— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106169
to this
— — —
About the household girls.
For 25 years, my lover wrote that I am a prostitute because I am easy to wake up.
— — —
Girl, make yourself men who love to embrace and know how to make friends. As a rule, their brightness in bed does not repel, but delights. For reference: in Russia, problems with sex culture, looking for sensual and emotional men need to be thoughtful, attentive and patient.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №106168
From the online chat game:
Leicester is out of the game.
Legends entered the game.
Legesh: Sorie, problems with the inuit (
Is it flying out?
Leges: Wife router turns off, so that I should pay attention to her (

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106167
This is:

I am too gambling and also a loser. I like one girl from work, until we communicate, I wait for the moment when we go together, for example, in the same subway car. They usually bring us after work to the subway, so she usually stands at the door nearest to everyone and quickly goes to the subway, there runs on the escalator and runs into the wagon, so that I just don't have time. Today I was lucky with a seat at the door, I went out before everybody and walked on a proven route and managed to get ahead of it! But! She didn’t... exaggerate.

Well, at least you definitely have a topic to start a conversation now! “Well, I’ve finally caught you, untouchable bastard! What are you doing tonight?"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106166
The stupid.
In the "non-Russian language" One girl has been on the wall for 20 years: "A friend is known in be". I am in trouble, fucking!! to

In the last century, the Petrosian people laughed from the scene. The girl just respects old jokes. She has a stupid surrounding.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106165
My first morning in Sydney started with a nightmare. Right under the windows there were monstrous, penetrating cries... Having caught yesterday’s passages and running out in trousers to the balcony of my first floor, I saw several opposite species of birds who, as it turned out, were roaring on the lawn in front of the hotel. And the women confused by my appearance brought onto the plates of these creatures the cut fruit.
from the barracks on them. I suggested to women.
“Good Moning, Mr,” the ladies said, smiling advertising.
“Cucabarra,” said one, pointing to the bird.
“Cucabarra hasn’t eaten well in the morning,” I noticed, then, stretching my pants and a false smile on the cowbarra’s angry forehead, I went out again to the ladies, smoking a cigarette.
and Noah! Noah could! - the women and something like, say, cocabare is harmful tobacco smoke! And so every day, at five in the morning, the exhausting cry of the cowbarra, and the unhappy sleeping women, obeying the instinct of pity, bring her the fruits prepared from the evening, not forgetting to greet me: "Bongur, messie!"... She used to drive around the city and eat snakes. He catches the snake by the head, rises up high with it to the sky and throws it on stones. Then she realized that it was easier to extract food, pressing a disgusting scream on the consciousness of the Australians, and almost completely settled in the city. Therefore now in the bush of snakes - no place to walk!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106164
A few of my own conclusions on the subject of who should take the first step. This is by no means a guide to action – just read and think.

-First, as a rule, the first step is taken by the guys themselves who are simply "hearted" to fuck. Very often, these are the ones that later turn out to be m*daks;
Secondly, the guys who do not show initiative often get very rare and valuable copies.
Third, often for a single girl, communication with a guy has no deep meaning: a girl can communicate with a guy simply in a friendly way.
Fourth, a lonely guy who communicates with a girl most often thinks they are in a relationship.

From here conclusions:

First, girls looking for normal guys, it is desirable to pay attention to those of them who just calmly communicate with them and treat them with sympathy;
Secondly, these guys don’t take the first step, because their life experience has taught them that most girls communicate with them as friends and no more.
Third, these guys won’t "wipe their legs" about a girl who has shown initiative.

I’m not saying that girls should take the initiative altogether—oh, no. But communicate with. Spend a few days just communicating. Communication will help you determine whether the person is adequate or not. Find the common "point of contact". And the convergence will unnoticedly happen on its own, you will not notice how easy and simple it all worked out.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №106163
of this (the

The son brought a double in literature for his work on Dostoevsky. Show me the composition. I opened the notebook, I read: "Attack of lazy and on Kazan". I have finished the book."

The bad news is that your son is a non-Russian.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106162
Fuck the students, fuck them all! Go quietly crush with your crocodiles and let saliva on their bouquets! Nothing to eat? by Ibartin!
— — —
The student. I clean up at night in the supermarket. and 2/2.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106161
A little about overload.
and Linux:
- here you have the drawings of the scroll, here you have the glue, the rubber and the pump, continue to fuck as you know.
The Uzer:
The bulk! Oh, he was swimming out.
The Sindoes:
- here you have a hole circle, here you have an OTC sticker, glue and pump you will find yourself, fuck as you know.
The Uzer:
The bulk! It is your mother! The bulk! The Pammy! Oh, he was swimming out.
of IOS:
Here is this magnificent and perfectly refined Air Ball with a magnificent Gradient. What about glue and pump? not placed! And drawings give here, we’ll burn them, it’s illegal. And, by the way, leave the credit card number, as we will look for it later, it will not pop up.
The Uzer:
I can imagine how the poor suffer. How magnificently I swim...what? None to None! of Pamagiti! Someone to!
The bulk.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106160
Ho-ho-ho, I live all the living, only Lenin lives me.
222: U... All his life wanted to know, but what inventory number is Lenin’s mummy?
Hm... Do you think the leader of the proletariat has an inventory number?
222: Everything in this world is possible.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106159
Something I can’t force myself out of the house.
Throw your cigarettes in the shower and wait an hour and a half.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106158
One morning, I wake up with my husband, car-embracing, here I remember my dream and say:
I dreamed today that I had a romance with Boyarski.
My husband is upset!
I: Oh, he is old.
The husband is even more upset: And that’s the only thing that annoys you? 0 - O

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106157
In winter, all women are divided into two types: they never wear hats and wear hats everywhere.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №106156
Yes, no, lady, "in Zags"- these are your wishes. and :)
Here I am, young, healthy and beautiful. I don’t give flowers and gifts, I want to fuck, I don’t hide wishes. Why do you all divorce me on a relationship with Zack in the prospect of what I am doing wrong?
– – – – –
You forget to pay for everything. You can call the "bubbles-bubbles" and pay for sexual services with money. It’s quick, but it’s a pity. You can’t spend a penny and beat an ordinary girl for sex. But you will have to pay anyway - with signs of attention, with your free time. This is called the "relationship". You can get sex from young and lonely. You won’t have to spend money, you won’t have to start "relationships". But you will be foolishly used and sent out, and it is still unclear who will eventually catch who, you or you. You pay with your self-esteem. I explain clearly? and choose. Up to 2 variants "no relationship".

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №106155
I read a local sex chat... эхh... and that idea was good – with tape.
Women who want sex wear red.
Married and Blue.
Who wants relationships - purple (like the transition from red to blue).
Who wants to be friends and communicate - green.
Anyone who doesn’t want white.
You can even combine colors within reasonable boundaries.
That is beauty!! Everyone would live much easier. Let’s make the world better together, right? and ;)
ZY: And if the ribbons are also reflective - in general, it is useful. and ;)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106154
@arxont: If a man wants a radio-controlled toy and a woman wants order, then a robot vacuum cleaner is the perfect gift.

@arxont: From the downsides - a man can start specifically rubbing, so that there is something to destroy with his megatron.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106153
If the gods want to punish, they destroy the mind.
A normal woman needs care first of all from a man. What it will consist of for each particular woman - flowers, canned foods, walks under the moon, help at work/study, vessels, clothes by season, male homework, books, etc. It is determined by life circumstances and the character of the woman herself.
But in order to understand this simple fact, a man will have to come out of the comfortable cocon of selfishness, consumerism and infantilism.
It is not about the sadness of women that they were endowed with expensive crowns, and not just given money, did not pay for access to the body, no. And about what they didn’t think about at all, about needs, about problems, about urgent affairs. And it is such a heartless attitude that humiliates her.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106152
To the sick:


>Love wrote that I am a prostitute, because I am easy to wake up<

I’m afraid of men.And the accusations of a prostitute because of my physiology.One is safer.


When I read this, it feels like girls are diligently avoiding adequate guys.
Then they start to be afraid of men.
I have such an exciting girl. She is very emotional and can easily be hurt to tears. Therefore, I protect her from all negativity, treating her gently and tremendously. I understand that emotion and excitability are interrelated.
I even appreciate it in her.
Therefore, I tell you: meet not with the guy who has shown initiative, but with the one whom you can confidently call understanding and adequate, having talked to him for a while. Yes, it will take some time. Yes, we need to make an effort. But you know - pearls - they are on the bottom of the sea, and g... - floats on the surface. Success to you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106151
This is an example of English humor:
“Why, Sir John, I’m not invited to any decent English club?
“But sir Michael, here’s an invitation from Shakespeare’s Club of Lovers, from the Club of Cricket Lovers, from the Club of Hunting Foxes, finally!
“Oh, Sir John, can you call a ‘reasonable’ club that accepts gentlemen like me?! to

Have you seen yourself in this joke? You want to date a good girl, you suffer that you don’t have a girl... but when the girl makes the first step, because you yourself suffer sitting on the shirt straight, you’re just starting to scratch her! Because "a good" girl will not fit you, right? Here, no one is suitable after 1-2 attempts, taught by bitter experience.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №106150
As a child, he was sitting with a friend at a guest house, and the four somehow argued with him (My friend is a terrible athlete). In general, we sit argue, the acquaintance silently looks at everything that is happening, I am a friend argument, he is a counterargument and so long - long...And then he gets tired of arguing and he cries in his hearts "And in general whose house is this, my or yours", having in mind me, the housewife, timidly so "Well, in general, my...";

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna