— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106109
My husband and I almost didn’t make videos.
My daughter was sleeping and the camera was working. Everything is normal. Here, my browser is a little sloppy and the image is frozen. I didn’t see it, the daughter was still awake and I took her away.

The monitor in front of my husband. On the monitor... right. The child is sleeping!! And here I will go with her in my hands.

His face changed and his hair slowly began to shrink. He is in the screen...

We put as many bricks as we could to rebuild the house.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106108
I asked at 2 o’clock at night a brilliant question – what do vegetarian workers feed their cats/dogs. This is a shit, comrades. These noble nature defenders are seriously proposing to translate our younger brothers to the grass! They don’t bother us with the cat now, hell tolerance >_<
by admin. and cat. and Schröder.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106107
Catta: In the subway, Australians discuss Russian acquaintances:
Catta: Of every ten Russians, nine are great programmers and one is a mafia.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106106
Especially when there are no dates.
— — —
Call it yourself. The main and only cockroach in all girls without exception - "the girl does not make the first step. Who put this shit in your head? A foolish mom who had sex once in her life during your conception? If you want to be like this, sit and wait for the prince (he will appear to you in the image of a retired postman). If you want to live a full life, start thinking with your head and act in the right direction. You owe nothing to anyone here, and no one owes you anything.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106105
Imagine what it feels like when you wash alone in your bathroom, and suddenly someone sneezes behind your back. I thought I would drown the cat right there!

I am surprised by such owners. As a hostess of tails with extensive experience, I can say: any sudden choking, sneezing, coughing, choking, a mysterious whisper, a whisper of half, a laughing soul and so on. In an empty house, they are typically attributed to cats. Cats seem to think of their owners.
Everyone is calm. A disappointed and embarrassed ghost is removed into the fog.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106104
xxx: ща lohanulся in the store - bought peelmen for 400 r
YYY: What about babies?
XXX: Even if they’re shit, I don’t admit they’re tasteless.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106103
Question: If a motor is put on a bike (analogue to D-6 or a gasoline), will it be considered a motorcycle (category M) or not?
Answer 1: If the volume of the engine is less than 50 cubic centimeters, then no, it does not fall under category M.
Answer 2: You will see the employees of GIBDD, deaf and loud.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106102
I am afraid of Disney in Star Wars.
A song, a princess, and a good ending.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106101
Topic on one of the forums "I will give"
blond-blond: I will give the bottles from under baby food:
moderator: grow the coder from the diapers, feed his jav script in pots!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106100
In Russia, a bottle of vodka costs about as much as a bank of red caviar. But everyone understands perfectly where there is luxury, and where the object of the first necessity.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106099
<damned_> Damn it! Pope went to the server.
<damned_> my freebsd!?!?!?!? to
<Kaktys> damned_: what will the holy water of the sprinkled water and the catch on the smoke sensor?
<damned_> the dwarf, threatened that mice and rats will take over. Full of them here!
<vvs> now you will have orthodoxy there. I don’t know what’s worse, mice or mice.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106098
I went to the pharmacy today. Dialogue with the pharmacist (F):
I: Yes, I have a pill for my throat.
Tag: UGU
I: From the cold drops.
Tag: UGU
I am Teraflu.
F is UGU. Something else?
I: Something else needed, I forgot!
He throws another box on the shelf.
F: Here is a glitch for memory.
Trolls fucking

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106097
My idiomatic language is wonderful! I can’t understand why this fucking face?

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106096
I need to urgently consult with SEOs.
How to explain to Google’s contextual advertising that I’ve already bought shoes. :D

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106095
The Habr:

EpiChild :
Using voice recognition to control a computer, and even more so as replacing the keyboard is a deadborn idea. <...> But the keyboard as a way to enter a large amount of information also has its age. Instead of a keyboard, several cameras could be used to track all the movements of the fingers, recognize them and enter the relevant information into the memory. No need for a keyboard. On certain gestures could be hanged the call of the necessary applications. Also, quick switching between the simulated keyboard and track pain. The workplace is hygienic again.

ega25: Ugu, sit and not move. You scratch the nose, format the disk.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №106094
I sit in Inet today, went to the site of the growers of Maine Coons. Under the photo of the cat indicated her weight: 6200 kg. Something I don’t want to have a six-toned beast.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106093
From the forum of winemakers, talk about hydroclosure:

Use of contraceptive products

yyy: I was ashamed that I put products with a strawberry taste on the banana braga. Now on apple only with apple. I think this is archival.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106092
The theme is the Internet of Things. The new technologies...
Chukovsky K.I.
The drinker whispered:
"I can’t go any further"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106091
Excessive filling to the face is just a wallet.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №106090
Gardening, 6 hectares, under Peter. The man found several shells on the site, called the militia, came, hung the flags, announced that the sappers would be, but - not immediately, and until then - the shells should not be touched, no one to let them, etc., and so on. A day, a week, a month passes, the man and his family are already accustomed to the shells, they are somehow familiar, but these are shells, and their place is not in the country, but in the field, and the sappers do not go and do not go. Tired of this man, he took carefully this gift to the doorstep of the local administration - and the police came, and the sappers, and quickly what was needed - did. Morality: interaction with the Russian state requires wisdom and courage.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna