— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107109
Or do you think that people who consider themselves Orthodox will actually go to someone’s private temple that does not belong to any confession? If you go, only for a trip.
Most of those who consider themselves Orthodox even about the "Symbol of Faith" do not know anything, and you about such subtleties... They will go like cute, the main thing is to draw more convincingly.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107108
Damn, man, you have seen her, and what she will post on the wall!
WOW: I have seen. It turned into TP almost entirely.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I answered myself! Do you need it, fucking?
What a shit, we have to!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107107
In one and a half thousand years, the resolution (analogue) of the UN General Assembly will decide on the formation of the State of Ukraine on the part of the territory controlled by the Lviv and Volyn emirates.

"It is unclear why the Chinese will create or maintain some emirates and especially other states on their planet.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107106
This will not be destruction but schizophrenia, try not to create a club with someone who will sing a choir with you.
It is not even schizophrenia, but in general, trying to argue with Professor Preobražensky.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107105
Literacy and mental development. As a child, he considered himself very clever and calculated, not without grounds, but with over-the-counter. I liked to replace various words with synonyms to show that I know their meaning, apparently. She sent me, so my mom to the pharmacy to buy candles with beauty extract. So I understood that "with the extract" in this case should not be changed to "with the taste". The pharmacist was very pleased with this request.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107104
Onfim: We are so aware that we are being listened to.
Onfim: But now security officials are complaining that we are talking too loud around fire sensors. Nuts are non-branded.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107103
I like to cuddle. Sometimes I forget and can do it with a stranger.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107102
My daughter (2,5 years old) just said in the store:
Dad, I love you very much!
I squeezed, everyone around smiled, and she continued without lowering the volume:
And the mandarins too.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №107101
H&M: I recently went to second grade.
xhh> They asked them to prepare for the exhibition.
xhh> He is sitting, zumbing. His knowledge is periodically checked.
hh> I hear it rush like sick.
xhh> Well I was interested, said, chazanah.
I go into my son’s room. He looks at her in the oak, and she cries. And in her hands she has a drawing with exhibition.
hh> Well I take it, I read it.
The essence of the text is that in the spring the mouse nurses flooded, the mice flooded, and the birds began to throw stones on them from the clove to get a blow.
Well, and the heroes of the text, say, caught the yoghurt out of the water, planted him and he was still sitting in the boat.
After the birds, which (I quote) "throwed mice with stones along the sloping trajectory", I still stood.
xhh> But after "on the bottom of the boat I was sitting on an affectionate yogi" I bended with my wife %)
xhh> And the son has never understood what the ancestors are...
H&M and I love kids. % of

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107100
If you ask the technician, he will say that there are no three-digit numbers.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №107099
How does a product of exclusively animal origin fall into vegetable oil, can it be clarified?

– – – –
Miss, did you want to clarify before you decided to let anyone go? Or our plants have ceased to be living organisms, which essentially contain this fat in their fragile cells, excluding only unfortunate prokaryotes, endowed with such a wonderful opportunity.
Dear Sir, you would at least open a school textbook on biology and by familiar letters try to learn that living organisms are divided into the kingdom of animals and the kingdom of plants. And the oil cultures of the plant kingdom cannot contain the fat of the meat and milk of the animal kingdom. They do not cross, at all. A cat with raps and sunflower instead of wool and high-hearted flowers for you! ))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №107098
This is:

Well, and what kind of profitable production is concentrated in Norway, Sweden and Canada, are you highly spiritual?

— — —

In Canada there is, say, Bombardier (like a very large manufacturer of trams, trains, locomotives, aircraft and other little things like quad-cycles).

In Sweden, for example, there is the furniture giant Ikea.

Norwegians do not have any crazy developments, but they did not steal their petrodollars, but allowed to improve living standards and created a significant reserve fund, which allows them to now relatively calmly experience the fall in the price of oil.

In the end, let me wonder: how long have you been gambled in Google? How is it in Baneto?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107097
Green is the color of Avada Kedavra, the dollar is also green.
— — — —
The color of light, the color of life, the color of Islam, and the color of Esperanto. Fuck, I just had a conspiracy theory!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107096
Judging by the fact that in the cartoon about Cheburashka the crocodile walks in a hat and coat, knows how to write and talk, he is genetically modified.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107095
DerArto: Santa, I don’t know what it’s like to sleep out, I’ve never had it, but others say it’s cool, give it a gift for the New Year, right?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №107094
In our climate to produce products for $100 you need to spend $120 :(
– – – – –
Do you really believe that the scale of scattering is directly related to the climate, or are you simply quoting the method?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107093
We are discussing the upcoming wedding with the young man.
He said, “It would really be right if I first went to your mother, talked to her and asked for a blessing.
I: Actually, it would be right if you didn’t fuck me before the wedding.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107092
I finally realized that I made the right decision – to get out of here! When I came to work in the morning, I saw two cockroaches running out of an empty office on the frost.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107091
I work in a pharmacy.
A woman at fifty:
Tell me, do you have trousers?
No, there are cracks.
What damn do I have of your coats? I need a trunk.
Take the coats. Winter is long.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107090
Pchela fed kotozay on one side with carrots and on the other with meat.
<kotozay> ^_^
Faumi> pchela: where did you put the carrots there?
<kotozay> very correct and vivid question, by the way...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna