— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103949
I had sex with him and Eddie.
I was also hinted, made compliments, and everything around it shattered, so in friends she climbed that up to my department moved, and all this after one single compliment. Directly asked her, he said, “No, I’m not interested in you!” he said, “Well, great!” later pretended to fuck her girlfriend – she’s hysterical and nervous. I came to work with tears and red eyes for a week.

What conclusions? If you suspect you are fucking, even mild, then you should probably refrain from looking for a partner or partner.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №103948
The Soviet joke.
In the country, as in the "South Press": "Truth" no, "Russia" sold, there was only one "Work".
Daddy, you already if you get to quote, so at least studied the primary sources, or half the meaning disappears.
This joke ends with the words: "... remains <Work> for 2 copies".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103947
to this:
Nitromethane was not classified as an explosive substance until the explosion of a railway tank on July 1, 1958.
For a long time, the largest explosion in the history of mankind was considered the explosion of a double salt warehouse - sulphate and ammonium nitrate in Oppau (Germany). The fertilizer was crushed into small explosions, which apparently caused detonation in the entire mass of the substance previously considered safe. The explosion turned out to be so powerful that along with the strong destruction in Oppau's own houses were also destroyed in Manheim, which is 6 km away. The explosive wave broke out glass at a distance of up to 70 km.

"Chemistry and Life" No. 5 1990

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103946
So, maybe it’s worth wondering, is there a lot of real women left?
Always support the man. They feed, feed, and silence where they need to be. Those who want and can raise children, keep the fireplace.
And most importantly, they will be loyal to their man no matter what. They will never leave you alone, even in the most difficult moments. As the saying goes, “a friend is known in trouble, and a wife in poverty.”
Therefore, only those who deserve the right to be called a “true woman” can claim a “true man.”

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Oh oh oh oh oh. You do me good here, and I will come to the ready, and then I will behave like a man. It is possible."

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №103945
You are like the medusa of Gorgon. When I look at you, my member turns into a stone.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103944
Comments on the song on popular ear resource:

XXX is good!!! I found you!! I was looking for more than I liked! ?
yyy: I was raped under this song in the car, and I was looking for it too.
Zzz: It’s a long talk, but I heard it on the radio – I liked it. I found it without problems, I know English. They were not raped in the car.
qqq: I would listen and listen... but the disc with this song has to be thrown out, why do I have stuff.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103943
In supermarkets usually from 10 to 20 cash.But only always work 2-3.Explain:why the rest?Governor what will come to charge?"

The so-called "Russian mentality" - According to the rules of trade, a certain amount of cash is required for a certain metering of the trading area. That’s why they make 10-20 cash. But the rules do not say anything about whether they should work, and the working cashier is the cost (such as the cashier, service, etc.). That’s why they don’t work.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103942
by mail.response
What do you need to have a legionella?? to
Accounting and Orthographical Dictionary

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №103941
Most on the dating site are afraid to meet: men – complete ugly woman, women – rapist and murderer. © by

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103940
Thus e. Either you wash your dishes as I say, or you wash yourself, but I will not wash the dishes at all.
did not see.
– – – – –
My own... Or my own as I said... Or my own... Staa? ><

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103939
Discussion on the hub of a compact encephalograph allowing to measure the emotions of a person.
1>> give two!
2>> and are very naive. Pray that it will remain a fun but useless toy.
3>> Just don’t say you’re paranoid about the reverse effect.
4>> You have enough and no reverse. “Evaluation of the enthusiasm of working at our wonderful company during the working day,” for example.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103938
Let it live another year:

From a Chinese student:

Russian men are positive. They don’t immediately get into the eye, but then I understand: a good person, kind. They have interesting brains and warm soul".

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №103937
According to statistics, 8 out of 10 girls have an abortion before marriage.
The highest incidence of abortions is between the ages of 18 and 19 (56 per 1000).

And where is this "eight out of ten"?
The anecdotic:

How old is your son?
and sixteen.
Abortion is too late!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №103936
I want cheesecake, not to get fat and sleep
222: Sim Salabim, Ahalay Mahalay!
222: You have no wishes left!
Do you sleep with a cheesecake in your mouth?
1 of 11 (
Something is wrong with my beard.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №103935
There are such interesting personalities.

All guys just need sex, and communicating with girls just to fuck?

All the girls just need to go out and babbling with coffee shops?

A friend with a friend. We work together, we read the same thing, on weekends - rushing to the pitch, together rushing on survivors' forums. But how though. The girls are scared of the prospect of becoming a nasty friend. I let him gently hint, like, dear, I didn't get the light with a cling, out of Masha is beautiful, cheerful, sporty, out of Dasha... Fortunately, again under alcohol it turned out: I didn't like him as a girl for a second. (And the female brain has already drawn such a drama.)

So, ladies and gentlemen, each speaks for himself, each for himself.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №103934
The story of a general who hid his documents in a basket.

My mother had a similar case at work. They cut off an uncle who worked there all his life. He was offended and, leaving, decided to do a shit. Removed a lot of important documents. Oh, how upset he was, probably...
True, the basket was not cleaned, so they were restored to the mouth the same day.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №103933
The news:
FAS proposes to introduce special tariffs for the use of YouTube
Commentary :
The FSKN itself is no longer able to cope with the recycling, has it started to share with other ministries?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №103932
XXX: The new law opened
Xxx: \ + / = X
Yyy: O_o

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №103931
A warning system was introduced at work. It sends emails, text messages, knows how to call and read any text with a synthesized voice.
Recently it was discovered that one of the administrators instructed her to call him at eight in the morning and say with a female voice, “Rise up, Pashinka, it’s morning.”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №103930
About Real Men

Do you see how a man has ruined in the last 500 years?
In 500 years everything will be ruined.

(Operetta "The Flying Mouse")

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna