— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №114312
This is not a Muslim community website, it is a technical portal. There are people with brains, not Muslims.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №114311
There is only one question left: "How could such a powerful mutation pass so quickly?"
— — — —
Per at that time there were nuclear reactors in every village.
— — — —
That’s what they called "Suseki"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №114310
And then we ask why we live so badly. And even we live that it is easier for most to believe in such a heresy than it is normal to study in school.
Have you ever tried to argue with sunsets? Quite amusing. It can be used for future astronauts as a training "how to negotiate with an alien without knowing his language".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №114309
The C Hicks:

xxx: When in the accounting office put a boiler to boil, in the neighboring room the image jumped out of the monitor
YYY: How is it?
xxx: This is when the IPP, calculated at 600W from the connection of a two-kilowatt boiler, says, “Kraja!”

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №114308
In the kindergarten, I also periodically wondered: do we have a mother?
In general, they saw their mother only two years later.
— — — —
We had a nursery next to my job while driving from home. My wife has a job at 40 minutes drive, but in the other direction. I only saw my mother in college.
No need to regret single fathers. The teachers, considering me single, and sitting longer with the child did not mind, and dressed the child to my parish. And forgive the absence of any plastic paints. And the sick child was left in isolation for a couple of hours, while I prayed for affairs, while the mothers were called for urgent emergency.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114307
Who is Karl?
- I'm hz, but if you write everywhere, Karl, you'll be in the subject.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114306
Have you been to the garden at least once? Did you go to the doctor? Viruses adapt to antibiotics and then do not act. New strains of the virus appear if so understood. There are accelerators of growth and maturity. The mass is increasing and the "potential" is not increasing. The difference is easy to feel in taste. Fresh vegetables and fruits from the store and sweet-pocketed own. The basics of vegetarian can be taught once I have not studied in school.
The idiot! March to school! Yes, it happens in school!
Antibiotics do nothing to the viruses, they do not even have to get used to them.
Taste is half the soil (and not all in the Voronezh region are grown) and half the varieties, and this is already for breeders, for whom germination and resistance to pests are more important (and the seed foundation has broken, all the abandoned planting materials are taken - shame). "Potential" and others are anti-scientific Houthi.
This is the problem, not the EEG. If the “smart people” regret the fact that “viruses adapt to antibiotics and then they do not work.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114305
xxx: In connection with Britain's transition to the metric system of numeration, a new currency of £2.20 is introduced.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №114304
We go out at night with a guy of guests on foot, empty streets, romance, kisses, all that. We see - near the passage on the boulevard, a man walks there and there, apparently, waiting for someone. He is a young man, forty or fifty years old, in a suit, a shirt, a tie. We pass by - he runs, covers us with a wave of garlic and to the guy, hopefully so, he says: "Young man, you, by chance, do not want to fight?" - "No, I don't want O_o" - "Sorry, very sorry". He turns, breathes, goes back.
What was it?

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №114303
You will also say that the children are wanted by the husbands, not the wives :)
+ + + + + + + +

You forgot to add that women are logically interested in children, not sex.
Congratulations to another sexist.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №114302
The xxx:
I am currently in Volgograd on a business trip.


The xxx:
150 km in length, I was on the outskirts, not even tried to drive to the center - 2 hours on the road.

Did you now quote a fragment from the diary of a German soldier near Stalingrad?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №114301
We are standing with a friend in the subway, and in front of us sits a very nice girl, probably the size of 4-5. Well, it is hot already on the street, the dress is light, and the view from above is such - the spirit captures. Well, a friend slips, then says, haha, I can look endlessly at two things. I ask, well, judging by where you look first understandably, and the second which? He stabbed for a short time and answered - on the left, on the left of the fox and on the right!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114300
Vegetation - five, biology - two. Sit down
and ==
Have you been to the garden at least once? Did you go to the doctor? Viruses adapt to antibiotics and then do not act. New strains of the virus appear if so understood. There are accelerators of growth and maturity. The mass is increasing and the "potential" is not increasing. The difference is easy to feel in taste. Fresh vegetables and fruits from the store and sweet-pocketed own. The basics of vegetarian can be taught once I have not studied in school.
and ==
Viruses are not destroyed by antibiotics. The point. Antibiotics destroy bacteria. Viruses are destroyed by the body's immune response, or antiviral drugs (which are extremely few with proven effectiveness). Everything else is a pillar of pharmaceutical companies with the aim of cutting off a bigger bubble from lambs walking on two legs and considering themselves the crown of evolution.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №114299
From a description of all the fractures of one actor:
“Yes, Jackie Chan broke his back in this episode, and he wasn’t paralyzed just because he was Jackie Chan.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114298
At 30 years of age, three children - what experience and experience does she have, besides moving her legs and washing the diapers? A year without a week? There is no husband, no relatives - after work will not be delayed, on weekends will not work, constantly in the hospital - why do you need such a manager? The head probably always hurts about the house, the children and their spoils, instead of work issues. Vasenko got a double in literature - a weekly plan went to the cheat. I am still silent about chronic malnutrition and its outcomes. Or for you, a cool manager is someone who knows nothing, but knows how to scream loudly and pressure people?
— — —
I am not the author, but I can explain, most likely this woman is perfectly able to allocate time, both her own and others, so as not to be delayed at work. In the hospital, you can also work remotely. I can also bet on the disadvantage.
There are people who work 16 hours a day 6 days a week with the same result.
By the way, we have an employee, 25 years old, married, two children, a total experience of more than 8 years, looks like a schoolchild, there is almost no hospital, it is not late, it is rare to leave, in working hours in the smoker does not smoke, does not smoke at all, does not know - asks, quickly learns, if you need to stay after work, for a separate fee - please, for free - never. The ideal worker. If so, I’m not talking about McDonald’s.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №114297
26 January 2012. The quote:
"Advertising on Yandex:
"Another World 4: Awakening of the Premiere"

I had to read it three times until I realized that after the word “Awakening” it would be good to put a point.

who knew that in 2 years this quote will gain a chic meaning at the 2014 Olympics in Sochi X))

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №114296
What were the kings sitting in this Peter? Clothes, fog and swamp.
Do you know what the price of real estate was in Moscow then?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №114295
Cannes, for two tablespoons of purple 60-80 rubles. Eat yourself, and I spread my baby boiled calf through the sitch.
— — — —
Who will prohibit you? And I am working and earning so much that I am not expensive 60-80 rubles. I’m going to do it, I’ll make another order.
Just let everyone make choices according to their circumstances, and there will be peace and prosperity on earth.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114294
The Darkness:
Industrial fruits and vegetables are filled with growth accelerators and antibiotics. Growth accelerators do not allow the plant to accumulate vitamins and produce everything that should normally be present in the fruit. Antibiotics cause a mutation of viruses, which is why the child may not be cured with the usual prescribed pills.
In addition, the child’s body should be accustomed to coping with it on its own. This is called immunity.

And what, in the stores are not the same fruits and vegetables, filled with growth accelerators and antibiotics? What’s the difference, who smashed them in the purr – I or the workers at the factory?
You already have pesticides instead of your brain.

You, gentlemen, do not argue whether the earth is square or triangular. Your dispute sounds like that. The first speaker on the course, firstly, perplexed vegetables with meat, secondly, demonstrated sleepy ignorance. The virus is on antibiotics, you know? Growth accelerators and vitamins - in general space. This is called fertilizers, fertilizers contain a bunch of microelements, without them, vitamins cannot be synthesized. No one is spraying vegetables with antibiotics.
And then we ask why we live so badly. And even we live that it is easier for most to believe in such a heresy than it is normal to study in school.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114293
I am really fat. Because a month ago she gave birth to a twin, and people all approach and ask, “Well, when?”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna