— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107289
Dante's Divine Comedy (European Ancient Literature)
I read on the diagonal. The rhythms are poor, the images are drawn behind the ears, the tongue is old-fashioned.
In short, 1 for the author for the effort, another for the fantasy. So I put 2 and I shield that this is even a lot.Author, write better prose!
Dante: The Divine Comedy
I also tried to read. I thought the prequel to Dante's Inferno, and it turned out to be fucking something. And in the poems. A full standstill. I entered the CS, and I advise others.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107288
Anonymous: Enormous bandwidth capacity! = latency.

The self-driving loaded DVD bandwidth is jealous of any optical fiber. But here, for example, correspondence in chat in this format will be a little rushy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107287
What did Uzi do?
and yes. Rjali with the doctor akki horses)))
– to?! to
“Let’s forge it there, let’s look at our son’s monitor. Then he said: Oh! A good picture! I will keep him! The horizon is broken!
- )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107286
A child of progress: signed three New Year cards, rubbed a mushroom on his finger...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107285
XXX: I have no separation of personality yet.
YYY: Are you sure?
XXX is 80%.
Zzz: And the other 20% are silent.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107284
xxxx: I support 100% - there are countries where there is no oil or gas at all and they live magnificently - because they do not have fairy tales about Emel and Ivanushka, who are lazy and suddenly become rich, but there are tales about the working Cinderella

Yyyy: Is this the one who fucked and lived badly, and then married the prince and stopped fucking? A good story. For the Ukraine. Married to the EU.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107283
Women are more difficult to manage, they have the "tachpad" constantly grumbling.
— — —
The Newfoods! A touchpad is a square on which a finger is led, and a trackpoint for women. To manage a woman, you need to find a notepad with this thing (which is already problematic now) and learn to play it in the starcraft language.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107282
Well, where are the verses about the decline in the rates of the dollar and the euro, comrades in the nation. The bank is waiting. Or is it not funny for those people who broke the doors in exchanges trying to buy $80?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107281
A child in school was asked to draw a favorite fairy tale with a discussion of such and a conclusion of morality. The undisputed leader - "Krošečka-Havrošečka", we draw, discuss... Who doesn't remember - the final is like this: an apple rose from the bones of the killed cowboy, a passing young man promised the girls to marry the one that the apple would give, from the mutants (one-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed) the branches turned away, and only Havrošečka paid for everything... I: - And the presence of multiple sisters, entering the cow's brain through the ear and eating there doesn't bother you? How many eyes does the bride have?" Student Son: -"And that doesn’t matter. The main thing is to be obedient and executive. It’s hard with you!" And you won’t argue with me.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107280
I watch telecasts, news, comment on the CSTO summit... So there, several times, Lukashenko is shown at the table, and before him a sign – the Republic of Belarus!!! Something does not stress my father.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107279
One of the biggest disappointments in life is a glowing condom.
I thought that for the sake of the galaxy, I would proudly march with my light sword, relentlessly pushing them over to the dark side, and it turned out as if an elderly lighthead landed on the hole to quietly and peacefully meet his death in a dream.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107278
The tanks. Replica in chat from a player (child 11 years old):

What’s wrong with my nick?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107277
here here :

Brenskaya: Boltya with Irka on the phone, she tells me: whatever I draw, everything comes true, like by magic!

I was not going to ruin the child's holiday at all, that she was a little bit a wizard, but I remembered the unfinished repair, and it came out of itself: Irka, Draw, How the Ruble Rises!

Ten seconds of ringing silence, the interested eyes of my parents and brother, my burning cheeks and the breathtaking whisper of Irky from the tube.

The cry of the soul, shit.


And I painted, apparently. Let him paint ;)

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107276
Dear readers, as a representative of Belarus, I declare that the names of our state "Republic of Belarussia" and "Belorussia" are quite common and we in principle do not mind how to call it, the main letters do not be confused!!!!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107275
has decided. I removed the screw and installed openSUSE. What is characteristic, midnight dreamed axis, midnight psychiatric hospital =/

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107274
As soon as I begin to talk about God, I feel like someone’s hand is stretching to my wallet.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №107273
One night there was a fire in the neighboring house. Police, firefighters and ambulance. I went with my daughter to look at it - it turned out that the fitness club on the first floor was burning. The 12-year-old daughter looked at the smoke clubs and calmly said:
Someone burned too many calories!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107272
The fact that the country’s leadership knew everything in advance is confirmed by the fact that even a month before the crisis they banned blasphemy.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107271
I, I and only I know how to save the resource from death! Quotes are sent by people with an IQ below 110 units. Also, people with an IQ below 110 units are physically unable to learn their native language at a level that allows them to write without mistakes. It is enough to turn on the spelling, syntax and punctuation filters, so that click, troll and other "ololo" went into the RO custom mode so loved by the users :)
Five or seven years ago, I tried to read the resource alone or at home, so that because of the laughter, the reason for which is not everyone understands, not to be taken for a miserable. Now I boldly open a page at meetings: the emotions I experience from viewing quotes, colleagues take for concerns about holding affairs.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107270
Funny review of the application in the market.
Super I don’t know how I’ve done before without this app. Now you don’t have to constantly look at the website if the trolley bus is coming soon. The phone reminds me that it is time to go out! And in general, I noticed that as I started using this app, it became less irritable, the career went up the mountain, a girl appeared and the hair became soft and silky!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna