— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118732
There are always two or three flies in my office. Once every two or three days, they can be spotted, but the next day they reappear. Nobody knows how to calculate where their point of respawn is?

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118731
>> pour a bubble of green in a bath with water and take a bath
>> The baby was eventually somewhat washed, but here the bath
>> I have to give up...

It was chemistry at school. First a stupid decision, then complete helplessness. Any intense oxidizer, from hydrogen peroxide to banal chlorine whitening, would whiten the bathroom. But yes, someone washes the fat with expensive “natural biodegradable” substances, wiping it mechanically, and someone dumbly waters it with alkaline and washes it. Teaching is light.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118730
News from neighboring countries

Kazakhstan proposes tax on sexual intercourse
in marriage 584 tenge (139 rubles for our money)
in civil - 748 tenge
Out of Marriage - 1893 Tenge
for sex minorities - 2741 tenge
Non-traditional - 4892 tenge
14 minutes, otherwise increasing ratios are applied.
For foreigners, the price has doubled.
Disabled and pensioners are exempt from tax

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №118729
Always ready to help!
Tell me a joke about a bitten polar fox! Keeyeap to!
Full shit => full whisper => full whisper => bitten polar fox.
All is simple.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118728

Hhhh :
With a pencil of tenth hardness, with a good sharpening, it seems possible to perform a biopsy. Such a small biopsy. The pencil of the tenth softness runs on paper with a clearly distinguishable twist and makes you remember the joke about the cat and the swallow - only the ears came to the balcony. Gifted by a good modern carpenter scissor for hunting the low-flying females of xenomorph in the marriage period is so sharp and heavy that they can not have those pencils, but if desired, immediately in the salad with slices. Sketch notes with a good dense paper covered the table box. Literally covered under the cover.
The only thing left was to learn to paint.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118727
The xxx:
Cześć, chcesz coś zjeś Want something to eat? (the informal
I thought this set of sounds was translated somewhat like that.

I thought it was a recording of the log of the killed screw.
Sound recording

The xxx:
XD is
Scully, in the voice

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №118726

“Thank my grandfather for the victory, my grandmother for the apartment, my mom for the diploma, my dad for the career, my grandmother for the car.
I see you have been like a man at your forty!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №118725
She understood that it worked when she opened the powder, attached it with a mirror to her ear and began to wait for a spoon.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №118724
Here, did you start promoting the MAM forum branch? O.O

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №118723
“Will we modify or create collections?”
not dispersed.

Women have no problems with this: Yes = the first option, No = the second.
This is what I say as learned by a bitter experience.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №118722
A: Hi everyone, look at the photos on the subject of color/composition, how do you like it?
B is Hi. The first two are good, the latter is unsuccessful, and on the third the object does not understand why the cheek is cut off on the left and the hand on the wrist, the joints cannot be cut.
A: What an object idiot, this is my child!! to
B: Yes... inadequate aunts in the special sanatorium, not here.
A: You are all inappropriate idiots here, I didn’t know what a fucker was here!!!! to
A: It’s okay, don’t worry. You are absolutely right, there are all inadequate idiots. There are 3324 inappropriate idiots on the forum, and only you are normal. And you have already come and bitten everyone, so we will soon be normal.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118721

A colleague in the correspondence shares impressions from September 1.

There are students with flowers in the school yard. The Governor. The Mayor. The Director.
Three girls and a boy are on stage, speaking to first-class students.
A little girl opens her mouth and is silent. It closes. It opens and closes again. He knows he has forgotten the words. And straight into the microphone says "bla". And is silent.
Further, everyone began to roast, her other took the microphone and let me read the poems. Everything is rugged. The governor was red, bitten his lips, just not to laugh in his voice. And the girl can’t go, stands, waits, poetry too.
And in front of her, journalists are straight in the mouth of ha-ha.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №118720
Any treatment of the economy in Russia usually ends with the amputation of the savings of citizens.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118719
From the series "Only in Peter": Conductor-Armenian kindly argues with first-class medical students about what the maximum degree of oxidation has sulfur in an acidic and alkaline environment...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №118718
Dear residents of the children’s forum! All those who want to get acquainted with the everyday life and the humor of large families will find you on the main resource, you should not transfer the whole holiday of life to the IT quote.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №118717
I was told somehow about a young dad whose two-year-old son got sick with watermelon. Smelling the child with the green point quickly tired him. A brilliant idea came to mind: pour a bubble of green into a bath with water and bathe the heir entirely. The child was eventually washed, but the bath had to be thrown away.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №118716
I was on the bus today, there was absolute silence. People went in and out, quietly and silently. Even the phones did not ring. You know why? The driver slept sweetly on the seat. No one wanted to wake her up.)

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118715
Last week, the U.S. military to Congress about the implementation of the program: according to General Lloyd Austin, of the 54 people sent to Syria as part of the first group, only four or five continue to fight against ISIS.
Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and the Sock Eye.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118714
XHH: The 10th Corps is such a pipet. We were released because the toilet was broken. thatble!? to
The body does not float in shit... if metaphorically, it floats from the moment of foundation, but in the literal sense – it is clean. The whole body starts on the houses because the toilet does not work. Welcome to 10.
When the priest was telling us this news, a fellow student asked him, "And if I went out in the morning, can I stay and give up the lab?"

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №118713
Dialogue under the photo of the girl:

yyy: xxx, what is "p... and"?!)))
XXX is pregnant. Or, as they say, in a position.
ZZZ: Did you guess?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna