— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108689
There’s a lot going on with Freelancer right now.
Working remotely in America - freelancer
Petya eating sites for food - freelancer
Yuri Pertovich digging potatoes for a bottle - freelancer

YYYYYYYYY Are porn actresses just freelancers?

If you take an actress in the rental then yes, freelance

Yyy: "I am not a prostitute! I am a freelancer!" xDDDD
I like this word XD

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №108688
First of all, I am from Armenia. I work in technical support of accounting.
It is located in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.
Collega (K1): There are many different peoples living there (reading from the inette): Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Nants, Belarusians.
Are there Armenians?
K1: Oh, there is nothing written about the Armenians here.
I: Well, they are everywhere a priori, they don’t even write about it, apparently...
Q2: They live there, just not written.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №108687
I will never be better than I am...Because EATING is the best thing.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №108686
I learned to determine the filling of the hole by string: if from the first octopus to the first octopus, then it is time to merge. I’m my mom’s musician =)"

You have your mom’s dolphin.
Call the sanitary!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №108685
Be calm, no one in your surroundings wants to be "special" at all. He only seeks to defend for himself the right to a human attitude and a zone of personal comfort.
This is the same thing......
Well, a person does not understand that an introvert will talk about himself "I am an introvert" only in moments when there are no other arguments. And you won’t be proud of this or whisper on the whole office. In general, I explained to my familiar, brightly expressed extrovert - "Imagine that you remained alone, generally alone, and no one of the people around. You’ll be comfortable?"—She almost said in horror that she didn’t even imagine how it could be. Well, I just said that for me a company of 2+ strangers is about the same as complete loneliness for her. I have understood.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №108684
This is all theory.
= is
In the instructions to the epoxy is written: for 1 division of resin take 1 division of the hardener. Divisions are 1 to 1, but this is how it is related to volume or mass - Hz.
Z is.By the way, in this respect, it hardens.
and Z.YIn your opinion, how should you?
= is
The anecdote.
In a restaurant, a visitor asks a waitress.
The delicious cakes. From what meat?
Meat and horse meat one by one.
That is proportional.
One rider and one horse.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №108683
The director called me to the office today. He sits, gives me a note, looks at the mouth. Remember I told you that we have a girl from the sect working?
XX: They are very offended if they are called so. But not that is the essence.
xxx: I, you see, completely ignore her when communicating "on topics distracted from work". It hurt her very much. As if she could not be in the same room with a man who, I quote, shows me silent aggression and emotional pressure.
YYY: What did you push her there? and out! :D
XXX: I’m going to work here. The last lines killed me. -"Please make <f.i.o.> show interest in me during the lunch break. Otherwise I will be forced to leave your group as soon as possible".
YYY: But is it beautiful? Maybe she just burned on you? :D :D :D
XXX is no. Beware of God!
YYY: I would go to meetings a couple of times. Are you like the first time?
Have you fired a sectarian?
XXX is OK. Only I found in my bag a bunch of her journals and a note with my phone.
YYY: This is a sign from above. The sinner does not know!!!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108682
My sister is a designer. She knows how to make a lot of fun things, but her favorite is bottle vases. All relatives and acquaintances know this, if anyone has bottles of unusual shape - carry it.

We are going to visit my sister with my husband, I remind them - say, don't forget to take a red glass bottle for Katy in the kitchen!

My husband is thinking:

What a benefit that Katya is a designer. You can go with an empty bottle, not a full.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №108681
It was a weekend. I went to the TC with my wife. We went to the cafe to eat, and next to it was a children’s room. In this room, between ten and a half, two real Tasmanian devils, a boy and a girl, were chasing. The first thought was, if they were with us in the cafeteria... there would be hell, pipet and guard, with victims and destruction. Almost simultaneously with this thought, a woman enters the room and... it turns out to be a devil from one mommy. Within seconds they stop, shoe, haircuts (!) calmly and quietly with her.
It can be!! Possibly!! to

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №108680
I found a psychology magazine. About teenage masturbation. I read :
If you find your teenage son in this activity, don’t start screaming and quarrelling at him. Just sit down!) Talk to him with a calm voice. This is the best time to discuss this issue with him."
Yes, the moment is definitely the happiest. The main thing is that the poor boy rabbit and impotent then does not remain for the rest of his life.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №108679
Olha Karpenko (AIN.UA): Valve Gaming Economy Specialist Now Minister of Finance of Greece
Olha Karpenko (AIN.UA): I really don’t remember where in the games of the valve was the economy) their most popular are counter, left for grandfather and half life. There’s all the mechanics – either hit or hit hard.
Timur Vorona: there was a very thoughtful economy in the countryside
Timur Vorona: for murders you get a bubble, you spend it on guns
Timur Vorona: Will it be the same in Greece?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108678
The girl who threw mercury thermometers into the garbage. If this is not just a speech, but the truth, then you are an idiot. The most complete.

The joke:
– Nikolai Petrovich, can I have two strong students?
– Of course, Lydia Ivanovna, you probably need to move something?
The separation...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №108677
I uncovered the secret of the popularity of the film "50 Shades of Grey": it's porn, but in the end it all ends in a wedding! Every woman dreams!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №108676
To sit on social media and be proud of not watching TV is like sitting on a heroin and rejoicing that you don’t drink.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108675
Time travel is real.
Without moving anywhere, we moved from the country that defeated fascism to the country that defeated fascism.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108674
Father: "Can you handle the transformer yourself?"
Son 5 years old: "Well, you will have to guess the instructions first..."

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108673
xxx> I look at these 3D and I can't understand everything: where can an ordinary person apply this device? Is that what I can print?

yyy> well you bought the width. There are no hooks inside. Once, once and after 8 hours is already full!
Isn’t it cool?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №108672
Tagged 16404
I have both legs in place, but I will not go with friends in my free time to the cafe or to a concert, because from crowded gatherings in my ears, headaches in the evening, and in general such a "rest" is worse than stroke work. I talk with my friends myself with pleasure, but I will not go to the center in the evening without a business, just sit at home and I have the right not to listen to grievances about this, I do not hold anyone at home, with what kind of fool to allow myself to pull in my free time? If the boss of the work where to send, I will push the introversion away and go to perform - but on vacation, forgive me, rest.
My teeth are fine, but my smile is still bad. I'm not going to smile at any photo so as not to ruin it - even though it's not even got.
I had to make an allergy to alcohol, because I don’t drink because I don’t like it, even parents refuse to understand it.
I’m ‘sova’ and, once again, when I need to go to work and study, I’ll get up and sing with a whirlwind. But here in the weekend to call at eight in the morning without a serious goal - the behavior is not of crabs, but of pigs. I don’t call them at night if they don’t "Remedies".

Be calm, no one in your surroundings wants to be "special" at all. He only seeks to defend for himself the right to a human attitude and a zone of personal comfort.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108671
The xxx:
I was a girl who loved chess. Fuck, let’s play the guy. I’m a shit, let me. He started chess with 10 difficulties and repeated every move.
The outcome was obvious.)

And how did she react?

The xxx:
You are so clever, all things.
The xxx:
It was the first time I saw a horse.)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108670
The Cat's Logic

Ignoring a piece of meat
Ask for a piece of black bread and grind.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna