— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116732
I recently moved to a new apartment. Prices are abuan, so it was possible to remove next to the job, but a crawl-hunting hotel (only a room, no kitchen). I only come home to spend the night. The whole room is covered. I came from an internet provider man to set up my connection, went in and that’s all. There is no place for him to step right-left. Just standing occupies all the free space. "How you have everything compact here", he says."So if you are placed, you will not have to get used to the camera")))))

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №116731
Stop it!! Please stop! I have already asked for your food!! Go to forums, go to chats, exchange addresses and chase pigeons with letters!!! But not here!!! to
Where is the old good humor about it-shnickers?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116730
The child was sent to a summer camp. It sounds all in tears - at night they are forced to lie with their eyes closed. We advise a daughter who hasn’t slept at lunch since kindergarten to read a book in bed. The tube is taken away by an outraged teacher, explaining that first the children will begin to read books at night, and then other violations will be violated. “Ugu, and there, don’t let God, and the thoughts in my head will go,” adds my husband sadly.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116729
Oh thieves! Here is the reserve! One throw – three shit! Three! Absolutely scary, tons of food... paradise for trolls!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116728
The head of the neighboring department cries out to our general head of management in order to find out who to write a report on Saturday:
Do you want to release someone from that department?
We did not resist:
Get rid of Kraken!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116727
You regularly have to say that you’ve been messing up with your alimony, your perfect husbands, and the perfect girls you don’t need? We are waiting for you in the forums. Stop discussing your problems on a humorous resource.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №116726
Today’s kids don’t...
YYY: It is yes. Do you remember what chemistry laboratories we had at school?
I remember, I remember, I still have no scar.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116725
How to recognize a fool in the early stages of a relationship? Ask more frequently his opinion on various controversial topics, such as local clashes, about food, about socks, about relationships with "ex". I think you will make your own conclusions without throwing your finger on a particular individual.

[ + 32 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116724
I'll tell you more - and in Europe, and in the United States, everything is not as sugary as you would like, only taxes and insurance costs. Full of acquaintances, travelling around the world, paradise life, to my deepest regret, not found anywhere.
– – – – –
What is Paradise Life? My parents took me to Germany at the age of 13 and 10. I am an MBA with a starting salary of €68,000, my brother, a doctor of science, is now working on an invitation in London and earns as much as I never dreamed of. But these are the side effects of the opportunities that appeared here, in the "Fatherland" it would not be real. But! Much more important is that we live peacefully, nobody is afraid of the police, nobody worries about a future that cannot collapse at any moment, free movement around the world and even the opportunity to climb into hot regions, knowing that behind the back is a country that will do everything to pull you out (this is abstract from the idiotism of such outlets and what you will then be charged). No arbitrariness of officials, etc., and no everyday hatred and hatred on the streets, in shops, and in everyday life. It is not about heaven. No one expects that in the West you can sit on your ass, do not do the nibble, and everything will fall from the sky. Only here is more opportunity and stability. Even if you get poisoned, it won’t change.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №116723
The theme of the forum "Giving gifts to a girlfriend(ku)".
Nastasja: Welcome or not? What do you do with them: bring home, store at work, or throw away?
The gifts from the mistress I give to the wife and she passes to the lover. We don’t need a stranger in the house.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116722
of course
The police are only afraid of the idiots.
violators of the law. Why are they afraid of her? there
The same people. If, for example, you do not try
Send them a mate or heat them up.
It’s hard, and not doing anything.
Unlawful – no reason to fear
No is. <shit> This is not heaven, but fools
The scars you have listed,
No is.
My non-drinking husband, until we bought a car, regularly spent the night in a monkey's car because he fell asleep in the electric car after a heavy shift. Just wake up a man so that he doesn’t sleep his station? No, he has too suspicious beard and unshelled spikes in his ears, a good trophy. It was especially nice when I was called and said with a sweet voice that he was staying in the area, that everything was fine, he just slept, and the return train only in the morning. And in the morning he came with bleaches on his wrists and broken glasses. Young people were stupid, they were terrible to complain. Now, of course, FIG would have touched him.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116721
Police Department in the Cultural Capital.

So, guys, what else "hanging" on the grandmother’s shoe?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116720
Alimentary #
I am a girl with a child in a divorce for almost two years, I did not pay for maintenance, because I earn normally. I regretted him then, I think he would have fed himself unhappy.
Now, two years later, this fucking, goes crying to my relatives, about the fact that I left him with nothing O_o apparently, it was I, in his opinion, had to pay alimony.
He put on the child, never even bought the chocolate personally in his daughter's hands.
Now I apply for alimony, ONLY in order to, after waiting for a while, until he will pay them, deprive this degenerate of parental rights.

I can’t judge everyone, but one thing I know for sure, girls of children need to be brought for themselves and under their responsibility!
Alimentation, whatever it may be, will not replace the father for the child, and it is better not to have a father at all than to have one name from him.
Otherwise, every goat, paying at least one hundred rubles in the account of alimony, will have the right to call himself the father of a child, who will also be obliged to maintain such a "father" in old age. As for me, fuck him! It is better for me to live without these fucking five or seven thousand rubles of alimony, and the child will have one good mother, but there will be no under-father and excessive brainstorming in the future on his part.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116719
X: We need to veto
X: became scratching and ores
The cat grows up, it’s time.
Q: You are still in her position.
X: What to do? to swallow? Have fun?
U is precisely. by Zavan. In the bathroom, it goes off in half an hour.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №116718
I’m just going to get rid of the shit...Ike has you like a puppy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116717
With all your respect, I cannot agree with this approach. Even if they get caught up, divorce is not an option. Previously, the parents were looking for the bridegroom / bride, and there were no divorces in principle. Nothing, some people it. And now this kind of education, almost so - divorce. I think it’s about feminism propaganda and appropriate education. Neither girls nor boys are taught any LIFE lessons.
of UW. Mr. Oldfag, before, women were not considered people (so they were married and exhausted, literally sold for money, etc.) and thought that the sun revolved around the earth, and even before, in general, witches were burned on fireplaces. What now, to get back, everything as it was? Sometimes divorce is the only way out and it’s good that people like you don’t interfere with your conservative opinion.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116716
Throw the shit on the ventilator.
The phrase: "Babies in compasses do not understand"
When I graduated from the university at the end of the 1980s, we had 90 percent of girls. And then the 90s came, I went to decree in one country, and left it in another.
I watched how the wages were paid in my workplace at the WPC, on my feeder, who quickly surrendered and became a former, and went to trading with the BOOKGALTER. Because she could go out in the afternoon for her business and next to the house, and work to the house to take, and paid, although a little, but regularly. About how my aunts on the bills were forced to learn to count, I will not tell, but at the end of the 90s, organizations began to demand all sorts of information in electronic form. By that time, the basics of accounting in me have already been embroiled, and I have already begun to take accounting work, and with the advent of computers I have become out of competition. So it stayed in the buckets. I don’t tell anyone about my education. Although the original profession is a little sad.
And our dad at the beginning of the zero I remember why children can listen to computers, music from the music center, and the movie through the view on the TV.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116715
A programming girl came to us. But as usual, the programmer in the enterprise is "TYJProgrammist". And here, dragging the next computer through the accounting office, she turned to us and said: Here is the fate of the enot. She made my day.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №116714
About photoshop and vanity in social networks. Someone told her that she had a man’s face.
The face is really rough, but it's half trouble, the shape can be adjusted with hair and makeup. So she started cutting him off the sides. Toist instead of square and wide makes narrow, stretched. With each selfie, it gets more and more stretched and thin. She is already like a collie dog, you know, with a long cheek and sad eyes. The mouth almost does not fit on the new face, the nose, and so not small, occupies the area now exactly half.
How can she politely hint that she will soon cross the anatomical reliability line for the species of homo sapiens and turn into a Homo sapiens?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116713
A dragon in a coat: because of me today at least one man if he becomes a pope, then only a Roman, well or in the bad end a good dancer, it was in the tram, he was not hit because the devils did not crumble from the corners, I arranged for the place that was released, and this unfortunate of some fool fell under the elbow, well and got to the causal place.
– Girl – almost false – Do you know that after that I must get married?
-As you will say - unremittingly repairing the sunglasses. - ZAGS is nearby. Go to S? :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna