— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112369
In my youth, the selfie stick was the one whose hands shake less.
And whoever didn’t go out and didn’t want to hide on photos.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112368
LORANA: If you are periodically approached on the street and asked where the Kiss group is performing today, then there is a chance that it is time to reduce the amount of cosmetics used.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112367
A discussion of the new "Fantastic Four", where the Fackel Man is played by a black actor.
But finally, the whole film will burn black.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112366
<Finland> caroch, tinipaverich - the carousel stumbled (((((((((((((((((((( you have to run behind the camera until the store is closed, or a towel tomorrow to work
<LiliT> from big?
<Finland> yes
<LiliT> that’s why I’m riding the subway...there’s no need to change the rails at night...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112365
We laughed at the dumb fat guy who screamed at us and furiously swirled through our own baskets... but now I realize how clever that guy was!

If the mind for you is an opportunity to let you escape responsibility, then you are deeply sorry. Because in his place it was necessary, if not to catch, to find out whose children they are that they would have done explanatory work at home with you. And he probably just chased you and hid the facts of penetration into a military object bypassing all instructions. This is even if you do not take that in such places you can get drunk with any chemical, radioactive and other ugliness. As a result, he did not do good either to yourself or to you, and the fact that everything went without consequences is your overall happiness and luck.
— — —
What are you reading? The story was about how for the smart man in the shape of stupid children mushrooms were collected. and free.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112364
Tagged 17072
Scandals, intrigues and investigations.
An underground army of bars with arbates and foam tubes plans to overthrow the government.
Thanks to Pori

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112363
I was scared by a colleague here.
arxont: Sitting, knocking on the keyboard and suddenly with such a philosophical look -
argont: “And you know – from the console all the servers look the same”
Argont: It would be nothing if in thirty seconds there was no hellish, painful and desperate crying “SUCK!!!”

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112362
Just to grind!

Excess testosterone is what makes a small percentage of women nervous and flamboyant in PMS. And men always have it for everyone. So, butterflies, stop complaining, treat the male sex with proper sympathy and understanding, you would also be not sugar always live THAT!))))
PMS is justified by a sharp drop in the level of female hormones estrogen and progesterone after ovulation. Testosterone is not there at all. Yes, if men had a PMS with monthly and all this accompanying - every month! - It would have been given to hospitals for a long time without asking questions every month, ah.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112361
You are Freud:

Sho is that? Do colored eggs harm the child’s psyche? Simbolize, probably, what such a freudian in the inflamed consciousness of children’s defenders?

If the eggs were painted without your "HV" - let them paint. But I will not allow my child to rub my goddess without my consent. Rather, I would like to not allow, as nobody asks, but rubs how much they will think. by Pidaras.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112360
That is why they try to protect teenagers from sex in every way that their bodies are already mature, and their brains and self-control are not yet. Specifics of adolescent psychology. There is nothing to encourage children to do unthinkably, risky and irreparable things. They will do that, but with the consequences to understand their parents and society. A single mother’s offspring is only funny in anecdotes, but very sad in life.

and ***

They are not to be protected, but to be educated, to be taught, to prevent consequences. You have already borrowed your money!! Physiology is still not a water crane: it is twisted - and there is no problem...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112359
When I was gathering with the chickens for fishing, she begged me not to walk, almost rolled in my legs and all nudged and nudged.
YYY: You live alone! Who is she?
My liver...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112358
The simplest example of the dilemma is how to make the wolves satisfied and the sheep whole.

This is very important....

This is when the shepherd has eternal memory.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112357
by this:
I went to the kindergarten for my daughter. Last week, the children painted eggs (empty) for Easter, and now all of these painted eggs are displayed in the dressing room. My daughter’s co-worker pulls me to the stand: Look, that’s what I painted! Yes, I say, very beautiful. The boy doesn't get away: You see, even signed - X and B, that means Хорошеев Вова, that's my name!
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Wonderful believers, the fucking. First, foreign children in the state institution are bitten with painted eggs and forced to weep “Christ has risen!” and then on the internet they are outraged, saying why we are so disliked by atheists. And really, why would it be...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112356
The prefecture demands that everything be removed from the dome immediately.
What do you allow yourself? They resent.
In the sense? I don’t understand Mickey.
These letters!
- The letters mean "Christ has risen", says Mikitasov.
Don’t make us idiots, they make noise in the prefecture. - And I understand what you mean "Hey you!"
They were not convinced and had to dismantle everything.
That is genius! I advise everyone to use this method.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112355
Lamarckism for example. What is not a scientific theory, though not consistent with Darwinism?
Lamarquism is a historical stage in the development of biology. It has one unpleasant disadvantage – it contradicts genetics and experiments. Why are Jews born uncircumcised and women are virgins?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112354
Yes, if men had PMS with monthly and all associated - every month! - It would have been given to hospitals for a long time without asking questions every month, ah.
I will never forget my youth and the years I spent on the “great deficit.” Of course, no "women's pads" we did not hear at the time in the province. We went out of the pharmacy until the watt disappeared. If she appeared, they caught themselves, called a friend. Everyone needed it, but everyone lacked it. But men (and only men) were given TALLONS for cigarettes, plus vodka coupons for everyone! And how they, the poor, will not satisfy their urgent need for drugs. Regularly and everybody. They will go out on the streets to protest. And the grandmothers with their needs - what is there, will overflow. They are accustomed to overtaking.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112353
D'Artagnan and D'Artagnan

Friend, you didn’t see that movie, I also once laughed like that.
I watched and watched: some historical drama, inspired dialogues, old costumes and suddenly the main character gets a member and fuck it... it turned out to be porn...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112352
17081, I want to upset you - you are an old grandfather. Not a very smart old grandfather.
If - I quote - "For example, to walk naked. And there and before the murders and rape in the sight of everyone nearby - it was true, then in the prisons would be seated whole informals. In practice, there are mainly those who are sitting there, who can not be called otherwise than "grey mass". The gossip.
And do not forget that the most terrible crimes against mankind and humanity were committed not by frics, but by uncles in gray costumes and kittles.

And with regard to your "panking"... This is indeed the most intolerant hanji grows out of the elderly shalows.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112351
5 copies about "stupid military":

Even under the USSR, we climbed into the territory of the military unit through a fence and collected mushrooms there. There was a small slope between the bald territory and the fence. Grown mushrooms are just chic, most often white or shrimp. We were caught by a fat man in shape. Sometimes we ran away, sometimes he took the prey and when we struck, he sprinkled our baskets. We laughed at the dumb fat guy who screamed at us and furiously swirled through our own baskets... but now I realize how clever that guy was!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112350
And it would be fair if children in school were also told about alternative theories.
I wonder what? Neither creationism nor the theory of eternity can be considered as scientific theories.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna