— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110909
Ohhhhhh I brought my cat to the veterinarian yesterday. While he was sealed and tailored there, we studied books from the doctor on the shelf. Among a set of books such as "Mastiffs", "Anatomy of cats", "Treatment of constipation in rodents", was noted the book "Anastasia Volochkova. The Life of a Ballerina"
We suspected it for a long time, but...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110908
We cannot go to bed on time. I agreed with my husband, set up an alarm to know when to prepare for sleep. In the evening, the alarm clock works.
What about the alarm? Time to sleep?
I: Ugo, get up and go to bed.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110907
That’s foolish, forgive me, lords...Who said that the former model is a young girl? The former model and 30 years can be, and 40. And why not work as a lecturer, if she had a profile education with a chimbiofak? The models work from 13 years and up to 25-27, and then another job needs to be sought.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №110906
The real story. Listening to the tram:
Two women in the 60s are talking. From the conversation it is clear that both of the clinics go, as the whole conversation is built around diagnoses, tests, prescriptions. And here one lady complains: "I had some days in my bag, or a bag full of all kinds of papers: cheques, tickets. I gathered it all in the fortress. And you can imagine the recipe was thrown out! Go out to the street for a recipe. Oh, let me tell you what kind of people are pigs! What not to throw under the window! I barely found my recipe in the garbage.”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110905
Try working at the factory.
In fact, they are obliged to walk. And not by dressing, but by a much tougher security technique.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110904
ectd: generally, the neighbors below do major repairs
ectd: it looks like they’re striking right on their feet
ectd: now I understand the meaning of the phrase "threaten to repair"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110903
There are no miracles. Planned economy and market economy are extremely poorly combined.
— — —
The Chinese look at you with some confusion.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110902
I go electric today.
I hear two cute grandmothers talk about grandchildren.
Wade came to me yesterday.
Yes, and what did he do?
2 hours in the bathroom, 3 hours in the bathroom.
Men are such, they are not in a hurry.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110901
here here :
Thirty years ago I read a book, where everything is like in Avatar, only without war and on Jupiter, banal quiet research, a disabled person, living on an artificial satellite, regularly settles in an artificial cocaryamba, which floats around the planet, performs some work.
Eventually, the disabled person gets tired of returning to the degenerated body and he deserts, remaining in the quite comfortable body of the Jupiter monster.

by Paul Anderson. "Call me Joe" I highly recommend "Patrol of Time" to read.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110900
Memento_mori: I once went to wash a cup at work here to drink coffee. Circle in the shape of a skull. I wanted to sleep a lot that day and I was advised to pour soluble coffee in Schweppes instead of water - it boosts better, like. I come back to myself - I have a body in a rift in the doorway. I was surprised, confronted with myself, asking what I really wanted? He begins to tell me that he works with us, that he is our cleric, that we can turn to him if anything, etc. He speaks, and himself looks at the sides and listens. And I have an atmosphere for such conversations that is not entirely available - in columns black some, on the walls corresponding pictures, half-dark. While he was talking and looking at the walls, I was preparing coffee. She got a cup, put a cup of coffee there, took Schweppes and poured it into a cup. In the bowl, it immediately broke, burst, and a brown-colored foam suddenly rolled through the edge, pouring everything out there for me. He was frightened at the matter, and I took it and knocked on the blue eye: "Do you want vodka?" He said: "No!I went out and I didn’t see him again. Most importantly, I didn’t even plan anything like that :-)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110899
Are you as angry as dogs?
In the spring, warm and sunny.
You are making shit here.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110898
New evidence of nuclear explosions on Mars!!!! to
XH: Will new sanctions be imposed on Russia for this?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110897
The media should pay tribute. We didn’t even notice when the struggle for peace grew into a war for peace.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №110896
I pulled out my hand and was taken to the traumatologist. He looked at me and said, “Well, you need to correct, there is no anesthetic, here you have a ball, breathe in the air, here are the poems – read.” I sit, breathing with helium, reading Pushkin's poems with a furious whispering voice, rushing, forgot about my hand. The doctor shakes sharply, I feel pain and I begin to scream with my own whispering voice, I hear myself and I begin to rust, forgetting the pain. Russian medicine is the best in the world.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №110895
According to the Constitution, deputies do not bear any legal responsibility for their public statements. Only two other categories of citizens have such a privilege: the minority and the children.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110894
After years of ignoring the means to increase the penis, spammers gave up and started sending me catalogs of women’s clothes.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110893
If a person works with their brains or hands, it doesn’t matter what they wear.
And if the face of the face or the ass, then there is no dress code.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110892
XX: Have you moved to the country of elves?
YYY: You know, after reading the comments on this post, I tend to assume that I just left the country of the Goblins.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №110891
My older brother and I had a pretty big difference in age, when I was small - they hardly communicated, he was uninterested. It happened in my fifth or sixth grade. When I started coming out of school in blue, my brother (he was graduating from the institute at the time) came to school at the end of the lessons, caught my offender and popularly explained to him that decent people never beat women, providing the lecture with a light pencil for profitability. At home, I was answered by a backbone for being silent for a long time and not complaining before. In general, I love my brother, but I have never learned to understand since then.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №110890
The Pontiac:
In high-end educational institutions, where care is given about the quality of the specialists, a large competition for the place of the teacher is sufficient. The administration has a choice, and therefore it is usually taught not only by professionals, but also by a strange conjunction of circumstances, intelligent, adequate people. It is unlikely that such a person will come to mind dressing up for work in God knows what, so that people then laugh and look behind their backs.
But in educational institutions, the class will be easier to tolerate a strangely dressed inadequate if he is a good professional.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

But in the hottest educational institutions, where they teach not just recruited professionals by the administration, but major scientists who have personally discovered what they are telling, the type of "crazy scientist" is very common. Thus, in general, it does not matter who is dressed and dressed in any way, and they will teach so that very quickly and you will stop noticing such little things.

Of course, "Faculties of Innovative Management" even in these educational institutions this does not apply.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna