— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №118932
With the best wishes:
Zzzz: Let your wages grow like our prices.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118931
xxx, sorry, what is the 420?
yyy is the meaning of life, the universe and everything else, multiplied by 10.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №118930
he built women on a dating site, proving what they are creatures, mercantials and others
But no one gave him that.
And his photo with each year becomes more and more gritty and dumb.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №118929
Sam258: Don’t put your leg cream tube next to my toothpaste.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №118928
XXX by Urra! We won the fight against smokers.! to
ZZZ: And what next?
We will fight against non-smokers.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118927
Well, you seem to be still a boy on a bicycle.
Do not give God you in the midst of the stream, at speed, to get a mosquito in the eye.
One time is enough.
And the camaraderie of the May bush got somehow in the village, like a rocket from the PZRK.
Well, he flew down like a destroyed messerschmidt.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №118926
<h> I read about windshields: The blades are made of wings from the An2 aircraft, which was available at the time.
<h> just at that moment was AN2 nearby
<h> and

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №118925
To the daughter of 4th grade the composition was asked with the theme:"With a thought about Yesenin."I wrote a verse)
Speaking of Autumn.
With the thought of autumn, I get up from the bed.
For breakfast, I think of Sergei.
I think a lot of poetry.
With the thought of Autumn, I cross the road.
I am in this world, he is in this world.
When I think of Autumn, I will buy a coat.
Where is he there? Maybe in hell.
When I think of autumn, I eat food.
I’m thinking about autumn lessons.
Only when I think of Lenin.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №118924
When I’m asked what I’m doing, I usually answer: blow and suck. And this is the true truth, for the subject of the dissertation was the control of the supersonic border layer by means of injection and suction.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №118923
18430 has been removed. Are you healthy and have no phobias? and luck. You are not familiar with this physical feeling, when everything inside is compressed, darkened in the eyes, cold hands... And this is just worms in the spring after the rain massively rolled out for a walk. And I have a scholecyophobia, and for this the hospital is not given... And here I jump to work, like a frightened cat, and in my head only one thought: "Only not to come!"A sharp clash, you say? If a wise man like you pushes a worm to me, in the best case it will be a scream and a sharp leap to the side. At worst, it is fainting. And the fact that somewhere there for depression is given a hospital, and simulants use it - so other diseases also simulate. I know one hypertensive simulant - that, there is no hypertension either? There is. There are phobias. They can be treated, but should be done by a specialist, slowly and carefully.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №118922
and optimistic.
Are you a pensioner?
ZZZ is yes.
XX: Why are you working?
Zzzz: I am earning another pension. I get 120.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №118921
Less humor about Linux
More and more strange X

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118920
The Izmailovsky Court of Moscow.

Is there anyone at 16:00 on recognition of incapacitated? There is no one? thank you!
He may be silent because he is incapable. He sits like that.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №118919
Dostoevsky is a genius, but he is our evil genius. He felt, understood, and depicted the two diseases of the Russian man brought up by his ugly history, his difficult and offensive life: the sadistic cruelty of the disappointed nihilist in everything, and, in opposition to it, the masochism of a being capable of enjoying his suffering, not without malice, but drawing it before everyone and himself.
M is bitter.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №118918
Doza: Yesterday played in gta online
Doza: with guys on Skype
Dose: shorter
Dose: 16 years old
Dose: Both birds
Dose: O
Doza: You are here
Yael: Yes
Yael: So what?
DAC: DAC here
Yael: What next?
Doza: One of them learns to cook the other
Dose: The Dose
Doza: shorter he will be studying for a welder for 4 years
Doza: a dog in our building man became a welder in 5 seconds
Doza: a brigadier asks a man to cook
Doza: He says no
So, you’ve seen them swallow.
Dosage: Yes
Then you will be a swindler.
Dose: and all
Dose: 4 year old dog
Yael :D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118917
Hubble, the discussion
SexTools: Milov is a normal man. Just a spoiled phone and people’s painful tendency to exaggerate are doing their job.
Vitaly Valentinovich, log in

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118916
Dialogue between gender and IT department:
Why is the new office computer called Negr?
That’s to work better!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №118915
I recalled from Obama’s speech a very profound philosophical thought he conveyed to the attendees:
I am convinced that our development should go forward, not backwards,"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118914
IIAPTbI3AH13: Ahhh... Can we look at the nuclear mushrooms on the planet...?
der2008: looking at nuclear mushrooms will not work - the eyes will burn

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №118913
From the game forum:
But here is the only positive feedback I got in this game:

"Published: August 15
Product Review in Early Access
Uninstall works perfect"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna