— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156096
She worked in a private firm, engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of BPH. One of the doctors was a young lady, but in the body - with a stomach, a lush bust, a poppy, such a smiling valkyrie. And always walked on heels and with light makeup - a very even attractive stitch.

But her profession was a venereologist, and patients in her office usually experienced all sorts of mental pain and horror when they were told the diagnosis. And then physical, when burging began, all kinds of irrigation, etc. Often they had to be encouraged, they were already hurt or sometimes cried.

And here came to her for a reception of Georgians, you see that it hurts a man. She asked to put down her pants and took the tools for scratching. It turns - and he stands in all combat readiness, an erection though the walls are broken. She lost the gift of speech. And the poor Georgian from embarrassment and embarrassment "Listen, I'm not hatel, honestly, yeah?! But you’re so young and beautiful here, and I’m a bas of pants. That’s what he wants, I can’t do anything!!”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156095
xxx: At about 14 years old, I was placed for examination from the military committee in the hospital complex of the city of Nalchik. That was about 19 years ago. I was very thin. In the 90s, the food was bad and the military commission decided to find out why I was thin (truly). So I decided to examine the stomach and the endocrine system, I am not full due to a lack of hormones) In general, the stomach was checked, pushed into the throat and stomach tube, this was the first time and so far the last time. Then followed the study of the rest. And here’s the most touching moment) The doctor touches my eggs with the whey and asks – what’s so small? I was sharply upset and upset by the question and replied that type yes like normal... and he supplements you eat little? You do not gain weight. Heavily weak...

And then I understand that it’s not about my her, but in general about physical development, but I didn’t look at it.)

But that moment of touching my eggs and the question of the size of the fire for a lifetime)

YYY: I had a similar situation...

I was assigned a course of injections, injections were traditionally done at the fifth point. Every day after school I went to the clinic to inject.

I come again for the injection, I lie down on the banquet waiting for my fate. And, I have to say, I at that moment knocked somewhere 12-13, and the signs of puberty began to appear on my body - then I would grow breasts and black hair in the places they were placed. Until now, my hair has only grown on my head, and it is very long, so I was curious to note all my physical transformations.

And here, I am lying on a banquet, the nurse turns to me with the syringe in her hand, with a critical look throws my body with the naked ass and exclaims, "What a long hair you have!" What I ask with my eyes full of horror: “Where?”

Of course, she meant hair on my head, but I decided that I already had black hair on the pop for some reason (will I cover it all!So long that she noticed it. When I pulled my hand to touch the pop, the essence of my question came to her, and I had to wait another 5 minutes until she would break through before she could inject me. I also gradually realized that it was about other hair, and the expression of horror disappeared from my face.

P.S And she remembered me since then, and even on the street greeted me with a mysterious smile.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156094
We brought all the garbage from the winter.

And our garbage tanks are on the edge of a small square. Unwillingly listened to a phone conversation of a man who was walking the dog, well he said very loudly:

“Vasya, I tell you I can’t drink anymore!! to

The interlocutor says something.

- Vasya, right, I am very sick today, I barely walk!


and Vasa! I tell you again – I can’t drink anymore!


and Vasa! I told you that I have a star like a hero!


No is! I have nothing to explain!


What argument?? to


B to E! Okay, I will be soon!

Unfortunately, the voice of Vashi was not heard, and I did not recognize the most deadly argument in the world.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156093
XXX: Everything decides in seconds for the school record. The first person who submitted at 00:00:34, who reached 140th place out of 140 - at 00:05:47. The remaining 50 people - by the way, in the other OU will enter...

YYY: That’s because they made a drop-down menu. It would be faster. This money was earned before.

Five years ago, my eldest son went to school recording, writing a script and filling out all the data in one window in 1 second. Three seconds to choose. 2 seconds on a capsule. Wait for 5 seconds.

Shorted for 14 seconds. It was 11. School is not easy.

Yesterday I gave the younger. Since the scripts are nowhere to unfold because the menus are added in the process of filling up, all the data is loaded on the lmouse+key button combination. Click the window and press 1. The window is full. And went on.

It turns out that almost all data is drawn from public services. Only that doesn’t happen quickly. With my hands on the trainer, I filled all the data on average for 40 seconds. And then I just inserted the recording number in the Zags and my phone for some reason. The rest was filled. And because of the crap of state services took it 01:01.

XXX: Here is the spider on the state servants came

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №156092
Paradox: a secular lion can at the same time be a dumb sheep.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156091
It was at the airport upon arrival. Waiting for luggage. Previously, I always flew with a black suitcase, and this time a few days before the departure, I bought an orange with a discount. I wait, everything does not go. Then I catch a black (by habit), like he. While she was reading the name and surname, a man approached and said, “Woman, this is mine.” I say, “Sorry, it’s very similar to mine.” Soon my new suitcase arrives. It was necessary to see a man’s face when he said, “Oh, yes, here’s he!” I catch my bright orange.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156090
When did you start working in this company?
I was threatened with dismissal.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156089
Recently from the rental apartment came tenants, good guys. I bought a mortgage apartment. They called me to give me the keys to check out if necessary. Since the son who in May will be 6 years old to leave was with no one, took with him. Coming into the apartment, I say to my son dress up passes, you have to notice he has never heard of this apartment. The little boy taking off his shoes asks: Daddy, where are we going? I answer seriously, well, it is said, your apartment now, you will live here on your own, you will always say that you are an adult. One shoe hangs in the air, the eyebrows knock, such a grief in the eyes I have never seen.

Dad, you know that I don’t know how to feed. I keep my property in me, I don’t give up, I wait. The little one looks at me, waiting for me to smile and say, “I’m joking, baby.” I hold on. The joke opened after the phrase "Papa and garden on which side". I think you are good, adult.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156088
When I was very young, I noticed a strange ritual in dogs - to smell each other under the tail when they meet. The meaning of this was incomprehensible, he turned to his father for explanations. The East had the following story:

A long time ago, dogs wanted to go to the moon. They decided to jump each other on their backs and thus build a tower to the moon itself. But when they almost reached her, a dog down there cracked, and they all dispersed. Now they go and look for who it was.”

It sounded credible. I don't know if my father invented it himself or heard it somewhere, but I remembered the story. And so far (I 32), as I see dogs dating on the street, I remember it - they still did not find it, they are looking for everything)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156087
I remembered a case from the high school life.

English lesson, an exercise for understanding the oral narrative. The teacher turns on the tape, everyone is listening carefully, and then they must briefly recount the essence and answer the questions.

From the very beginning the story seemed strange to me, because in it the hero with admiration told about some of his “mistress”, which translates, including, and as a “lover” or “ladies”. Adolescent hormones of the spermatoxic body immediately drawn in the mind love BDSM-toys, which is why I was quite squeezed, because from the school lesson this is expected in the last place. The hero, in the meantime, had already tweeted something about the lady’s expectation, about her magnificent legs to which he wanted to cling soon. The degree of my defamation grew in geometric progression, and to the BDSM in the imagination was added foot fetishism, although in those years I, unspoiled by the internet, did not even know of its existence. I looked at the faces of classmates with round eyes and saw nothing special on them, which confused me quite.

It seems that my reaction did not go unnoticed, because at the end of the story to answer called me. I probably reminded Randy of the South Park episode of the "Naggers" at that time, because I remembered the story very well (yet, I caught every word of the storyteller), but it was somehow absolutely uncomfortable to tell this to the teacher. Red and closed and began to describe what he heard in his own words. Somewhere in the middle of my talk, the teacher started to red, and from the neighboring sides, a silenced "squeeze" was heard, turning into rotting rust.

To pay tribute, I was allowed to bring the story to the end, and then asked the only question: from whose face was the story? I could not answer it, because the atmosphere in the class at that time was quite wild, and I could definitely not understand what was going on. The teacher answered the question, and this answer not only put everything in place, but also burned the whole case forever in memory, making it the reference definition of the word "shame".

The story was told in the face of the dog who was waiting for the master’s return (“mistress”).

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156086
We are asked to look closely into the future so that we do not notice the present.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156085
This is not a funny story, but I wanted to share it.

At one time, I was familiar with a lady who was the owner of a very large dog, possibly a wolf and a domestic German Shepherd.

Over time, this lady and I had a river of events.
The dog has not forgotten me. At the time I loved walking, and now I enjoy it. But then I noticed, as I was walking in my direction, that dog was accompanying me.
At first I just thought he was guarding the house and the house from me, but then he started running next to me and we started talking to him. I spoke, and he was either silent or running in front of me, and as if he wanted to say something to me.

It became usual. He accompanied me halfway there, and from there he met me. I started buying him some tastes, as they call it now.

One day, I had to go back closer to the night. I carried an expensive for PC.
And I literally didn’t get a few meters to the crossroads when I was surrounded by Gypsies.

I can imagine my thoughts at that moment. At that moment, a dog came from nowhere. And quietly walked next to me, while I, licking cold afterwards, almost flew home.

The memory of him (he is no longer).

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156084
The feminism demanded that April 1st be renamed the Day of the Fool to the Day of the Fool.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156083
Add to the “marketing genius.”

I wake up in the morning. There is no internet, no mobile phone, no TV.

Take the second sim. Call to Rostelecom.

After listening to a bunch of beleberds, we get to a living person.

Why doesn’t everything work.

You are disabled for non-payment.

It is still paid!!! to

We accidentally charged you a random payment in the amount of 2100r. You did not pay him.

So I don’t have to pay, turn on the internet.

The Internet can only be turned on, either after payment, or within 10 days, when we cancel the wrong charges.

Pizza... Oh, it is over!

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156082
If on the packaging of products you can not immediately find the weight or volume, then there the smallest font is written 0.9 l or 480 g.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156081
What is interesting is that when you tell without jewelry no one believes.

In general, from the life of bank borrowers.

My dear friend from the past, Misha, came to me. Misha retired and swallowed, and as long as he was making a pension and swallowing (and eating, chaushing) it was not for anything - the hell he dragged to take a loan from one Pidar bank with a green such a logo. Since his pension was exactly the amount of payment on the credit and was transferred to the same bank - then Misha did not see it, and lived on the principle - that for a month spent from the card, then the pension covered. The debt from this was not very closed, so starting to do nonsense Misha did them continued - and went to the bank type to restructure the loan, and came out of it with another loan under 28% annual. And the pension of Mishina ceased to be enough to cover the debt, or rather, it would be enough if he did not eat or drink. And drinks, you know, today are not cheap at all, even the worst quality of the most frozen discounters.

This is the prelude. And now he had a very puzzled idea - to borrow money from me, I have it, I'm riding a beautiful car and I can afford to buy Misha's products and buchla, that is, materially assured.

Alcoholics generally believe that a thought that appeared to them to be puzzled is immediately implemented and is not subject to discussion or criticism. So Misha swelled up, called me for a serious conversation and asked for a thousand to 300. Maybe even 400. Loans are yes.
You should never have money affairs with friends. You will remain without money and without friends, you can definitely help, but borrowing and borrowing is a bad sign, without a friend you will remain.
So I slightly cooled up Mishin Pyl with an offer to introduce me to the course of the matter.
Well, I listened to the typical story of a typical loophole - how I wanted money and got them and now he knows how to give, but if I "give", he will cover that loan and then slowly calculate with me.
Oh, I said, is it asphalt? Specifically, you do not count. Moreover, the idiotic thoughts went to take debt in currency (never take, give back times more problematic, the currency grows without any interest).
Hearing Misha said, OK, give me a week to think about your deeds, I will come up with something.
Exactly a week passed. I managed to develop the option of covering the debt by exchanging Mishina's house for less spacious housing (a small debt, in principle, moving to a less chic area of the city would close the topic completely, he would hide where to go). At the same time, he consulted about his employment - the employee is himself, but there are places where it is not important - pay there is also not important, but there is nothing to do there, such as a security guard or a dispatcher).
Well, I have prepared the most radical, reliable and cost-free way - to send the bank to the fox. Just stop paying, get the bank an executive letter and file for bankruptcy. All the organizational work was ready to take over, Misha only needed to follow my instructions. Experience I have and successfully pulled out from the debtors and debtors. And about this thief’s laundry, I was sent a whole dossier with instructions for the thieves and examples of decisions on their claims. There were hopes.
Misha called himself. Already all so purposeful, in the planned receipt of money, he didn't even listen to that from his no-going position there is a bunch of exits, not involving meaningless waste of my money. Moreover, without giving, what will you take from an alcoholic? The housing? And how did he not intend to go into such abominations as receipts, trials, the expectation of Mishina's death, suspicions and the like, shit for his own money. Friends are still more valuable, the more ancient, there is something to remember, there is something to help. But not throwing out a pack of money unnecessarily.
However, Misha laid it all down on the shelves by herself. He is not interested in my fiction, he is only interested in money. I asked for a week and he gave it to me. Where is the promised? Where is the fucking money? You, shit, friend or who?
In other words, I didn’t even swallow. It’s a matter of life, I’ve seen every kind of shit, but again and again I see what alkas has in the brains. It fucking. What is the execution of the instructions here, what are the schemes and options here - I have already, not even having split up with the money, jumped into the cock. For Misha needs money, for Misha's ideas are the top of wisdom, compared to my nonsense, Misha's to settle with a faint bank is more important than to think of it to do it at all, and why is this banquet at my expense?
In general, I did not listen to him. I switched off and blocked the number. When he did not call and made a hysteria in the wasap, he did the same thing there.
Another friend remained in my memory, yet it was more pleasant for me to see him young and promising than sleepy and fucking. Over the years, he was not the first.

And recently came from him the SMS – “Sorry, I was wrong.”

And here's what to do - there's a zigzag what - whatever you do - it's all fucking. And I do not want to communicate and do not communicate - a person will disappear.
It is already gone, chess. I do not communicate with such.
Do not binge, do not borrow from friends. Keep the friendship.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156080
But remember, after the wedding, all her “Oh, you’re so fun” will turn into “Don’t shame me on people, clown.”

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №156079
A friend of mine told me a story she remembered for a long time. She came somehow to the barber, sat down in a chair and explained to the master how to cut her. Where more to leave, where less, at what level to cut the brick. Even the photo on the smartphone showed what kind of hair she wanted. The master listened to her for a long time, did not interrupt, and when the woman finished her monologue, she said: "Remember the woman, you can want any hairstyle, and the master cuts as she can!“”

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №156078
By raising the retirement age, the government just wants to push your old age off.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156077
When my acquaintance got out of a coma in which he was for 40 days, he was transferred to the general room from the resuscitation. His doctor comes, asks various questions, what is the year, name, surname and so on. He always answers correctly. The last question was this:
What color are the walls in the room?
“Green,” my companion replied.
is wrong. The salad. Your color sensation is disrupted. I need treatment, the doctor said.
You are a salad! There is no such color. This is a shadow.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna