— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116172
XHH: has returned
xxx: the child (13 years) in the country responds with single phrases, "as you order", "ready", "will be done" and so on.
The eyes are slowly filled with blood and now the eyebrows are delayed, all and everyone is suspicious.
xxx: it immediately turns out that nobody did anything to the daughter, but just played in the third part of the aoe for our and now parody the peasant.
xxx: "and why is my mom worried?"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №116171
We hanged a photo of the cat anfas all over the house and with the inscription "The missing cat". But under the inscription on the photo such a rough, that it would be more correct to write "REQUIRED";

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №116170
As the director of the firm, at the request of the accounting office, he wrote himself a statement on leave.
It was good today, I confirmed. He could not approve...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №116169
The regional news site.
News: "Governor of Karelia has tried himself as a bartender".
Comment: Better he would have tried himself in the role of governor)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116168
Leon_spb67: In October 1974, Brezhnev read western and self-published reviews of the “Buldozer Exhibition”: “a monstrous crime against the freedom of creativity... a red boat on the throat of culture... a barbaric outcry... we angrily condemn... the advanced public will not allow... cultural figures protest”...
Leonid Ilyich throws away these papers, covers his face with his hands and angrily whispers, “Wow! Uncultured and scattered! That was performance! The bulldozer that brushes the paintings is an allegorical embodiment of хтоnic horror, an existential embodiment of protest against the aggressive tendencies of the universe! Contemporary art must shock and epithetize!! Oh my God, how senseless and uncultured they are! They condemn...what do these savages mean in advanced actionism?“!”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №116167
Work is when you get up at 7 a.m. and you only get up at 12 a.m. A vacation is when you wake up at 7 a.m. and only get up at 12 a.m.

[ + 31 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116166
Just for example. My parents, who in the past were fully self-employed workers (at different times workers or masters) in industrial enterprises in a very provincial city, now live for about 50 thousand rubles a month for two. For the non-capital city - very even nothing, at least, do not deny themselves anything. Well, and this amount does not include annual leave abroad, which is paid by a well-educated (educated!) All kinds of gifts and other small things.
= = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Unknown to accept.
Mother of a lifetime master of high print, pension 8 t.r. Father all his life an electrician, retirement 7 t.r.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №116165
The Comrade sent:

We work on the cottage. In the employer, since the summer, the Tajiks have left to winter. The workers are still. But our colds are frozen. Today I give them a task: pour a pellet (looking like a stone, but a very light material) under the fireplace. Half an hour passes. I walk past the Tajiks, I see one standing thoughtfully near a pit with water and throwing there on the outskirts of ceramite and says:
“Japanese Siberia, the stone in the wade doesn’t even sink.

[ + 29 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116164
It is naive:

What if on the rear glass of the car to make a LCD screen and in the traffic jams to include some books on them? In order not to violate copyright, these can be texts of classics.

"Flibust" has just been banned for placing "451 degrees Fahrenheit".
One of the Russians (!) The publisher decided that the book belonged to him.

For the certificate:
The book was first published in 1953 (the World Copyright Convention came into force on 16 June 1955);
It was first published in the Russian language in 1956 (After the accession of the USSR to the convention on 27 May 1973);
Thus, under the action of copyright on the territory of the former USSR does not fall on any side (the law has no retroactive effect).
What did not hinder.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116163
I am not "Peter" but I would suggest:
and ==
St. Petersburg MP proposes to ban Russians from vacationing abroad

Peter, are there any of you?
and ==
My friend, you didn’t get that word. Here the main (and true) is a deputy, not "petersky"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №116162
A girl came to visit, a couple of years older than my sister. Both are studying in fairly elite schools, the guest has already finished. Added to memories:
One time the girls got drunk and the ambulance took one, and the other tried to jump out of the window! And one girl with the director fought, then the television came... And again, it was the case, the thief ran into the teacher’s room and in the teacher’s chairs he kicked, and she jumped out the window...
My sister is sitting.
At the end of the day, a pigeon in the class was flying!
Now I know where to teach my daughter.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116161
There were two strangers. One thought that, having stunned his own house, it is necessary to simply ask to live with a neighbor-accuratist, suddenly that one will clean up behind the clutches, and the second - that it is necessary to continue to stunn, because shit - it is its best in the world TRADITION, the deepest deposits still honorable ancestors mocked, and it is a great pleasure to sit on the ears and obviously be proud of the GAVN. About cleaning up andining order in your own house - and on your own initiative, and not waiting for a hole from above - the option has not been suggested by any of the parties.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116160
Let's say 1 person a day goes to the toilet at least 10 times a day, hence the water consumption per month per 1 person = 9 * 10 * 30 = 2700 l. or 2.7 cubic meters.
I don't know how you do, in our city, a cube of water with drainage (water drainage) costs 37 rubles, so we get that one person drops to the toilet 99.9 rubles a month. If there are three people in the family, it is already 300 rubles! And this is without taking a shower, washing hands, dishes, floors and laundry!
Yes, you, baby, are just a rare link!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №116159
Get out of our village!
The resident of Gadukino.

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116158
I went to the site of "Sвязного", looked at the headsets for 1900 r.

I went to buy them in the department "Closed" near the house. Suddenly there they stand 2200 r.

Coming home, ordered an online order for the amount of 1900 r. with the indication of the place of self-exportation - the shop near the house

I went down and ordered :D

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116157
Have you ever seen how people live in the United States? I saw (I was a tutor for backward schoolchildren from poor families, according to the state. This is a shit, sorry for my French. Nothing better than in the village of Gadukino, here I give a tooth.
Except for the fact that in the village of Gadjukino EVERYONE is pressing on the success of some schoolchildren there. What trainees for the tax account for the poor, in Gadjukino and school-something closed, because "little set, unprofitable", and the medical center is not 20 years like.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №116156
Go to the private sector. My girlfriend, have you heard that???? to
I : what?
Again, have you heard it?? to
I: So what should I have heard?! to
She is: ku-ka-re-ku!! to
I: Oh yeah, the cock heard it.
Why do I have a child: and what, do cockroaches not only exist in fairy tales?? to
These are the fruits of urbanization.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №116155
Teaching Orthodoxy in Schools and Universities. Reduced hours in mathematics and physics. Crazy people in the world. The falling missiles. Flooded cities without normal flooding. The Crimean. For the first time in history, Russia won no medals at the World Mathematics Olympics.

This is called trend.

The USSR is not Stalin.
The USSR is Landau and Lvivits, Kurchatov, Korolev, Tupalev, Sukhoi and Mikoyan. The USSR is Kir Bulychev and Strugatsky, who gave a dream. There are thousands of inventors and rationalizers all over the country. This is a respect for science and technology from childhood.

Without all this, the USSR is the DPRK and Cambodia.

Those who learn to think will soon die.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №116154
The inscription on the monument for those staying in the same street hotel-café operated by Armenians:"Free Wai-fai". I think it’s a fifa... :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №116153
News: The woman exploded her buttocks during class in the gym. Witnesses say that during the performance of the exercises a loud cotton sounded and the very large back of the girl simply disappeared.

The saying “pull your ass” has become more apparent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna