— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №122414
I stood waiting for the bus at the stop, smoked a cigarette. The boy approaches and asks for a cigarette with a procrastinated voice, I get him a cigarette. And then he says, “Thank you brother, you’ll live me five minutes longer!” I have never heard of such a thankful wish.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122413
XXX is worth money.
YYY: What would you like?
xxx: xxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx? to
YYY: Ready to pay yourself so that you don’t see it!
Well, here we are in the zero.)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122412
Humanity has descended the staircase of development to the primitive spiritual needs. The need for sex and money has replaced moral principles. This is the only way I can explain the fact that Santa Claus is missing.
Polynesia, 4 years old

[ + 7 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122411
Hello dear Santa Claus! In the new year of 2016, I want a salary three times higher than it is now. At least at two. I have everything.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №122410
The case was in primary school. One winter we came back with the kids from school, I and two of my classmates, all lived in about the same neighborhood, so to go was on the way. One of them was named Andrew. He was a young boy, always sick, raised by his mother and a tough Soviet grandmother. Nothing predicts trouble, we just melt. Andrei stumbled and fell his face into the snow. Nothing special, everyone whispers, Andrei stands up - he has blood from his nose. It seemed to be very crumbling, we think, and we decided to carry it to the apartment. It was there that the aforementioned relatives met him. We told what happened. The door closed. Everybody went apart at home.

The next day I go to school. After the second lesson, grandmother Andrew comes with him. He ticked a finger at me and said, “That’s you?"And he insecurely whispers, "No, not beaten," and she gets more and more persistently beating out the truth from him - "Is this beaten? Speak to!“And then he “shakes” and says “Yes.” In general, the grandmother came up with a story in her head about how her granddaughter was beaten, she believed in her, pressured Andrei to "confess." This is the turn, I think, I begin to tell how it was, nobody is listening or believing. Go to the board and the director at the same time. He was tortured, why did he beat the boy? How did it all happen? What was taken from him? I tell you how it was – no one is listening to me, words are flying out into space. By the way, my grandmother accompanied me at every stage, drilling a fierce look. The next day, I called my parents (my mother, by the way, was the chief vocalist in the PSH), who, by the way, didn’t believe me too, they scorned them. And then I asked Andrew to apologize to him. And they put a huge inscription on one of the days in the diary "After classes beat a classmate."

So nobody generally believed me, but I believed a grandmother with a rich imagination. And the second boy who was with us - this problem somehow bypassed and he did not take part in the proceedings, although he could confirm my words (if they were listened, of course). Most of the parents were upset, who didn't believe it, and the belt was poured out.

I hope I will not make such a mistake with my children, and I will be able to stand on their side in time.

[ + 17 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122409
Annika has burned a lot today. and :)
WOW: What is it? Your little girl, a little girl?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh We sit, we burn reports, angry like wolves. In front of the radio. “Bla-Bla-Bla, the accused is under a signature for non-exit, he is facing a sentence of up to eight years in prison.” And here our little girl, who in her twenty-five looks like fifteen and goes to work in curls and short shirts, with her thin voice dreamingly declares: "Penalty in the flesh is cool. It seemed to have been punished, and it seemed to have liked it..." We girls just stopped hammering on the keyboards. And Anka realized that she was rubbing, red like a mackerel, whispered and walked her eyes down until the end of the day. But the girl’s reputation will not be returned.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №122408
To what biotechnology has come, even goats are unnatural, genetically modified. The cats do not eat.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №122407
Fighting late – well you’re like a little boy.
The problem is solved by a compulsory morning call from your office phone to your mobile phone exactly at 9 in the morning. "Chef, good morning, I am in place"- " Okay, Vasya, good morning!"

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122406
According to a familiar doctor.
As a student, 12-13 years ago, worked in surgery bring-give. A classical student with a backpack and a nice smile. And once got a grandmother, whether with diabetes, or with oncology, in general, with indications for amputation. And here they sent a young student as the youngest to transport an amputated limb. Hz for what reason and how the system is arranged there, I will not lie, but sent to transport. Further from the words of a friend: "I stand, smoke behind the garages, away from the stop, I don't touch anyone. There are two guys of naturally hoppy outdoors here. I think that’s all, thorns, that’s what Lula will write. This is a classic dialogue".
(Mr. Gopnik, Z is known)

Q: Are you smoking?
No guys, the last one.
Q: What is in the package?
H is the foot.
G to show.

Here my acquaintance with an unwavering sight unfolds the package and demonstrates: say, the foot.
He says the crack of the hooligans pattern was heard in a couple of quarters. They fled quickly.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122405
It is easier to take cowards with you than a man to measure them and buy them.
That is genius! Now I know how to buy my husband’s shirts without these all 'not today, don’t want to stay with me headache'

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №122404
Fucked on the dog. She sat next to me for a long time and looked at me sadly. I wonder what I told her?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №122403
gathered in the store. In the hallway I remember - the boots are in the kitchen at the battery. I followed them. In the kitchen, I noticed that I didn’t put the table after cleaning. Separated by. I went to dress again... I forgot my shoes! Okay, I am going again. On the way I noticed under the table of Lego's son lying. He lifted up and cut his hair off the floor. I went to the hall to dress. BL is! I forgot my shoes again. I go again. I remember having to open the window - ventilate for now. Said is done. I’m back in the courtyard, fuck your mother!! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122402
When you get spam to Viber, don’t be lazy to click "complain". A pair of donations from different users - and the number will be automatically picked up. And if you just block or remove it, magic doesn’t happen. We have tolerance, comrades. We will not give the enemy a chance.

In the load:
Dear Father Christmas! I’ve been good all year... Hm... Well almost all year... Hm... Well sometimes... Hm... Oh, okay! I will buy everything myself!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №122401
Test for determining age.
I always take a video camera with me.
If you didn’t just read this phrase, you’re 20 years old.

xxx: Fuck, I am 28, and I feel like a starper-skleroznik, because I forgot and did not sing.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №122400
In Yutiube, the video of the group Leningrad "Sweet Sleep": the singer sings this song, consisting of repetitions of one quadrostyche:

"I like it so much when...
When big and thick x*y is in me!
I want him to be yours,
But your big is only in my dream!"

And in the loss such a dirty monsoon, direct bombing.
In short, in the stones the men came together on the fact that the main thing is not to sing.)))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №122399
We have a client who has two pedestrians: Friday V.O. The Friday P. On one of them, a late certificate is revised. What day I watch the show "Where is a Friday". At first, the client confused himself between the two Fridays. Then Moscow for a long time understood who and at what address lives. Then it turned out that on the second Friday, according to which the certificate is reworked, in Moscow is the address of the first Friday. This thought has long reached the client. The action continues...
My phone calls on Friday people can’t listen without tears, and I, fucking, can’t roast.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №122398
Two programmers watch a video about how a protein just to get to the feeder passes through a whole string of obstacles. Obstacles are cruel. At the slightest mistake, the white is forced to pass the entire strip of obstacles again.
One programmer sympathizes with his head.
Damn, just to eat, you have to do such a shit.
The second glanced at the first and nodded contemptuously.
Look at yourself.

[ + 35 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122397
The husband was bitten by the finger of our dog, this sputum from the series "to die will sweep". She grabbed solidly: her hand swells in front of her eyes, the little one jumps around, asking with hope, "Did you provoke her? “You?” (The woman categorically denies everything, but, as it turned out later, she first grabbed the dog by the tail.) We went to “trauma”, fixation, langet, all things. Since then, this squeezed hand has become the main argument in disputes with the dog: almost, the wife pulled her hand under her nose, asking: who did it? Who? who? And the dog strayed into the corner and there with a guilty mouth collapsed into a club.

Finally, the plaster was solemnly removed, they came home, and the wife, by habit, swept the dog’s blue finger under the nose with the same question. The dog, already forgotten what the conflict began, and annoyed by unfounded raids in her view, bites her for the same finger.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №122396
It is "The Survivor"

XXX: The movie is definitely interesting! I just can’t understand why DiCaprio didn’t freeze... did the Titanic experience actually make it hard?! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122395
Evgeny: 19.12 in Jamgarovsk park went with the daughter, there the head of the district arranged some holiday for parents and children with competitions
Was it Santa Claus?
Evgeny: It was, of course, a burn out unfortunate, by the way))
Alexandra M?
Evgeny: Divided the teams into boys and girls and gave them funny names. The boys got the name "sweepstakes", and the girls... attention..."sweepstakes"!
Fuck you lol ?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna