— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116692
It will be remembered, Kobe thought as he went to the stake.

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116691
In 1908, the French aviator Auguste Fanier, performing an indicative flight over Paris, crashed into the Eiffel Tower and died. After that, the well-known Menshevic Martov wrote in the newspaper Iskra that “the tsarist regime is flying to its destruction as quickly as Mr. Fanier over Paris.” From here came the expression “to fly like a faner over Paris”.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №116690
In a parallel universe: for surgery for sick children, money is allocated from the budget, and fees for football players and their coaches are collected by the whole world with the help of text messages.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116689
Jolene: I tried yesterday to watch "Robot named Chappi"
They came to the conclusion that the main fantasy there is an Hindu, able to find something working.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116688
XX: Everything is in a circle.
xxx: At the age of 19 bought an old-old rotten pujo. I caught my grandfather in Moscow. For two months I had to buy a wing and a door from an old rotten straw. No one has it, even from the point of view. I ordered a friend in Germany.
XXX: Many years have passed. I am 35. I moved to Amurica. I bought a shark. From the salon and in the package. He caught a 89 year old old car with his grandmother behind the wheel. Calls yesterday a very polite manager from the aquarium, says, dear horse-san, the wings and doors of the driver will not be another 2 months, because. The aquarium is so rough, there are no details of anyone, even with the selection, you need to order in China...
YYY: Yeah, fuck, really there’s no difference.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116687
Talk to the seller in the computer accessory department.
Do you have external hard disks?
“That’s all there is,” the girl replies, proudly showing a collection of CDs of different colors.
I mean the external. Strong, I add to it.
What do you think is soft?! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116686
here here :
Well - offered the former, as they separated, just come to visit each other purely for physical closeness (with this affair everything was mutually pleased, but on household matters did not live), each has his own housing, there are no children, accordingly, there is no need for money on his part. He is not pleased - cooking / cleaning is not possible."
Fuck, this is paradise on earth! :D And the former has shrunk completely, it seems.

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116685
I love when someone enters the office, looks at the sides and asks: - and Ivan Ivanovich has gone out? No, he was hidden under the table.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116684
By the way, once you remembered the English: does it not seem to you that the difference between the words “image” and “look” is not just that? The language is different, but this is the difference.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
And in Russian there is a difference between the words "image" and "type", fully reflecting the desired shade of lexical meaning.

It is still understandable when the Russian language absorbs words for really new phenomena that do not have their name - here are either neologisms or borrowings. But what kind of phenomena to call Anglicisms, for which in Russian is full of names.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116683
Is it you again?? to

"Say what the algorithm of action next here". The guard is in shock. A hundred pudders

Well of course! There is no one who knows such words except you. Fuck the idolaters who think of themselves as idolaters, you are just a service, nothing more.

So they didn’t like the cats, now the Aitishniks (on the Aitish-to-site), soon for the shreders will be accepted!!!! Go, companion, you are the same service for someone (who’t work)

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116682
And there are also options "You know, I’m pregnant... – But you said you’re drinking pills! It is over..." It is overwhelmed, but the essence conveys.

You don’t want to wear a condom, right? and about contraception to read-study "not kingdom this is a matter"
Even without the rubber is more pleasant.
And the hero's aunt did not choose a decent one, because decent people don't give, because he himself is a fool.
And then a surprise and a man thinks he’s never to blame.
Shadow and hat.

how to fuck - so laugh, as to give birth - so cry

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №116681
Why are divorced women with children offended by former husbands? But I came to the former one paper to sign, and on his table is a bubble of vodka expensive and red fish, he celebrates holidays, and you stand and listen to this half drunk, how beautiful he will rest at fishing and you think: E* your mother, I get up every day at 6 in the morning to collect the child in the garden, then I run to work, then I take the child out of the garden, we run to a circle of drawing or karate, then go home, eat, wash, a fairy tale for the night, clean-wash the dishes, collect-put the laundry, cook everything for the next day... And so almost without a weekend, and in the holiday diet stands at 7 in the morning and you also get up, go for a walk with him, etc. And so week by week. Tired of. I want to sleep a week. And this prince takes the child once every 2 weeks, and at lunch already calls, asks when you can bring back." This is how it turns out that your alimony, men, is our salary for caring for the child. No vacation is provided. So take on a part of the burden and nobody will want to punish you financially for the unfulfilled work.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116680
But there are comrades who advise mothers to save money in case their father loses his job and can’t pay alimony... And why not pay their father too in case he loses his job, so that there is something to pay alimony? and?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №116679
I sit in the kitchen and drink tea.
Mother runs, turns on the radio, from there it is:
The development of the innovative potential of the Moscow region. The Governor of Vorobjov believes...
It turns out and with the words "as long as normal people work, these darmoods of vortex count" runs back into the garden.
I sit in the kitchen and drink tea.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116678
And in Russian there is a difference between the words "image" and "type", fully reflecting the desired shade of lexical meaning.

*** by
another form.
A word from my childhood:

The onions are good in the salad.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116677
Sindaria: I am an old, sick, pregnant woman XD with me bribes smooth ;-R
No. 9811: * records * unstable psychological state
Sindaria: Better then magical
#9811: Through your glasses, do you have a unicorn?
Sindaria: and the whites will give)
No. 9811: Girl, what are the white ones? We have a serious organization. Only one-legged pony can be. White is unacceptable.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116676
“In every joke there is a share” – the words of any governor of any city.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №116675
Group of VK on legal automakers. Question: A theoretical question. There are two twin brothers. For the purpose of saving, only one gets the rights (go in as in turn:)), but they ride in turn for one w. The inspector has suspicions about this, how can he bring them to clean water, if desired?
One of the answers pleased me:
In England, one murderer was justified because they couldn’t figure out whether it was him or his twin brother.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116674
Now it’s enough to make money to buy what you want – and you don’t need to “deliver” through familiar women’s boots or children’s sandals. Moreover, it has become difficult to leave the store without buying in principle - you need sellers and manufacturers.
– – – – –
Oh well? Probably writes "a strictly standard person". Real people are much more complicated. "You are too fat/fat/long/short to your size". You have too short legs for such a volume of thighs/too thin neck for such a width of shoulders. "This season is fashionable squeeze and narrow nose, and the figure you will find on your foot with bones/with high lift/with great fullness". Oh there is! The size suited... but god, why all this lurex and glitter?! A, there is no lurex and splash... but at the price for the entire salary. As if the shops are full, and if you want to buy something, you will not pick up.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №116673
Received another letter from advertisers: "CALENDAR ALL TO CONCORDANCE ( CHECK OBLIGATELY FALSE)" I check with triple attention.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna