— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107309
From Correspondence
1: Nata, acquaintances called her son Illarion. Do you think it is contagious? and :)
2: Yes, the norm, just all the other nics were busy :)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107308
The grains are roasted because of thirst. and Biology.
Entomologists from the University of Toronto have found that females of the four-legged grain tend to have sex not because of the desire to be fertilized, but because of the lack of water in the body.
The researcher Claudia Urshprung formed from 79 females three control groups, reports National Geographic. They were locked up for eight days. The first group was drunk and fed, the second was given only food (sirop or yeast), and the third was only liquid.
Drunk females showed no particular interest in sex. Others, who sat on a yeast diet, on the contrary, began to literally pursue virgin partners, who were regularly planted by scientists. This form of relationship is called polyandria. According to Canadian entomologists, polygamy appeared in these insects as a way of adapting to the dry environment where they normally live. Polyandria helps females benefit from love acts, in this case water from sperm.
“It’s like getting a bribe when coupling. The frogs seem to fear themselves so that the female can bring healthy offspring,” explained study co-author Derrill Guine.
According to Urshprung, the transition to polyandria was given to females with difficulty. Coupling leads to serious damage to the female genital tract, but the grain does not stop it.

Yyy> what a shit scientists are doing

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107307
DerArto: I will not summarize the results. They never deceived me and I will not.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107306
For example, in my childhood and early youth, all the hats I was wearing, I absolutely did not like. As a result, when I entered the institute and began to live separately, at first I fell into ecstasy from the possibility of not wearing a hat at all.

*** by

An enormous human thanks. I had already decided that there were no people left who could use the words "dress" and "dress" correctly. You have restored my faith in humanity, neither more nor less.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107305
The Swedes
Eat the shit.
That week, the potatoes were 30 and now they are 35.

Nikolai Kozarezenko
I have a fucking food, I don’t go anymore.
There is an imported Uzbek curd, a curd.

Nikolai Kozarezenko
It’s not the course, people are gone. Everyone wants to crack.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №107304
<lp> bought a box for cats
<lp> with her was a free pot
<lp> but I’m sure I bought the box

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107303
Yes the people! We, all together, collectively unconscious, dropped the backs for 14 rubles.
This somehow is little.
Let us once again strain the collective unconscious and all together wish:
The dollar falls!
The ruble grows.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107302
You will already decide whether "Crimean" or "not attacked". 
Why “or”? Crimea is ours, but we did not attack.
How is it? I explained.
You had a wife. You treated her badly, blamed her with a piece of bread and treated her in every way. Her wife got tired of it and she left you. to me. And now you can run as much as you want with a confused chicken and whisper “He stole my wife, he stole my wife.” Nothing will change from this: your wife left you by herself. And it is your fault.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №107301
<Copoher> am I her b, jeab and jeab? )))
<Lokomotiv> No, in this case the nick coincided with the content :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107300
A husband recently bought in Samara on a cold-combined carcass of the northern deer. It is delicious.)
The children, bringing, told that, because they hooliganize (the younger - constantly and with knowledge of the matter), he went to Santa Claus and took a deer from him. So that he does not come to them.
It helped for half a day.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107299
Comments on the review of the film "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies", beginning with the phrase "This is the end of the exciting story of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins".

Oh, don’t laugh, this universe brings so many babies that a dozen more movies will be filmed.
yyy: The Epic Adventures of Tom Bombadil in Three Movies?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107298
Don’t forget to pay for the internet (and then there will be no time)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107297
I played domino with my son.
The cat comes and begins to observe the process.
The next game was played by three.
The cat won :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107296
I saw the painting in the store yesterday.
A five-year-old boy with his mom is standing near the vitrine, looking at something there, in one of the pavilions sings another star of the Russian chanson, toli Zeka, toli fuck him knows, and here the boy at his mom suddenly asks: mom, and uncle caca something?
What a Uncle?
The one who sings.
Why did you decide so?
- Well, we are in the kindergarten too, when we cuddle and sing before sleeping, our educators are forced to do so.

Somehow, in order not to roast in the voice, the guy is good, calculated the secret of success шансонье: strive and sing!))))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107295
The auto-informator, as far as I remember, says: "Injury cases on the escalators were involved". Everything is taught and taught. Soon there will be no escalators, but a bloody meat bowl.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107294
My friend (P) told me she was married at the time 5-6 years already. Sometimes her husband (M) calls at 2 p.m. his friend (D) (terrible crackdown), a sleepy husband tries to shout:
Q: What kind of phones? What kind of girls?
B.T., get to any column, there these ads with phone pond ponds!
It is off.
P (very sleepy): What does he need?
M (bad thinking from sleep): Yes girls’ phone calls
Within a minute breaks out of bed, sleeping in neither eye:
I don’t understand why Serena is calling you with this question.? to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107293
Girls don’t write letters to Santa because they wait for him to write first.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107292
We in Ivanovo for such eggs cut off!

YYY: and in the towel - we are sewing new ones!

ZZZ: And we in the Moscow region have logistics and management of these processes and a hundred managers in the office are monitoring the continuous delivery of eggs from Ivanov to Toulouse.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107291
My friend broke up with a guy. He will be very worried about this, but he struggles with himself. Recently issued:
I’ll call him, I’ll ask, “Will you come back?” and he’ll answer, “No,” and I’ll answer, “Pid@r!” and I’ll throw the phone with a whisper.

The NDPB (C)

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107290
A little black humor from the headlines:

Poland asks U.S. to buy “forbidden” apples

2014 / 12 / 23
In the United States, 28 people suffered from listeria, which was contained in caramel apples.

They swim up.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna