.

9 May 2021

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №156279
Can I leave work early today? I have a respectable reason...
What is?
Today is holiday.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156278
Xxx: Nature has laid the way for us with flowers to the moment of association, but immediately after it, the flowers are wrapped and the hormonal-induced distortions of our perception disappear. Nature is also a fool in its own way - it is extremely economical and does not serve us with psychotropics without extreme need. Therefore, immediately after the act of love, we see with a clear glance for a few seconds all the madness of what is happening - and we understand that for some reason we are entangled in a dim story with an unclear ending, promising us a lot of money and mental torments, the only reward for which is this just ended seizure, not even having anything to do with us personally, but connected exclusively with the ancient mechanism of the reproduction of protein bodies...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna