— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108889
Sanitary Clay Hermetic
It is non-toxic and can be used in the presence of children and animals.

Aha ha:
He called the children, the cat, and in their presence made cracks in the bathroom.
After the applause, the shout bravo!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108888
16456 is very simple. A four-year-old child is difficult to explain about tolerance - and it is not necessary. Explain that, first, it is ignorant in public places to talk loudly, this in the future will save you from the saying on the whole bus: "mother, and why did you yesterday suck your neighbor?". Secondly, explain that it is ignorant to discuss the characteristics of other people – whether it is the color of the skin, the absence of hair or legs, the height. The Profit.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108887
Nothing seemed to predict trouble, but there was a black woman with a child. And we don’t seem to live in the depths, but we don’t see them often on the screen. And here my daughter looks at them and says the phrase that sparked a truly African fire in this turn:
They are black!
That’s what started here – not to pass on.
And often the child plays in the cap, answering about outsiders comments in the spirit of "uncle bald", "uncle fat", "a girl's glasses" and so on? It is necessary to educate in general, instilling an idea of culture and decency, and tolerance here and nothing to do, actually.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108886
Hi Max, am I surprised?
Well, for example, I’m going against the system: I throw the dirt in the garbage.
You are outside the law.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108885
and Washington. And now get the word Washington in the google translator, "see how it is translated and listen carefully to how it is pronounced" (end of the quote, the spelling is preserved). No, I don’t live in Wall Street.
The name of the English zoologist Thomas Huxley is transliteration, and the name of his grandson-writer Aldous Huxley is transcription; both have the right to exist.
— — —
The river in New York City is called Hudson, and the housewife of Holmes is Mrs. Hudson. Only the Russians know the difference.
Prince Charles, if he survives, will become King Charles.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108884
30 January. On the 8th Street. But I walk in a warm snowboard jacket only because I ran through the pockets, and realized that moving all their contents into another jacket + backpack (in a light jacket so much dirt will not fit) for 2 days is elementary for me.
Maybe I won’t be mocking my wife about her bag anymore.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №108883
The case occurred in front of the ND in Donbas (it is important)
A friend's son did not go to school for several days, there at this time the roles were distributed to the wardrobe. On the first day after leaving the hospital home I passed in tears - my mom gave me the role of UKROP!!! Yes, the boys in the class told him. Tomorrow, my mom will ask how it went.
The teacher listened to the complaint and went under the table. From there, in tears, he explains: the dislocation of the brain needs to be treated, and as for the son, he and the ants will need a suit, but PETRUŠKI.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108882
The developers were obviously engaged in the invention of the bicycle, indeed some strange - Stampankovsky, made of red wood and copper, where instead of wheels a system of stepping levers.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108881
What do you have to do with the diet? Children at 3-4 years are never tolerant or polite, in principle, they only learn! Not so long ago, they learned to connect sounds into clear speech, learned to think and reason, and they are interested in ALL! And why uncle’s a different color? For me, at one time, the same replica of the older daughter was the reason for talking about the fact that people are different, but they are all HUMANS. Thanks to that black boy in the tram, who laughed amusedly at my little boy’s assumption that his uncle hadn’t washed for a long time, he turned black. I, of course, apologized for the child, and then we talked to her for a long time, but thank you, a student of the political school, for not offending the child and translating everything into a joke.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №108880
Casper Casperovich > proto would like to know what you need from the way
Casper Casperovich > tax or what amount
Casper Casperovich > just the sea of options proposals
Casper Casperovich > here is where that is everywhere in different ways and I would that everything I need under my type of activity
Nikolay Smagin > Sasha Gray was not so beaten as you are Russian, brother))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108879
It has been in the refrigerator for a long time, so it has to be eaten.
Don’t throw this tomato away, it’s almost not spoiled, I’ll cut it off and eat it.
This cheese is only slightly covered with mold, it can be cut.
Does the sausage smell bad? You can wash it and then burn it.
The exception in the cult of consumption of corrupted products are, except, eggs.
No GMOs in the production of vodka. Or the beer! Or the chips! Only then will these products be really useful! If the vodka was baked, it was modified wheat.
One remembers the case when a village was all digested with burned vodka - first one died, then food, then more food, and vodka what, what to throw away?
Exhaust gases - and what harm they do, they are almost not visible. Delayed products are almost normal. To go to work sick, or be fined - everyone does. Unprotected sex with a casual partner - feelings with a condom are not the same. And don’t dare touch my traditional beer bottle (1.5 liters) after work! A person needs to relax, and this is not a beer pulse, but a representative figure, and in general, just a large bone. very wide. This is such an insignificant bone.
It’s all about GMOs. If you look at what percentage of harm a person is causing to his health, knowing what he is doing, and the consequences of eating GMOs, everything will become clear. These modified genes shaken his brain!
Down with GMO!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108878
I sit with my colleagues and smoke cigarettes. Talk on the topic of "who as a child played in the courtyard": who catches me brick, Cossacks, robbers, on the table-under the table, etc.
We played in the evil Alibaba.
All: and how is it?
We had one Azerbaijani.


[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108877
Sometimes a person with disabilities makes us a salary.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №108876
The grandmother of God leads a royal pudel to the veterinarian. The pudel is large, but very thin. He looks at everything moving with an unhealthy gastronomic interest. Apparently hungry.
Grandma tells, say, the dog hasn’t eaten anything for a week...Tipa, to the dish will approach, smell, breathe and go away...
The veterinarian begins to inspect the dog, touch and listen in every way. The dog is healthy, but he has only spoken. What a wild? I looked closer... and here.
Did you cut the dog?
She shaved, she shaved.
for a long time?
Take care of the day before it stops.
Grandma, take off the rubber!
For those who do not know - when cutting dogs, they put a thick rubber on their cheeks so that they do not bite.
How could the dog have wanted to eat all this time!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №108875
God, I am 25 years old, and I still, when I think of what day of the week is today, present a diary.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108874
He doesn’t know about what you know about what he also knows...and as if you just know that he is, you don’t know how much of him, but he’s already on the target.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? by Klitschko? and you?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108873
If women’s legs are assessed by weight, then the final cost for beautiful-strong and for fearful-cellulite will be about the same. Since the beautiful and slim weight is less, but the cost per kg should be more expensive, and the cellulite - the cost per kg should be less, but the weight will be greater. The final cost will be roughly the same. The conclusion I made was this: if there is something to do at work, then such a beliberda will not come to mind.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108872
Job: Customer base phallomorphing manager

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №108871
Lilly, yeah yeah
Iris is: (o_)
Lilly, yes : (_ 0_)
Lilly, yeah yeah yeah
It is the following: (○_)
It is the following: (☺_)
Ilya, yes: this is how children are born.
Sometimes I don’t really understand what the hell you’re my friend.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108870
...squiry: Expressive eyes, thin long fingers, neck... Yeah you are LEMUR!...

Figure to two! She is Gollum! :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna