— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119992
Katze North: The tool for potency Hammer of Tora. No one can raise that type.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №119991
A man just approached me on the street, looked at me, and gave me a hundred rubles with the words "well, even if you buy ice cream, you will be pleased."
Do I look so sad? t_t

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119990
You don’t have a boutique but some shit!
Bees are not flying.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119989
About cars: We were in Moscow for the time being, my friend drove on a very fashionable car of the latest model with a bunch of buses and electronics and called me to drive nearby :crazy: And here we sit in his rough car and a pleasant female voice says: "Good morning." The car is ready to start navigation. Set the route and password."(well or what kind of thing :P )
My friend says:"I went to....x....dumb!" :shock:
The same polite voice replies:"The password is accepted! Set the route." :shock:
I thought all the way:"Well, I’m a mother-in-law and a puppy....but he’s the girlfriends of acquaintances. Maybe that’s why he’s still single?"

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №119988
Kay goes on:

For example, you love tomatoes. <...> There are those who just say that someone eats tomatoes. But there are those who are upset that someone is eating tomatoes, and they start to promote that it is a disgust, paint tomatoes in a foolish form, repelling appetite, and so on. Do you think you will like it? Especially if it spreads. No of course. And here too.

Suppose I am an atomist. You don't like - don't eat, it's okay, but I come to the store, and there are juicy ripe tomatoes, garlic and green potatoes. I go to the restaurant - tomatoes in a salad, meat is baked with tomatoes, and even the juice is insistently offered tomatoes. I consider pizza a work of culinary architecture, but it is impossible to join it without the use of tomato paste. Don’t let tomatoes come to me! "And tomatoes take!""How you do not eat tomatoes, harvest them!""Everyone eats, everyone grows in the villages, tomatoes are part of the identity of Russia!""Mom, Daddy, I was given tomatoes at school, they told you to eat!"
Do you want to throw that tomato on someone? Strangely...

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119987
to this:
He was expelled from the third course of the Institute. I bought a diploma. I am the only one working in a specialty.

You are not a doctor?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №119986
And I always try to communicate with Spaniards in Spanish. Even if it is long, difficult and not always right. They listen patiently, try to understand and help with words. Lovely, in one word. I'm glad I didn't get so ugly as her.

Not among the Spanish. Native speakers are always very tolerant to newcomers. What can you say about immigrants?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119985
Lennochka has long been alone, but she wanted to feel a Woman - capricious, proud, who they want but cannot. And so she called from the home phone to her cell phone and, furiously, did not take the phone.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №119984
Madame Polyglot from France was just born with the knowledge of all the necessary languages, you don’t understand? She spoke clearly and without an accent. Therefore, she is so upset that someone is still trying to master not his native language and he does not get it so quickly.
I live in Spain and just started learning the language. And I always try to communicate with Spaniards in Spanish. Even if it is long, difficult and not always right. They listen patiently, try to understand and help with words. Lovely, in one word. I'm glad I didn't get so ugly as her. I speak freely in my native Russian, English and German and understand that except in practice the language is not to learn. And it is quite likely that the girl herself does not correctly pronounce the word "Backland", she is not understood, because the name of food, vegetables, fruits and drinks is one of the first that a person remembers in a foreign language and it is unlikely that the girl from the store did not know this word.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №119983
For the sake of justice, when I was offered to speak Russian in the Czech Republic when I tried to order meals in English, it didn’t offend me.

The same shit, only in Greece, I had :) I was not offended either. Well, I understand that my English is not ice. I try to improve. And even bad English helps me to explain where in Russian no one is a boom-boom.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №119982
Baby is of course an authority. I wonder, is she before her husband makes a minette, wipes the member with alcohol or still boils up with boiling water?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119981
XXX: Did you do everything?
YYYYYY: Yes The Half.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119980
Repair of glasses and bracelets

>> Yesterday the headbuch with an internship issued:
>>- 158 plus 5... Give the calculator!

Let’s know, gentlemen, the accountant can’t count without a calculator.) None of them, as an accountant.
I don’t know what this explains – maybe the trade deformation is what...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №119979
Boy with "blackness", is it time for you to do lessons? As they come up, up to the coli in the stomach. An adult man, when problems in bed with his loved one, neither people to endure it nor boast of his own failure will come to his mind. Movement, mill, century - to call a prostitute. I was unable to burn the passion in a woman - so eager to meet her, neither to myself, nor to people. Oh, mommy, she’s still cuddling with you, instead of something else, and you’re tolerating, you’re tolerating! And only shallows color your unhappy existence. The fantasy tolerant, the bug.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №119978
From the comments about the Krasnogorsky gunman: The amount of bribe should not exceed the bet of the killer!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119977
The room under the workshop removed the spiral quintet and now goes there to rehearse. Today played a lot of famous melodies, including the imperial march :)

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №119976
Little there in vanilla quotes is written, this is not a public offer, the mother of it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119975
A colleague, speaking on the phone: “We are not a General Plan, we are designing as we can...”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №119974
18:46 Luttlecuckoo: I'm not perfect far away
18:47 Korvin : It is good that you are far away
18:47 Korvin : Would be near, would take vodka and come
18:48 Luttlecuckoo : so I don't drink vodka)))
18:48 Korvin: And I didn't take it for you
18:50 Korvin: Suddenly you are lying and you are not so cute.
18:50 Korvin: And the vodka is with me. No need to run anywhere.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №119973
“Mr. Godfrey, why did you take all the accountants on this dangerous journey?
This is a tax trick. If Robin Hood attacks us, I will immediately re-register my goods. And then we are not a rich merchant, but a group of financially independent middle merchants!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna