— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115992
63_63: As regards the unification of universities, I will say, as a graduate of the KUU, it is inappropriate to mix in one pile biology and the processing of metals by pressure.
63_63: Although, there is an option – to subdue the flea and give it for nanotechnology.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115991
Marriages of relatives. My sister and I left for the bulgor, and already there we were all represented as a husband and wife, the surname is the same. And then it turned out that I was adopted and my sister turned out to be a miracle in general. 22 years together.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115990
xhhh left a cat to hang at home at woo

Tagged with: sturgeon
That’s so that he doesn’t think it’s easy to access.
HHH: Is it splashing on you?
You see, it’s not from decency, but from decency.
WOW: He is actively stirring on me. Better the opposite.
Do you have a pipet?
Oh yeah good luck!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115989
XXX is yes. How much happiness time?
yyy: 17:30
Isn’t it half six?
YYY * didn't find anything to answer*

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №115988
Don’t lose weight this summer, you’ll lose weight next. Do not be upset. Eat another cake, my thick.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115987
In Russia, the situation was complicated by the sophisticated ingenuity of criminals, which distinguished them from foreign counterparts. Due to economic peripets, many skilled personnel were left without work, and a lot of such "specialists" found themselves in the criminal world. This could not be overlooked in the development of security algorithms. Somehow, Levchuk recalls, a dispute with French colleagues from Grenoble began. One Russian engineer said that any fool could bypass the French defense system by simply incorporating a capacitive condenser into the circuit. The response of the French then surprised: if in France a person knows what a condensator is, then he does not make a living with a crime.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115986
I never feel black jealousy.
Why is?
I am that type of racist.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115985
Marriages between relatives:
When my friend got married, his brother met the sister of the bride at the wedding. They also fell in love with each other and wanted to get married - but the parents stood up the wall - how, you are now relatives!!! They were the parents of both sides. It wasn’t so long ago, 15 years ago.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115984
We are connected in line.
without a row passed through a wienoš with the argument "I am power to exchange", extends a thousand,
The seller exchanges for two for five hundred, the winner says, one for five hundred, exchange for a hundred.
They change five hundred for five hundred, the winnosh does not go away: and one hundred for fifty hundred.

The voice from the turn.
- and immediately to him one penny of ten rubles, a tenth of fifths, a fifth of a ruble, so that no more without a turn entered.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115983
She has little that PGM and hell Russofobia, that in itself the combination is strange, she proved to me that the diseases of children - from the ganglions, which was swallowed to the air, because telegonic!! The molecules of rubber are transmitted into the DNA... and even the gangdon = grEh... of course, contraception was created by the evil communists to destroy the descendants of the Arians.
It has 46 chromosomes.

Not sure about the latter.

xxx: just trisomy of the 21st and monosomy of the HO came together in her dance against the background of iodine deficiency.

The X Zero? Where are the folds on the neck?? to

xxh: They went into the skull and intensified pretending to be twists :D

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115982
“Listen, San, can you go to work for me this Saturday? Very needed weekend. A wife with children from her mother returns. I haven’t seen them for a week and have to meet.
Actually, I need it too. My wife is leaving...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115981
Sometimes it seems like someone is not saying something. Later it turns out that you missed something.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №115980
My four-year-old daughter watched the cartoon "Father Christmas and the Grey Wolf." Well, where “Alarm, alarm, the wolf has taken the rabbits!“”
As usual, after the cartoon I ask: Julia, what did this cartoon teach you?
I thought.
He said, “Don’t wear rabbits anywhere. “Eat on the spot.”
The right view of life, yes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115979
It has always been interesting - in order to get a driver's license, you need (by law, at least) to pass courses, pass the exam, that you really know how to drive. With firearms is the same stuff.
But in order to adopt the laws, no certificate is required.

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115978
The action! The action! Expansion of services on the site "Stories"!
When ordering an accompanying device both for the exit to the client and when crawling through Skype!

To the existing thrilling themes of the feast pitches "All the babies are strawberries", "Who did eat", "Football hockey" have been added "What’s there in the hochs", "What’s there in the Armenians" and "What’s there in the Greeks"!

Order the service of "Supplier"!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №115977
I go on a bicycle, the weather is great, the mood is fine. The morning. In the park, I see a grandmother throwing something like wheat to the pigeons. Grandma is charming - this is the embodiment of a sweet and cozy old age.
I stop...
Do you feed the pigeons?
A sweet smile, throwing your hand towards the nearest bushes.
and cats.
I’m not going to lie that I’ve been "collapsing" or "I’ve been in a wild shock", but it’s been a great shock. The conversation did not continue, but now I think - whether the grandmother was still a troll, or whether the truth of cats was fed...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115976
Have you ever heard of the existence of books? One single smartphone can load an entire library, and never, NEVER! Do not miss!
I had somehow courageously worked a whole month in an office where there were very strange rules. Internet only on request and in the selected, entry by passes, computers are monitored. The head of the department - could not tolerate when someone "evidently distracted". The elders said that before, even in headphones could not sit. Sitting in the office from call to call, and actually those who were really responsible for working with customers enjoying the fact that "above the level" almost always absent at work, allegedly "at a meeting", although they themselves in the break told how successful they slept the whole day at home, noting "I at a meeting with the customer". Most importantly, there was no work. at all. And simple performers are just sitting and dumbing in the monitor, in the table, in the ceiling, in the stepper - for this same money is paid. And as you look at the phone for more than a few minutes, the boss immediately started screaming that they were not paying for it. Oh yeah - at the moment the office has collapsed and closed, despite the "years of experience" and almost a hundred people of the state.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115975
We go past the bank, where a young man enters with a chic bouquet of flowers, and then the daughter gives out: is it he to forgive the loan?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №115974
NATO headquarters opened in Lithuania
NATO headquarters in Lithuania will coordinate NATO operations in the region
L: About 40 military personnel will serve in the international headquarters in Vilnius
S: Probably this should worry Lithuanian prostitutes – they have 40 more clients. But why does it care you?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №115973
Where is??? Where can I get silicone clamps for clamping ears?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna